Needed to say this... nothing about WD - Off-Topic
I may missed some words along the writing; might edit later.There's something in end that connects to S2 Ep.5.You'll know what, don't skip it until reading all of this.
Some days ago have benn noticed that Jim Foley was decapitated from a military agent of ISIS.
This news is another that adds to many others. Makes me sick politicians and religions who use violence as the easiest and "good" way that they both want so much.
I'm not American, I'm Portuguese, but I don't need to live in the country to know what’s happening.
Unfortunately the recent news of the young man who was killed is in the mouths of people and running all world.
Not only Obama(like most, he speaks but don’t do anything) but like many others politicians do the same or even worse. They didn't realized that doing war solves nothing and every person who dies, that death will affect the person who killed her/him for the rest of your life.
This is what happens to the innocent and blameless people. I wasn't going to see the video, I never wanted to see but I think it's time to show the world what humanity does to itself and people need wake up to reality. We are blind and don't have any idea of the violence that exists and in this case the man was simply just killed for stupid reasons.
I heard rumors that Obama went to golf after watching Jim Foley being killed. Does he have some emotion?
Jim appealed to his brother to stop doing army and think about the lives that he killed for missions from Obama.
No comments to these kind of people who kills others. Both sides act bad, neither Obama or ISIS is good. All because of wanting to defend their religion through war, and this is right for them? And more, yet we continue to try to "win" the territory of people from other countries, on a trip looking for leadership over others and the only purpose is to kill people.
Have you already thought that maybe some day it arrives and then there is not more people to kill? Does consciousness falls upon them?
Never the policy will solve anything to make things good. Neither politicians can govern themselves up. How they will govern us?
They are the cause from the beginning.
For thousands of years all the world empires had their time to prove they were good leading the world. But they all failed, they all fall, always.
The humanity walked thousands of years killing each other.
Only wars and people have seen many but many until now, and they aren’t even worried about that happening.
The war and all these deaths over time are something that human beings have been consistently "good".
If you people think the world(the bad things and bad people) is saved, it's not.
The planet can't support so much pain, death, global warming, killing animals, among other things.
Think about what you do and what's the purpose of you living in this world. Help each other, it's better.Don't be mad with some people with simple things.They mightn't be there tomorrow.
Give a 2nd chance to people, only if you see that that person deserves.
Open eyes and look the world around you, everything is falling apart, even if someone wants to help it will great but won't safe the world.
If you politicians want to save the world, you CAN'T. It's already too late.
All you can do is changing your behaviour and be other person, but when talking about the world...
...There's No Going Back
You know there is a telltaletalk section......
We have an off topic section (Telltale Talk) if you scroll down past the Walking Dead section three times.
Ok thx for info
Allow me to weigh in, as someone who's followed this trail of carnage for a long time.
That's a false, comparing ISIS to western government. I'm not going to go out there and say that everything western governments do is justified, because quite frankly, it isn't. But to say they are just as bad as ISIS? That's an argument I can't stomach.
This Islamic State of Iraq and the Shaam is perhaps the most brutal militant group in the world. Their atrocities are so numerous and horrible that al-Qaeda itself has repeatedly questioned and condemned its' actions. Their current goal, it seems, is to topple the Shi'ite Iraqi regime and start a full-scale conflict between Sunni and Shia Muslims. The massacres are a means to an end, to polarize and scare people into choosing sides. ISIS is an extremist Sunni group, but they are perfectly willing to butcher other Sunnis. Members of their own sect who sit on the fence and refuse to rally behind their cause are of no use to them. In ISIS eyes, you're either a supporter or a corpse, there's no other options.
What's really sad, is that nobody really seemed to care about them until one American got his head chopped off. A few weeks ago, ISIS stormed a Syrian military base near Raqqa. Once the assault was over, the militants dragged the survivors and corpses to the city-square, chopped their heads off and fixed them to spikes as a warning to the people. Barely anyone in the west noticed. We never do...until reality knocks on our door and hits us over the head with a baseball bat when we answer. Then, we perseverate on that particular incident, without eve looking at the big picture. The stuff happening halfway around the world is bloody and depressing, but we can't afford to act like it isn't real.
Anyway, I'm a big fan of talking instead of fighting, but that isn't going to work with ISIS. There's nothing to talk about, they're genocidal mass-murders and they need to be put down.
I think you know much about this,maybe you once were a soldier?Never mind...
Not saying that both sides are equal, but same do bad things.Yes, ISIS are bad people but there proves that America killed innocent people and even people who weren't to be killed, in other words, they won't even a target to eliminate.
In the eyes of the world America is the good, but they did many things wrong.
I'm not questioning the ISIS, they are very bad and diabolic.I can't even describe who are they.
1.) Nope, not a soldier....they're real sticklers about half-blind people using guns.
I've just been following middle eastern affairs for a while.
2.) I'd be the first to agree that the US government has a lot of innocent blood on it's hands. We're often too quick to a bomb a target and wait until afterward to ask who else might have been standing there...and don't even get me started about 'extraordinary rendition' and that crap. Then again, I think just about every government has that shameful baggage. For example, I'm sure that a lot of Angolans and Mozambicans who lived through their country's respective War of Independence would argue that the hands of your government are far from clean.
EDIT: I just want to clarify that I'm just trying to make a point and I don't mean to insult Portugal.
I know you guys were under a dictatorship and didn't have much choice.
Not insulting, but the only fault is from Governs and people need toface that even we or other people didn't do anything.
All the things started when people wanted to be leader over other people.
I know that thing about War Independence.We were the "kings and queens" of the sea but now there's not much left of us.
Africa wanted independence and we didn't want that.
We can't even agree with others and live with each other.
History stays always in the mind of people,but there are some countries which stay the same since many years.
There's bad people everywhere.