[Major bug]W&G - Too much cheese

edited May 2009 in Game Support
I know, I know. It's not possible to have too much cheese, you say. Wallace would perhaps agree with you. However, for the poor fellow trying to finish this most excellent game it is possible.

So here's the story: I'm fighting all those infernal bees. After taking down a few in the garden, I decide to take a trip into town where I find some Wensleydale outside Paneer's store. Splendid, I think, pick one up, dally around the town for a little while and return to the house. I go around the back, see that the bulkhead door is open and decide to chuck the cheese down the opening. Why not?

A little while later, I go back to the town, pick up some Gorgonzola at the police station, and when I pass the store I see there is more Wensleydale on the ground! Great, I think, and pick one up. It seems my adventure gaming greed was my downfall, you shouldn't pick up everything that isn't nailed down. Back to the house I go, get the remote control from Wallace's clothes, and proceed down into the cellar. Turn the remote to Gorgonzola and greet the mouse. Now here comes the problem:

Since I carry both the Gorgonzola and Wensleydale, turning the remote to either of those cause the mouse to just eject me at the starting point. If I go outside and look down the cellar opening the first piece of cheese is still there, and I can't throw another one down! I'm stuck with two pieces of cheese and I can't get rid of them.

Any way I can solve this? I was foolish enough to not save as I played, so I don't have any earlier point to restore.

PS, some other logical inconsistences I noticed:
1. Entering the kitchen for the first time from the outside during the giant bees phase skips the Wallace-losing-his-clothes scene, but the answering machine is still lying on the floor. You can now pick up the answering machine, give it to Winnie, and go through the indoor kitchen door, causing the answering machine to fall to the ground allowing you to pick up another.
2. Yet another thing during the giant bees phase. You can pull the bedroom lever in the dining room before you've been up there that phase. The bee will still fall down and end up in the rubbish bin. If you now go up to the bedroom things will be a bit weird. You can hear the sound of a bee, even though it can't be seen.


  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Looking into these, I'll let you know.
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    Hi leonidas, thanks for taking the time to outline your reproducing steps. However, I have not been able to reproduce the bug with these steps. It's definitely something we've looked at before shipping. Have you ever been able to get a second piece of Wendsleydale on another playthrough? And if so, do you have anything to add to your already-thorough repro steps?

    Bug #1 is confirmed, good catch, but I can't seem to get #2 to occur (I pull the lever, and nothing happens because the bee isn't in bed until you walk upstairs)
  • edited March 2009
    Maybe you guys already read this, but Zomantic reported these bugs as well (although his description of the answer machine problem is slightly different). Not sure how that helps you, but I thought it was worth mentioning that it occurred more than once.
  • edited March 2009
    Shauntron wrote: »
    Hi leonidas, thanks for taking the time to outline your reproducing steps. However, I have not been able to reproduce the bug with these steps. It's definitely something we've looked at before shipping. Have you ever been able to get a second piece of Wendsleydale on another playthrough? And if so, do you have anything to add to your already-thorough repro steps?

    Bug #1 is confirmed, good catch, but I can't seem to get #2 to occur (I pull the lever, and nothing happens because the bee isn't in bed until you walk upstairs)
    I'm just about to start a new game. I'll see if I can reproduce it. ;)
    Let me know if you want the save game or any log files or such.

    About #2, I went upstairs and picked up the tennis racquet with Gromit during the breakfast phase, maybe that had something to do with it?
  • edited March 2009
    I never saw any bee in the bed, I just pulled that lever and it fell down.. hadn't been up there, had no idea there was a bee there. I just flipped the lever for no reason, really.
  • edited March 2009
    I can confirm the answering machine bug and the bee in bed bug. It is defiantly possible to get the bee into the dustbin without having gone upstairs first. I clicked on the lever by accident, trying to just get through the door and was surprised when the bee came down.
  • WillWill Telltale Alumni
    edited March 2009
    We've tracked both of these bugs down. If we do end up making a patch build, these should be fixed. I can't, however, promise that we will be able to make a patch build in the near future.
  • edited April 2009
    I also have this cheese bug and there doesn't seem to be any way of getting rid of the extra cheese. I got rid of the bees everywhere except the basement and the dog will no longer go up into the hive even though I can clearly see the cheese I threw down onto the hive next to the music player.
  • edited April 2009
    Will wrote: »
    We've tracked both of these bugs down. If we do end up making a patch build, these should be fixed. I can't, however, promise that we will be able to make a patch build in the near future.

    You really SHOULD release a patch for this. I just spent a good 2 hours wandering around trying EVERYTHING before finally resorting to the internet for the solution... only to find it was a bug.

    As a first-time customer of TellTale games, having just spent £29.99 for only 3 hours of actual gameplay (rip off!), this doesn't make me like you lot very much as a company when a showstopping bug like that only MIGHT get fixed!

    (I would let you off because the atmosphere of the game is perfect for the W&G universe, and the other 3 episodes will hopefully make up for the short length of this one, but to have such a major bug that prevents someone completing the game, and maybe not fixing it.... oh come on!)

    The game is broken.... fix it!!!

    (edit)... another logic bug i discovered.... when playing as Gromit, with Wallace on the phone in the kitchen, clicking the breakfast lights above the door leads to a spooky disembodied voice of Wallace coming from another room... while he is still standing right next to you!

    (2nd edit) yet more bugs. Several screens do not exit properly by right-clicking like it tells you to.
  • edited April 2009
    Well I played through the whole episode again... this time NOT picking the Wensleydale up twice... and got to the end.

    And it was worth it. Great ending!

    Still.. you should fix the cheese bug, because the 2 hours of aimless wandering, followed by 1.5. hours of grinding through the game again just to get back to where I was before.... SUCKED!

    Still... bravo on creating an episode that really felt like a Wallace and Gromit show.
  • edited April 2009
    m3tabolic wrote: »
    As a first-time customer of TellTale games, having just spent £29.99 for only 3 hours of actual gameplay (rip off!), this doesn't make me like you lot very much as a company when a showstopping bug like that only MIGHT get fixed!
    Have you really paid £29.99 for one episode somewhere? - If so, I agree that this is rip-off. But I guess you paid $29.99 for 4 episodes, so this would be just $7.50 (or about £5) for "Fright of the Bumblebees" then. ;)
    m3tabolic wrote: »
    The game is broken.... fix it!!!
    Here I am completely with you! The bug is known for about 4 weeks now, and the only official reply so far is that if there will ever be a bugfix this should be fixed. - But that's the general issue with software: As an end-customer you are asked to agree that you accept whatever you get, without any rights to get defects repaired. Such a user agreement is probably justified for system specific issues, as you certainly cannot test the game on every available PC configuration before you release it, but it does not make any sense for obvious programming bugs. (Imagine the airbag in your car would always deploy if you turn on the windshield wiper at exactly 50mph, but the manufacturer would just tell you that this is a known bug, so you simply should not do that...)

    There are several other confirmed issues, like the porridge gun problem or the map bug. Therefore I would have expected that Telltale at least adds a "readme.txt" file to the download package that covers known issues, so people do not get frustrated while playing the game. (Or is it already commonly accepted that you have to search several threads in an online forum for yourself to find clues on problems with software you have purchased?)
    m3tabolic wrote: »
    ... another logic bug i discovered.... when playing as Gromit, with Wallace on the phone in the kitchen, clicking the breakfast lights above the door leads to a spooky disembodied voice of Wallace coming from another room... while he is still standing right next to you!
    There are several more logic bugs like that one. I had tried to collect them in a bloopers thread, but without much success yet.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited April 2009
    Unfortunately we're often unable to fix this type of bug in the middle of the season. With our monthly production schedules and the sheer number of games we put out we just don't have the resources to patch every issue that gets reported -- especially if it can easily be worked around. As Will mentioned, we do keep track of these types of issues and if possible we will fix them in the future.

    m3tabolic, as Nightsurfer mentioned, the PC version of Wallace & Gromit's Grand Adventures is only being sold as a four-episode pack, so the price you paid was for all four episodes (to be delivered monthly), not just the one. (I don't see an order for you on our website, so I'm guessing you bought from Steam...?) Unfortunately since you didn't purchase directly from us I can't do anything as far as canceling your order and refunding your money, but if this bug and our inability to fix it right now makes you so unhappy that you don't want to play the rest of the series, you could probably contact Steam and ask for your money back. I'm not sure what their policies are, but I personally would be willing to refund a Telltale order in this situation.
  • edited May 2009
    I just ran into this extra cheese glitch in the Xbox Arcade version. I basically encountered it in the exact way as Leonidis stated in his first post.
  • edited May 2009
    The freezing after disposing of the bees in the garden ALSO occurs on the xBox360, therefore you could conclude that non of these bugs are related to the hardware the customers are using.

    Perhaps you should release less games and just make sure they work and I say that as an experienced ecommerce tester/project manager

    I'd actually be interested to see if these bugs are occuring in specific areas, ie like DVD releases are for different regions,.... for the record, we're in the Republic of Ireland.
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