Season 2 Has a Canon Ending and it's....
Staying in Wellington.
First off, it's just a theory. Hear me out and forgive any typos. I'm in a rush to work, but I just wanted to see what the community thought on this I'm sure a lot of my points have been brought up.
1: Wellington was the main goal of Season 2
The goal since episode 1 was to get to Wellington. If you stay, ultimately that goal is accomplished.
2: Makes sense from a literary perspective.
It could be closure to Clementine’s and Kenny’s stories. Moreso Kenny’s. He redeems himself and Clementine’s finds a place and gets to “be a kid again”. It’s also a new start for AJ, who gets to be raised in the madness of the apocalypse. He redeems himself by getting these two children to safety just as Lee did in Season 1. Clementine is capable of handling herself, but a constant theme is the fact she’s still just a child.
“But what if Wellington isn’t safe?”
Yes, it is possible, but judging from Christa it seems to be a good idea. People have tried to compare the lady there to Tavia. But Tavia was different in the sense she was trying to recruit people, reluctant people. This group turned people away fairly civilly and told them to come back in a few months when there’s possibly room. There’s honestly no reason to believe Wellington is a bad place. There’s more reasons to believe it’s a step up from Crawford and Carver’s settlements. But it’s surly possible it is a bad place. But again, Wellington was the ultimate goal of the season as set by Christa.
3: Jane was an antagonist
Hear me out! I liked Jane at first, but over the course of the story, she became more suspicious.
Jane was trying to trick Kenny into going berserk so Clementine could abandon Kenny and AJ (remember Jane doesn’t want to have anything to do with the child). Also, if Jane really, honestly cared about Clementine’s safely and thought Kenny to be a threat and unstable, then why leave AJ with him? Why leave an infant with him and not a child who’s more than capable of defending herself from and reasoning with unstable people?
Jane was always trying to get Clementine to “go off on her own”. This was likely a scheme. She sees Clementine as the most capable of the group and wants her as a partner for herself. It’s Darwinism. They’ve worked together when saving Luke and Sarah and she’s seen how resourceful and reliable Clementine is. So in a sense, she could’ve been trying to get her. Clementine was the little sister she never had.
Was Kenny doing the same concerning his family? Kinda. But Kenny perfectly understood he couldn’t continue to take care of Clementine and AJ, he knew he was unstable and made a plea for them to get shelter. A completely selfless act. Would Jane have done the same if in the same situation? Not likely. She would’ve tried to convince Clementine that the group would “slow her down” and their better off being alone. This defeats the purpose of the two seasons. Season 1 was about staying together and so was Season 2. Themes of loyalty, abandonment, and selfishness/selflessness run through this series.
Jane left her own sister to die. She tried convincing you to leave Sarah, had to be talked into saving Sarah later. She constantly told Clementine that the group was holding her back and she was better on her own, yet wanted Clem to tag along with her. She was being selfish.
All this season Jane and Kenny’s personalities were options to rub off on you. Jane’s resourceful, but lone wolf habits or Kenny’s loyal, but aggressive nature. Robbing Arvo and staying to see Carver die were the tipping points. In the end, you had to choose between both of them when their two natures finally clashed.
If you choose any other options, I’m not. But I believe the Wellington ending is the canon ending. Then again, this is the Walking Dead the absolute “worst” ending (being alone) could be it.
All this “me first” survivalism is the complete opposite of what Lee stood for. Lee was notorious for saving people. He “tore through half of Georgia” for a little girl that wasn’t even his. No matter what your Lee was like. Would Jane do this? Honestly?
She came back, but proved it to be for her own selfish reasons. She said 90% of the reason she returned was because of Clementine. Even after the baby was born, her focus was Clementine. She needs Clementine. The loneliness, not having anyone to watch your back was finally getting to her.
“You have to hurt other people to protect those you love.”
This applied to Kenny. He had to kill Jane to protect Clementine and AJ.
I know a lot of people don’t like Kenny, but he was basically the Deuteragonist (second protagonist) of season 1. He was Lee’s best friend, despite your choices. He lost a lot and still manages not to go down the same tyrannical road as Carver because in the end he realized what he was becoming and took steps to prevent it by leaving Clementine at Wellington rather than continue to be controlling. If Clementine chooses to stay with him, it’s her choice, not his. There’s no fear anymore.
4: Makes sense from a development standpoint.
Finally, one canon ending makes sense in the terms of TellTale’s budget and time schedule. I don’t see them taking the time to try to tie four different endings (from what I know) and the multiple variables that led to said endings. It’s better to have a canon ending.
Lastly, this is just my opinion. I’m not here to hate on people who liked Jane or say that people made the wrong choice. Originally, I stayed with Kenny, but replaying the ending and staying at Wellington made more sense to me.
There's already another thread like this, just for you to know.
I don't think there is a canon ending. That would make the player's choices not matter at all. I think the canon ending is whatever the player chooses to do.
There is no canon ending, if there was Telltale would not give us a choice and would not have given 5 different endings period.
Season 2 Has a Canon Ending and it's.... up to the player to decide. That's the whole point of #MyClementine
Just no, there is little effect as there is and I'd see no point in buying the game if choices were retconned completley
Pretty sure all the endings are canon in their own way. They exist cuz Telltale wanted to do something different and make our choices matter more than ever.
Better get to work Telltale. I expect 5 different s03e01 starts.
We all know what the real canon ending is...
Do you think these 5 different endings will plays out completely differently or will you end up at the same point regardless?
If we have 5 different endings and we play as Clementine next season, what do you think will happen concerning storylines. Or is this the end of Clementine's story altogether, because I don't see how they'll pull off 5 different storylines when we have to wait months just to get a new episode half the time.
Good Lord this video gets me everytime I watch it! XD
I don't see this working unless it becomes a big budget, A-list game. I think TellTale bit off more than they could chew. They had to write Luke, Bonnie, and Mike out of the story and your choices have no impact on them staying, yet I'm supposed to believe these 5 different endings will matter in the long run.
There is no canon ending.
If there WAS a canon ending, it would be ending up with Jane and the Family as that was the most popular outcome.
I agree with most of the things you've said, but (as must as I want my favored ending to be canon) unfortunately there are no canon endings...unless Telltale announces it.
Personally I really feel like not abandoning Kenny is the ending that pieces everything together. Like you mentioned, Wellington was the whole goal of S2; only by the time we get there Clementine realizes there's something a lot more important.
"What's the most important thing in this world?"
"No, c'mn Clem. It's family."
I think people who got the Jane or Alone ending were robbed of the very emotional and moving ending scene we got in the Kenny one, it just doesn't come close to having as much as a impact that Kenny's does and that's why it could be more likely to be the intended ending since it seems like more work went into it. The 'big' choice of telling a bunch of strangers that looked half designed to go away or stay in Jane's ending is meh, and if Clem's alone you just get a short scene with no dialogue choices....yeah Kenny's was waayyy better.
Jane being an antagonist is an opinion. I think season 2 Kenny is an antagonist, yet you don't see me saying how only the Jane ending is canon.
Jane's ending is 'meh' in your opinion.
I think Jane's ending is far from 'meh'.
She shows significant character growth if you let the timer run out, by letting in the family.
I found it very emotionally satisfying. Clem is with another kid her own age, Jane is being nicer and is more willing to trust others, while still being cautious.
It's perfectly fine to think it's meh for you and your clementine, but don't try to invalidate others' choices.
Oops! I just thought since it was my comment/post people would automatically know it was my opinion without me having to add 'in my opinion' every time.
(The timer running out and Jane deciding is pretty cool.)
I got this ending too and I love it.
It's not as hard as many people think it is to pull off. The route Telltale will go to pull this off is most likely going to be this, in episode 1 of season 3 there will be a major event in each players beginning wherever they left off that will bridge all endings together and put everyone back on the same track again.
Who knows telltale just might do that. I personally hope they do so everyone can experience Clem's story differently.......but then again that would require allot of writing, which is something I doubt telltale would have an interest in. I guess they did this because so many people, including myself, were complaining about the decisions not having much of a different outcome. If that's the case then I personally wish they wouldn't have done this. Or maybe this is their way of taking a poll. Depending on which ending is chosen by majority of telltale fans might determine where everyone starts off in season 3. They probably didn't want to upset Jane and Kenny fans so they let us decide I guess.
Ugh just shut up with this whole "Canon Ending" thing, everyone's ending is canon to their own story, that's the whole point of the game.
The goal in season 1 was get a boat. So by your logic the canon ending of season 1 is getting a boat. Except that never happened. Before I finished the game and came back on the boards for all I knew Wellington was just boat 2.0... just another thing Kenny got obsessed about.
yea... and that was so flippin hard to do. Just ask ANYONE WHO EVER DARED TO DISAGREE WITH HIM.
I cannot understand this. Wouldn't the selfish thing to just leave again? Wouldn't the selfish thing to just kill the kid and not have to pretend? How convenient that the baby was in a vehicle so close that you could easily hear it from where the fight took place. Its like she made sure the baby was found out no matter what happened. She was willing to risk her life to make sure Kenny didn't do what she was worried he'd do to Clem.
Or it applied to Jane. you had to stop Kenny from killing Jane so he wouldn't become a murderer over a stupid mistake. I'm sorry I was under the impression that murder was wrong.
I totally like Kenny. I just very much dislike the attitude that he is some amazing human being and that the ONLY reason he lost it was because of what Jane did. Jane was the only one willing to stand up to him when everyone else got scared away. But because Kenny's fans are crazy she might as well have killed the baby and raped Clem and shot her right after Arvo did. The ending was very ambigious. I stand by my choice to save Jane from Kenny but not because it was Janse vs Kenny but because it was murder vs stopping murder. So Kenny gets Clem and AJ to Wellington. Thats great. He does do right by them in the end and my replay is going to probably explore a more Kenny side to the outcome because I'm not 100% against it. But many Kenny fans act like its a simple black and white matter of Jane "manipulated" Kenny into murdering her and therefore he's the victim. That doesn't work in real life so why should it work here?
So I challenge your idea that there even is a canon ending. The ending is what you make it. I got one way more different. I sided with the one who was all about survival > humanity and I let the family in back at Carver's because I sided with Jane against Kenny doesn't mean I side with her on everything and I kept my humanity despite it all. I love my ending because of that. Everyone's ending is valid.
Well, do you not think there's a difference between the sentences:
'The Jane ending is meh' and 'I think the Jane ending is meh'?
'The ocean is going to be yellow tomorrow.' 'I think the ocean is going to be yellow tomorrow'.
One creates the impression that what you're saying is factual and to inform other people of the fact. The other makes it clear that it is only true for you yourself.
It's not THAT huge dude![:p :p](
I really hope so. I want more Clem more than anything else! But they'll probably end her story here and give us a new cast and that will be the end of it. I hope I'm wrong but I don't think I am.
Edit: Sorry for double post my keyboard was being weird and something happened with my browser.
I guess its a silent majority because you could've fooled me with all the Kenny fans tearing my throat for siding with Jane.
THANK YOU!!! I love this ending so much! Letting the family in shows that this world wasn't going to defeat you. You were going to let hope in and give other people a chance no matter how many people let you down. This shows that Jane respects Clem enough to defer to her judgement here. I didn't even hesitate to let the family in because I like you Jane and i don't regret saving your life but your survival > everything else doesn't fly with me. By letting Clem decide here my respect for Jane went up a few notches and showed she had changed since her "don't ever get attached" mentality from episode 4.
So you are saying, my choice is invalid and Jane is a pointless trap. harsh : (
Still liking Janes ending more.
It is a silent majority. The kenny fans have bullied lots of them, and they rule the forum.
At least we have the last laugh knowing that most people think we're in the right.
I don't think anyone was an antagonist. Except Carver but he died before he could really get that far. Jane and Kenny were two titans that meant well but couldn't work together. Neither one deserved to die but the game made you chose. So who was more in the wrong depended on the player. No matter how much I liked Kenny I just couldn't sit by and watch him kill Jane over a mistake.
I see. I won't be bullied. I'll shout to the rooftops that I don't regret my decission. I've had a few discussions about this on Reddit and Youtube and some people have given me very compelling arguments for a pro Kenny ending. I enjoy this debate when people play nice but I don't respond well to the bullying.
I think no matter what you choose. Season 3 will start in wellington. The only thing that will differ in dialogue is when you arrived and with who.
We know that if you go with kenny they say "that they're currently not accepting new people but maybe in a few month". So there is the possibility if you went with Jane that after a few month you leave Howe and somehow end up in wellington.
Clem + AJ solo would surely be accepted on the spot if they manage to reach it.
What I'm mostly trying to say having all versions of Clem end up in Wellington would make sense.
The real canon ending is going alone..
Obviously,with Kenny and Jane being determinant...
Hinting that Clementine will be alone and whichever place she goes to will fall apart.
Unfortunately, you won't really have a choice over whether you're bullied. People have literally called me evil for choosing Jane.
'When people play nice'? You're on the wrong forum.
There was a thread the other day about how Lee hates Clem if you shoot Kenny which got ninety likes. There was another explaining how this guy likes to watch Jane's death so won't look away, and wishes he could hear her gurgling on her blood.
Yeah... Good luck trying to bully me on the internet. I'm not intimidated and I don't even respond to the stupid posts. A lot of them are "my only regret is I couldn't have been the one to kill Jane myself" at that point I wonder about Clem's safety with them in control. Whats going to happen if you ditch Wellington with Kenny at the end and he takes his next bout of rage out on Clem?
I imagine the excuse they'll give him will be hilarious.
Its actually quite amusing watching people take a video game so seriously. Good job to Telltale for getting people so invested like that.
Damn . I love it )) This song is now playing im my head)