WD S1 payments

Two basic questions:
1) when I purchase the WD S1 at 24,99USD on your website, am I purchasing all the Episodes of the Series 1 and will I get the links to download all of them?

2) the purchase is displayed as a download "pc/mac". Does this mean that I will get two sets of files and I will be able to install the game on BOTH a pc and a Mac ?

Many thanks in advance and best regards.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    When you purchase Season One for 24.99, you will be purchasing Episodes 1-5 as well as the 400 Days DLC included. You will be able to download and install the base game (Episode 1) and Episodes 2-5+400 Days will be available to download from within the game.

    You will be able to download the installer for either PC, or Mac. If at a later time you would like to download the game for the opposite platform, you will be able to switch the download link to the opposite platform, and you will be able to download the installer for the game for that particular platform. (Please note that save games are incompatible between different platforms.)

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