The wolf is coming....

Found this wonderful news on Facebook! Its on the 'Wolf Among us' page. I've been waiting and although I've downloaded the entire season, perhaps they threw in some new and cool features or choices! I need to pre-order mine!
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Neat! If there are any differences between these and the one thats already available please do tell when you get yours
Damn and here I was thinking it was wolf among us season 2 news ahh well. XD I'm excited for the retail season 1 release. I probably will buy it for my vita.
have to contact my transport orders.... :-/
Damn! Thought this was news for the season 2!
I'll probably get it for my ps4. 
You got me so excited for a second that was some season 2 news
The cover looks pretty damn awesome! But sad that there is no news for Season 2...
I got mine but there isn't a manual with the game. );
Just got my Vita copy, and have to point out something kind of humorous... the first thing looking at me when I opened the case, was an insert alerting me to the fact that Wolf Among Us was now on Vita. I'll admit, I was 5% sure there would be nothing in the box, it was nice to be assured in this manner. I then looked to the right, and found a game card with Bigby staring at me. The insert tells truth!!
Walking Dead S2 also has an insert, trumpeting Walking Dead S2's availability on Vita. Thinking they may have ended up in the wrong cases.
Manuals rarely exist anymore, all digital now.
I grew up with those kid pc games, and there always was one included...
Good old times reading the controls while you didn't play
AH! JJwolf why?! I thought my dreams came true!
Oh well maybe someday, guess this is good info as well now most people can see how great this game is 
Yeah, hopefully being on store shelves will garner the game more attention from potential buyers.
So no manuel then…? cause on the box it said go to ):
How much are they?