Any chance of S&M being upgraded to W&G rendering?

edited March 2009 in Game Support
As I have previously posted, I (and others) have problems with the video mode selection in the S&M series.

I know TTG has no intention of upgrading S&M 1 to widescreen, but would it be posssible to upgrade the games to use the new W&G video engine?

Using the new engine would fix the problems people are having by allowing you to select the resolution you need, and then the game applies letterbox or sidebars to keep the view mode of the game. 16:9 in W&G.

I don't now if the new engine would allow you to set a forced 4:3 view for S&M 1 or if it is fixed to 16:9.

Don't know how much work that would be, but it would finally put the issue to rest. I imagine Bone would also need this, I won't know until I purchase them later in the week.


  • edited March 2009
    I can't say anything for certain but I would definitely not get my hopes up.
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