Wallace and Gromit - Terrible Graphical errors

edited March 2009 in Game Support
So I preordered Wallace and Gromit the other day, I normally don't preorder PC games but the deal was so good that I decided I had to. I booted up the game today to find loads of graphics errors that ruin the game experience.
Here are some screenshots of what I'm seeing:
The last screenshot is by far the worse, throughout the whole of the opening cutscene I see straight through the walls and floor of the house and had to change the graphic setting to fix it (Strangely it was at 4 by default, and changing it down then back up brought back the walls and floor as seen in the first and second screenshots so it wasn't the graphic setting but the fact I had to change it for some reason). You can also see graphic errors outside of the game window.
I have tested the game on other graphic settings and I still get problems and it's also worth noting that on the title screen I get black boxes that cover up the images and buttons that also go when I change the graphic setting and have to do this every time I start the game up.
Please help me as I'm so angry at the fact that I bought four games that might all be like this.
Here are my computer details, if you need any more details just ask:
OS: Windows XP
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.80GHz
RAM: 1024MB
Video Card: RADEON 9700 PRO 128MB (After first getting problems with the game, I installed the newest drivers then tried again and still got the errors in my screenshots)
DirectX: 9.0c


  • edited March 2009
    I've got nearly the same problem
    But the game looks even worse (much worse) on my PC
    luckily it's running on my laptop now without problems.
    Bu I'd still like to play it on my PC.
    hope this is going to be fixed.

    Edit: I just tried to make a screenshot, but those colorfull pixels didn't show up on them.
    In the game, they are like all over the screen.
    lots uf purple an green squares.
    Bit like in a bad movie stream
  • MilMil
    edited March 2009
    I have the same issues like Aero. The errors are so bad you really don't want to play it.
    Radeon X850, latest driver, WinXp SP3, P4, 3 Ghz, 2GB Ram. DirectX9.0c

    Edit: I did play the demo before the full version and didn´t had this texture issues. In both cases I set the resolution to 1600x1050, full screen and the graphic value to 5.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Have you tried using Omega's version of the drivers? http://www.omegadrivers.net/omega_drivers.php
  • edited March 2009
    I've got an invidia Geforce FX 5600
    I downloaded the latest drivers, but it didn't help.
    should I try the Omega drivers too?
    I didn't know those existed
    are they really better then the original ones?
    I mean, they are older...
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    They aren't necessarily better, but they do tend to be more reliable.
  • edited March 2009
    those omega drivers didn't change anything.
    But I've just realized, that there are a lot fewer graphical errors, when I play in windowed mode.
    There are still some left, whoch look different from the many colorfull squared.
    Here's a screenshot.
  • edited March 2009
    Are you overclocking your video card? My previous experience with S&M on a NV6600 was that even a few percent overclocking caused problems with the card that did not show up in other games.

    The glitches outside the game window in OMG Areo's windowed shot (3rd pic) looks like a RAM access (overclocked) fault.

    Do these faults appear at the start of the game, or do they start appearing after a few minutes of play time?

    You may want to run tests such as:

    Run the tests for at least 30 minutes each. The Video Card Stability Test really heats up the card and should show you if the card/overclocking is the fault.

    If those tests pass, then a log file from DXCapsViewer.exe may prove usefull.

    If the tests do show graphic glitches, you may want to open your computer and clean the video card fan. Also make sure the fan is actually running. A good cleaning at least once a year is a good thing to do anyways.
  • edited March 2009
    Bruno83 wrote: »
    those omega drivers didn't change anything.
    But I've just realized, that there are a lot fewer graphical errors, when I play in windowed mode.
    There are still some left, whoch look different from the many colorfull squared.
    Here's a screenshot.

    I get similar with my FX5600 - in game it looks like flies buzzing around the characters' faces.
  • edited March 2009
    no, I'm not overclocking my videocard.
    the faults appear right at the start of the game.
    @ emochicken: since we bith've got the FX5600... is there a difference betwenn window and fullscreen mode?
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