Wolf among us BROKEN - 360 frozen at START

TWAU won't start or go beyond the START menu. Game goes to black screen abruptly after START has been pressed, then freezes if I don't dashboard in under a minute. Please read all below....

For the record (2 Xbox 360's were the testing ground):

  • froze right after pressing START - no loading symbol, no music, just all black screen
  • cleared cache
  • deleted all episodes
  • re-downloaded all DLC
  • cleared cache again
  • tried to start without season pass installed
  • waited 20+ minutes on black screen
  • had to dashboard/restart console countless times
  • cleared cache
  • tried to start with the season pass installed
  • waited 5+ minutes at black screen but froze
  • tried to start with one episode at a time installed
  • cleared cache
  • deleted everything
  • deleted save file
  • re-downloaded all content and tried to start with season pass installed
  • re-downloaded all content and tried to start WITHOUT season pass installed
  • cleared cache
  • still same issue
  • deleted everything again
  • cleared cache
  • downloaded & played episode 1 just fine
  • re-downloaded episode 2, started then froze (no other episodes besides 1 installed)
  • tried to start game with one episode at a time along with episode 1 installed
  • re-downloaded episode 3, started then froze (no other episodes besides 1 installed)
  • re-downloaded episode 4, started then froze (no other episodes besides 1 installed)
  • re-downloaded episode 5, started then froze (no other episodes besides 1 installed)
  • cleared cache
  • deleted everything
  • re-downloaded episode 1 and started fine
  • re-downloaded episode 2 and froze AGAIN
  • every time I waited past a minute, I couldn't dashboard
  • at NO TIME was there a "loading" symbol after pressing START
  • finally gave up after wasting hours of my only day off this week
  • this is my last stop and I'm done trying. Very disappointed with level of denial in broken product

I just bought the season pass today to TWAU on my xbox 360. I had episode one from way back but waited til now to get the rest of the episodes. After pressing START, the screen goes black and either freezes or never changes.

Now before anyone asks me to go through the steps that "supposedly" fix my issue, I can tell you right now that I've spent the past 2.5 hours clearing cache, re-downloading, deleting, trying to start with single episodes installed (only the 1st episode will start - once any of the other DLC is installed, it freezes), and repeating these steps, and i'm still at square one. I even tried to do all of this on my 2nd 360 (which is literally brand new), and the same issue occurs.

The problem isn't with the xbox 360 (or the other consoles)... it's the game! You need to release a new title update to fix this mess!! This is not a user issue, it's an issue on the Telltale end. I know because not only did I spend time researching this issue on your forum, but I've also contacted Microsoft, and they informed me that since the season pass just went on sale, a lot of people are buying the game again. The rep. told me that many calls have been coming in and EVERYONE has identical freezing issues at the exact same time as each other. This game is biggy to say the least and calling MS was also a waste of time because they tried to have me do the same repetitive steps, and the same issue still occurs. I was told, "sorry, it's the developer's game that's causing the issue and until they release a fix, it'll stay this way". I can't even get a credit from MS because they said the problem isn't on their end, so they're not responsible. I was told I could call back to see if a new fix was released that they could walk me through, but again, I was informed that it's unlikely to help since it's the game that's causing the freeze and not MS or my console.

This has been one of my most anticipated games that I've wanted to wait to play in full, and now that I have it, I can't do a thing with it. This is completely unacceptable and I will not accept that nothing can be done. If this game is broken and a title update won't be released to resolve this issue, I would hope that Telltale would do the right thing and at least issue a download token for the Xbox ONE version when it releases. This is not something I would ever write otherwise, but when SO MANY people have the same issue and a game company does nothing to fix the broken game, the consumer is literally being ripped off. If you are not willing to get the 360 version fixed, I would accept the xbox one version as a comparable replacement, but I do not feel that saying this is uncalled for since you are STILL selling a completely broken product that will not work as it currently is on the 360.

I would expect that since TWD was broken just the same and many people (like myself) were told "sorry, call MS / then MS says call Telltale", it would've ended there, but this is happening AGAIN, and now I'm not so sure I'm going to buy tales from the borderlands with game breaking issues like this happening.

I hope this message reaches the right person and either a proper fix is released, or a download token for the XBOX ONE (or the console of choice for others if they so choose) is given in place of this broken mess. You can ignore my thoughts and words here, but fact is, enough people get burned like this, and you'll find yourself unable to sell games in the future. I recommend fixing the problem asap, or make available an equal offer (and not just another free episode) before people really start getting mad.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for any difficulties this has caused you. We believe to have resolved the black screen issue that was occurring yesterday, and you should now be able to start the game while connected to the internet, and successfully connect and play the game. Again, my apologies for any inconveniences you have experienced.

  • I am also dealing with a similar problem. I have had an xbox 360 for about a year and havent had any problems relating to this problem that occurs whenever I try to play the Wolf Among Us. I have bought 2 TWAU today to see if it was a problem with the disc. Even when I traded it in, the employee at the store even knew that it froze which means that this has occured too many times. I hope that this problem is fixed for good. I hope this is the only time I have to bring up this problem.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    My apologies, the issue above was resolved with the Digital Download version of the game. If you have the physical disc version of the game, can you please clarify what the issue is that you are experiencing? Are you seeing a black screen when starting the game for the first time? If so, please try starting the first episode again, and if you experience the black screen again after starting the episode, please try waiting 15-20 minutes at the black screen, and see if the episode starts then. This issue may occur if your System's Cache is full. You can also try Clearing your System's Cache and see if your particular issue is resolved.

    gamer90x posted: »

    I am also dealing with a similar problem. I have had an xbox 360 for about a year and havent had any problems relating to this problem that


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if when you reach the black/blank screen, that you are able to press the Xbox Button, or does the system freeze and you are unable to press the Xbox Button and access your Xbox Dashboard?


  • When the disc is put in it start's to load then it says press the start button when that is pressed it start's to load then it frezzes up everything have to force the Xbox 360 to shut down. It did start working once yesterday for the first time then when we stopped playing for awhile and went to play it again it went right back to frezzing up after pushing start when it start's to load

    Can you please clarify if when you reach the black/blank screen, that you are able to press the Xbox Button, or does the system freeze and you are unable to press the Xbox Button and access your Xbox Dashboard?

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify what model Xbox 360 you are currently playing on, how large the internal hard drive is, and if you have at least 10% space left on the hard drive?

    When the disc is put in it start's to load then it says press the start button when that is pressed it start's to load then it frezzes up ev

  • edited June 2015

    I just got this game today and this is happening to me! I am very upset.
    I have an Xbox 360 that works perfectly fine. It has 1.3 GB of space left. I bought the game as a disc from Gamestop only today and the game was brand new. All I did was start the game up, press start when prompted to, then it will act like it is going to load and shows the loading icon shortly before the screen becomes completely black. I even went and cleaned my cache and deleted some unneeded things.

  • Did it ever occur to anyone that they didn't own a hard drive? Because I just purchased a hard drive and I will see once it comes in if it ends up working or not.

    I just got this game today and this is happening to me! I am very upset. I have an Xbox 360 that works perfectly fine. It has 1.3 GB of spa

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Please note that as stated on the game's case, an internal hard drive is required to play the disc version of the game. The 4GB flash memory Xbox 360 will unfortunately not suffice in order to play the game. I apologize for any difficulties this has caused you. After you install the internal hard drive, the game should function correctly.

    Did it ever occur to anyone that they didn't own a hard drive? Because I just purchased a hard drive and I will see once it comes in if it ends up working or not.

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