TWD ep. 5 Not Available For Dowload on PC

I pre-ordered Season 2 of this game off the Telltale Store, and have had zero problems with the past 4 episodes, but today (8/26/14) I went on, ready for the episode, which was supposed to be available on PC today, and it still said "coming soon." I was wondering if anyone had an a similar problem, and possibly a solution.



  • I and at least 3 others have had this problem and were talking about it on another thread. Ive restarted the game and tried all day and it still says coming soon, after the forever long connecting time that is. I've had no issues with the other episodes and I do have the season pass. TellTale, help us out! That cliffhanger is killing me!

  • Same issue here man. I'm from europe and i dont know if there is a different date for the release

  • good i thought it was just me who had this problem/// if anyone figures it out please share in the meantime ill be emailing talltale because i rushed at work to get home

  • Agrh I know right?!?! I actually saw that thread, but since that one was about the 360, I made a new one, because I thought it would be more noticeable, I just wish someone knew what was wrong, I tried all the different tricks that usually work and nothing has. :(

    Decim8er posted: »

    I and at least 3 others have had this problem and were talking about it on another thread. Ive restarted the game and tried all day and it s

  • It says today on PC, I never saw anything about different countries being different days. USA here btw

    dirtypuppy posted: »

    Same issue here man. I'm from europe and i dont know if there is a different date for the release

  • I actually went to make a new thread and saw this one. Hahaha, we had the same idea

    Agrh I know right?!?! I actually saw that thread, but since that one was about the 360, I made a new one, because I thought it would be more

  • It is today, and it shouldn't matter what country you are in, as soon as Telltale can help us out the better.

    dirtypuppy posted: »

    Same issue here man. I'm from europe and i dont know if there is a different date for the release

  • I also have the same issue... issues logging in for 3-4 times. Then, finally, I was able to login after a long connection period. Finally, after going to both episodes and play>episode 5, it still says "Coming Soon"

    Decim8er posted: »

    I and at least 3 others have had this problem and were talking about it on another thread. Ive restarted the game and tried all day and it s

  • Telltale must also be having crowded servers today due to the release of ep 5, which certainly isn't making any of this any easier for anyone. That must be why you're connection is worse than normal. I'm still totally stumped as to why the episode isn't available for download though.

    jblitz59 posted: »

    I also have the same issue... issues logging in for 3-4 times. Then, finally, I was able to login after a long connection period. Finally, after going to both episodes and play>episode 5, it still says "Coming Soon"

  • im having the same problem it still says coming soon even tho it should be out today on pc

  • edited August 2014

    Yeah I saw your other post man, if Telltale contacts you first can you let us know here? I don't mean to be too pushy but I don't know if I'll remember to check yours.

    AGoods001 posted: »

    im having the same problem it still says coming soon even tho it should be out today on pc

  • People who bought the game from steam are already discussing the endings. I'll never buy from telltale store again.

  • im starting to wish i just torrented the game, the whole season has been available and free.... and i thought i would support telltale

    chrisvolk posted: »

    good i thought it was just me who had this problem/// if anyone figures it out please share in the meantime ill be emailing talltale because i rushed at work to get home

  • I really love these guys and what they do, but they need to get some stuff under control sometimes.

  • I am in America and I came home like '' YEAH time to download ep. 5!'' then I was like '' NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!'' so yeah tried restarting the game multiple time but that did not work I have five bars on the wifi downloaded on PC with season pass on another profile but forgot my password so I have been downloading from the in-game store please tell me if this problem is cleared

  • Anyone have advice for a guy living in North America with a PS3? Same "coming soon" message for me :(

  • edited August 2014

    I got it from USA PSN and I have the same problem. 'Coming soon'....No its not coming soon because I jst downloaded it 5 times and you took my money! I would love it if when Telltale goes to take the money from my bank it says 'Coming soon'.

  • edited August 2014

    go to google and type in s2e5 release date for ps3 and xbox360...

    naveenvarna posted: »

    Anyone have advice for a guy living in North America with a PS3? Same "coming soon" message for me

  • Having the same issues as everyone else is here, came over from the other thread. Hopefully we will hear from a staff member soon.

  • edited August 2014

    This is what i get after restarting the game several times

    Alt text Alt text Alt text Alt text

    In the last snapshot a tooltip appears to say Episode 5 is available to download but when i click it opens a new browser tab to main page. This is it. I have no clue what's going on :S

    EDIT: News here: Now the episode is available to download in menus but when i try the game checks few seconds and back to the previous menu saying connection problems or something; probably servers are busy atm.
    I'll check later

  • Same issue here, thank you again Telltale, punishing those that wanted to support you. Never again...

  • Yeah never again, should have did what I did last year and waited about 2 months after the last episode came out to get the whole season for a discounted price. Seems the people who do this are the ones that reap the benefits. I paid double the price I should have to get......'coming soon'.

  • Same problem here - many of us paid for the whole season yet will be the last ones to get the final episode - grrr!

  • Telltale hows about an update for your loyals then? Is this going to be resolved tonight or should I just give up?

  • I'm not usually one to get upset, but I don't usually pay for games. But I enjoy TellTale and enjoyed Season 1 so I decided to spend my money on this to support TellTale and it's annoying to me that I bought the season pass and there are others that are finished and I cant even download it yet. Hopefully someone will respond by tonight!

  • edited August 2014

    Try now guys. It's working

    Download in progress...
    Have faith and fun :D

  • Not working for me? You have it for PC is it?

    Cliph posted: »

    Try now guys. It's working Download in progress... Have faith and fun

  • Yeah, PC version

    Redman316 posted: »

    Not working for me? You have it for PC is it?

  • I literally just checked, it is not. We don't need "faith", we need Telltale to be competent, the fact that those on Telltale's OWN STORE are the last to play is just inexcusable.

  • Thought so I am on PS3 not working for me. Probably going to need an update.

    Cliph posted: »

    Yeah, PC version

  • Mine just changed to show its available to download. But when I click download I get a message saying "Network unavailable, please connect to the internet"

    ....I AM connected to the internet! :(

  • edited August 2014

    I don't know much about PS3 but afaik it's a connection problem and login queues so...
    Just try again and again
    Before download started i have pressed at least 10 times in the menu.
    I got lucky i guess

    Redman316 posted: »

    Thought so I am on PS3 not working for me. Probably going to need an update.

  • sigh.... the ps3 and xbox version come out tomorrow. your not even supposed to have it yet

    Redman316 posted: »

    Thought so I am on PS3 not working for me. Probably going to need an update.

  • sigh I had a USA points voucher which is totally leggit so yeah.

    chrisvolk posted: »

    sigh.... the ps3 and xbox version come out tomorrow. your not even supposed to have it yet

  • just got a message from a staff member

    "I apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently experiencing a high amount of server traffic due to the recent release. We are currently looking into the issue. Unfortunately my only recommendation would be to restart the game and/or your internet connection, and try connecting again, and the episode should show as available after a few tries:

    so i guess we are all SOL

  • Here I thought coming home from work I would be able to finish this season. But I guess I was wrong this really taught me not to buy anything not on steam since they have already played and beat it while the ones that wanted to support the developer got hosed.

  • That's no excuse, this happens with TellTale EVERY fucking time.

    chrisvolk posted: »

    just got a message from a staff member "I apologize for the inconvenience. We are currently experiencing a high amount of server traffic

  • I just finished Episode 4 on the PC and checked my episode list. It had the Downoad link, and I'm at 28% now.

  • I have the same problem. Did not want to have to wait and then I just went to bed. Wanted to play before work. However, the game episode 5 will not load. Now it's 5 clock in the morning.

  • The server is so crowded that even once it's available it can't be downloaded. This is ridiculous. I started this page and hours later we still don't really have a fix. Sorry guys, I guess all we need is time. Telltale, I love ya, I really do, but I'm not too happy about this one.

This discussion has been closed.