TheGirlFromAus Interview With Adam Harrington
I thought I would post this excellent interview with Adam Harrington. TheGirlFromAus is a You Tube user who plays games and stuff. Enjoy!
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TheGirlFromaus is kewl. I'm Aussie too yay!
He sounds so much like Bigby. I know he is Bigby's voice actor but still I didn't think that was his normal speaking voice
. Also I love girls with Australian accents they're so sexy :P
By the way we have gavinism, why not Harrinism? Adam Harrington's hair itself deserves to be worshipped.
Hell yeah. And a lot of Aussie girls are so fucking attractive too.
Haha yeah. Lets start a Harrington religion lol Him and Gavin are just awesome.
How did I predict that this thread would become admiring aussie women? xD Well, the Hemsworth brothers aint that bad, (thats thor and gale from hunger games)
Sorry, couldnt help myself haha. Anyway, which part of OZ you from?
That was pretty cool, and he mentioned Giraffehat, so that was cool too.
Holy shit, if it wasn't for his accent he would be 10/10 Bigby.
I saw some interviews and streams with Adam before, but this one really shows just how much of a respectful and all around great guy he is. I hope we will hear more of Adam's voice as a protagonist in the future, and not necessarily in a Telltale game. He definitely deserves it.
Adam did a similar interview like three weeks ago. With gamermd83. He really is a great guy. All the voice actors seem to be very approachable and down to earth. Well here are the links for the talk between gamermd and Adam Harrington, for those interested.
MD Interviews: Adam Harrington 1/2
MD Interviews: Adam Harrington 2/2
I'm from Victoria, close to Melbourne.
Sweet. I used to live in Melbourne. Beautiful city.
Absolutely agree. The guy is a great talent.
Wow she also plays Quantic Dream's games, Uncharted, The Last of Us, Bioshock... definitely gonna subscribe her!
Please do! I'm subscribed to her. She is awesome (and I bet she is really stoked to see this on here.)
I've never watched her. She's not the girl version of pewdiepie is she? I hate that guy.
Not at all. In fact I think she is far better than Pewdiepie. And her reactions are just hilarious sometimes lol
Hmm I think I will check her out.
Cool. Her reaction when Carley died was just priceless.
Yeah I was kinda surprised at her subscriber count. She deserves way more! Her emotional gameplay is just great to watch!
Do you know if she did a playthrough of bioshock infinite? If so I would love to watch that.
Yeah she did. Check her channel under "Playlists".
I agree. Shes not far away from 10,000 subscribers which is just awesome.
I smiled the whole way through. Adam is such a nice guy.
I am indeedy
People have called me that but I think its just cause I play horror games our reactions are different
If you're referring to the montage there will be another one at 10k subs
And so easy to talk to as well