Is Season 2 coming??
I have finished reading one of the ps3 news book and there is a section in it about TWAU and is says some thing like: "maybe they left a lot of stuff out for season 2 of course" then I read this thing on another website (not wiki) and it says something like: "Due to the cliff hanger at the end of season 1 there is most definitely going to be a season 2 that will be released around early 2015 or mid 2015" but that's just my theory.
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Well, hopefully we get wind of some kind of news. I'd love me some more wolf.
Mis-leading title. Im a fan of the game too, but you really shouldn't put up titles like that unless you know for sure.
My reaction when Bloody Mary:
"...but that's just my theory" A GAME THEORY!
Don't ask me why i did this.
Damn f*cking misleading titles.
Changed the title to fix this.
Thank you.
sorry about that, thank u for changing it for me please don't put mean comments I didn't mean to upset people
If season 2 was announced we'd be hearing it everywhere.
ok people if u are wondering where I got my "theory" from go tho this website: [] but I got more of my information from the PS3 magazine
I can why it would be misleading but please don't go shouting this around because all of us have really high hopes that Telltale will make a season 2 of Wolf and this bullshit is the last thing we need to hear.
like I said I got MOST of my info from the PS3 magazine
Not video games blogger, that website is inaccurate and spreads false info.
alright guys, don't be rude to the author of the post. Politely correct them and move on.
I certainly fucking hope so! Season 1 was just....awesome.
After the major cliffhanger at the end of Season 1, there's gotta be a Season 2. I mean, come on. I'm gonna go out on a limb and say yes, there will be a Season 2. lol.
lol, love this. I still think she's alive.
thank you