W&G full game won't start

edited April 2009 in Game Support

Just bought the new W&G game, installed fine, but when I try to launch it, a task calles "Wallace&Gromit101.exe" takes 50% cpu (maxes out one core) for about 2 or 3 minutes then silently dies.

Nothing appears on screen, nor the event logs.

System stuff:

Core2 3.16Ghz
4 Gb Ram
ATI HD4870 1GB
Vista 64 Ulitimate

Any ideas?



  • edited March 2009
    I get the exact same problem. Hoping it has nothing to do with it being Vista 64...all other Telltale games are fine.

    Hoping this gets fixed soon.
  • edited March 2009
    I am also having that problem. Hope it gets fixed soon. I want to play :(
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Sorry, but Vista64 isn't supported. The Core2 is a 32 bit processor, so running Vista64 has few advantages for you. As it has very poor driver support, I'd consider running the 32 bit version of Vista.
  • edited March 2009
    Your previous games do work under x64. Is this related to the DRM?

    And the Core2 is a 64-bit processor: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Core2

    You need 64-bit to take advantage of more RAM than 4GB.

    //Edit: okay, I see --now-- that you list it x64 as not supported :(
    Was this up on the site before? Any chance of a refund?
    I preordered the full season since I was not expecting a major setback like this.
  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Sorry about that, the Core2 is indeed a 64 bit processor, and you would need 64 bits to access memory above 4GB. Most Core2's are running in 32 bit mode with a 32 bit OS. I'd still recommend a 32 bit OS for general purpose until support for the 64 bit OS's is more robust.

    The incompatibility has nothing to do with DRM, but with the new renderer that was written for W&G. We'll refund you if you're unable to play the game on your OS. Just email support and they'll take care of you.
  • edited March 2009
    Well that sucks. I can still play on my desktop which is 32 bit...but I like the convenience of my laptop. :(
  • edited March 2009
    Thanks for the reply :(
    Very sad news. I won't be able to play W&G then unless I find a new (old) PC to install XP on.

    You should inform Steam of the incompatibility as well, it is still listed as 'Vista' supported (no disclaimer on x64) over there.

    I don't understand why the demo (through Steam) did work by the way, unless it uses a different renderer.

    //Edit: the demo from Telltale itself also works on x64.
  • edited March 2009
    I can't even get it to work on XP :(

    The launcher window opens up, but I get an 'Internal Error' message come up.

    I didn't have any issues running the demo.

    EDIT: I got around the problem; it didn't help that I (personally) can't see the PNG that directs me to give me other options to unlock, which seems to have worked anyway, regardless of the error message... I'd love to know what's causing that Internal Error though.
  • edited March 2009
    Apparently the Steam version does work on x64: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=829160
  • edited March 2009
    The two versions are identical so if ours doesn't work the steam one shouldn't as the executables are the same it is just the way the security works. Our wrapper verses the steam client's. While x64 may not be officially supported that doesn't necessarily mean it won't work it just means we have not tested it and can't say one way or the other. The problem might solely lie with your computer and the fact that other steam users got it to work is no guarantee.
  • edited March 2009
    The Steam version works :)

    That suggests to me it is indeed something in the Telltale wrapper... anyway I've got the game running now. Thanks for the support!
  • edited March 2009
    Hmmm...any more info...since it does seem that the Steam version works, and I can get the demo from Telltale to work?

    That makes it hard to believe it's just a new rendering.

    I'd rather not try for the refund and buy off Steam, because I really like Telltale and want them to keep all the profit, but if there's no other option, I may have to go with Steam.
  • edited March 2009
    Just wanted to pipe in saying I'm running Vista x64 and downloaded the game straight from TellTale's website and it works fine. I just finished the game fully with no hitches.

    There could be some other silly reason the game doesn't work, such as out of date directx/video card drivers or possibly a lack of internet explorer on your system? It would suck to delete the game off your system just because of the theory that "it doesn't work on that version of Windows."
  • edited March 2009
    I'll double check my drivers, but I have IE and had the game check for directx...even though I know I have the most recent version on 10.

    It really sucks that this is happening. I just don't understand why I can get the demo to work, but not the full game. :p
  • edited March 2009
    That is weird Thalidor. In your case the first thing I would try is removing the game from your system completely and redownloading it entirely, could be a rare case of corruption somewhere there. I personally don't see why else the demo would work and not the full game, then again I'm not a staff member so I don't know if there are any major differences in the game engine itself.
  • edited March 2009
    Okay, so this Vista x64 problem confuses me. I downloaded a copy direct from here and installed it on my main computer. It is an i7 Vista 64 Home Premium computer with an ATI 4870. The game runs fine. I tried installing the same game to my other computer that I have connected to my TV, (a C2D Vista 64 Home Premium w/ ATI 4830 computer) and I crash right after hitting the Launch Game button. I rebooted the computer and still have the same issues. This is weird.
  • edited March 2009
    Yup, installed new drivers, double checked directX, (it was fine), completely uninstalled then reinstalled the game, and it STILL won't run.

    I would be fine with the "game is not supported on 64-bit" answer if:

    1. The demo didn't work, (it works fine).

    2. It didn't work on Steam, (no problems reported...not first-hand experience).

    So what's the deal? ...I've never had any problems before from Telltale.

    I'll also add that the launch game box takes abnormally long to come up, (about 20 seconds), and there are no pictures there like on other games, just the launch game button and black areas where the pictures should be.
  • edited March 2009
    Kevin wrote: »
    I'd still recommend a 32 bit OS for general purpose until support for the 64 bit OS's is more robust.

    The incompatibility has nothing to do with DRM, but with the new renderer that was written for W&G. We'll refund you if you're unable to play the game on your OS. Just email support and they'll take care of you.

    I must say I am very dissapointed by your response.

    When is the last time you tried a 64 bit OS? Becasue your ideas about them, and the level of support they have are years out of date.

    If the steam version works fine as others have claimed, it sounds very much like either a system specific issue, or a Telltale packaging/DRM problem rather then a renderer problem. You seem to have very firm ideas about where the problem doesn't lie, with little data to back them up.

    I'll contact support and ask for a refund.

    Edit: I just downloaded the demo via steam, and it works perfectly
  • edited March 2009
    Gaspode wrote: »
    I just downloaded the demo via steam, and it works perfectly

    Not only does the demo work through steam, but it also works for the one provided through Telltale. So yeah...something's up.
  • edited March 2009
    Okay, very strange update. I reinstalled the drivers for my graphics card, and the March 2009 Direct X file from Microsoft, rebooted, and now my game works. So, no idea if it was an old Direct X version or old ATI drivers... but I can play the game now on both systems!
  • edited March 2009
    This is not a 64 bit issue, I'm running Vista 32 bit version and it will not load on my system either. Same symptons you are having.
  • edited March 2009
    Yeah...I've updated all my drivers. Still nothing. This is becoming increasingly frustrating...I just wanna play my game.
  • edited March 2009
    Still waiting for a response from support regarding a refund or getting it working by the way.... Case number 16210
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    Hey Gaspode, sorry for the delay. Your ticket appears to have accidentally gotten assigned to the wrong person. It will be taken care of today.
  • edited April 2009

    Now hurry up and fix it so I can buy it again :)
  • edited April 2009
    I downloaded the full game from steam and run 32 bit Vista, and I am getting the same error, so I would also agree this doesn't have to do with 64 vista, but downloading from Steam might still cause problems for this game.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    Could very well be a different problem. Unfortunately, 90% of crashes exhibit themselves in the exact same way, making it awfully hard to track down. Have you tried updating your drivers? Doing a clean reboot?
  • edited April 2009
    Just like a couple other people noted above, I can not get Fright of the Bumblebees to load in Vista. But it works fine in XP (I have a dual-boot system). I tried all the usual things: complete reinstallation, disabling firewall and virus checking, lowering resolution, etc. - but to no avail. I'm hoping either Telltale Games or Steam comes up with a fix in the next patch.
  • edited April 2009
    A clean boot works for me...it's annoying to have to do that every time I want to play though.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    Hey Thalidor, the trick is to just disable programs until you figure out which is the culprit.
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