Do YOU have a Racial Preference?



  • I'm not an AI.

    It was future reference for others, smart alec.

  • Cool. Thumb up. But...

    enter image description here

    TaeKwonDoer posted: »

    East Asian Women specifically from Japan, China and Korea.I honestly just don't feel anything for any other race and never have, I just grew

  • I am.

    I'm not an AI.

  • “I am. This is all a dream!”

    I am.

  • White girls. Blonde hair and blue eyes, or red hair and green eyes (and a couple (not too many) freckles). I like the recessive alleles.

    The only group that I find consistently (not always, but usually) unattractive are black girls. Guess I should be sent to the chamber now?

  • No you shouldn't lol.

    I-am-BUMP posted: »

    White girls. Blonde hair and blue eyes, or red hair and green eyes (and a couple (not too many) freckles). I like the recessive alleles.

  • edited November 2016

    What I love about my fiance is that she's exotic to me and I'm exotic to her. It is true that Blacks are attracted to Red heads due to their rare value and stories in the bedroom. I was never satisfied in the bedroom with other women before her. They tired too quickly and didn't know what they were doing at all. It was like Goku fighting Krillan and now it's like I'm Goku and she's Vegeta in the bedroom lol. Women I've dated were submissive in the bedroom and other areas, were as she is not. Red heads have a temper and so do Blacks. I grab her butt, she grabs mine, etc. I like how she is lady like and I'm a gentleman in public. I'm happy, I've come across people that stare at us and even some elderly people that call her a coon and I ignore them. I would never hit an elderly person, that's just how I was raised. I have had to scare off County Bumpkin 18-19 year Olds that would talk bad about her. I like how she smells like chocolate to me no matter what perfume she wears. I joke with her like I'm the man from Sponge Bob that was like Chocolate Chocolate ! Lol.

  • edited November 2016

    Lol there are always some that find a way to be triggered.
    I'm white, find most races have their share of attractive people, black, white, Asian etc. Don't really have a preference. If you're good looking, you're good looking,

  • edited November 2016

    Nope, everyone is the same to me. I don't care about the race. They all have pretty women.
    Seinfeld Theme Plays

  • edited November 2016


  • Very...descriptive

    What I love about my fiance is that she's exotic to me and I'm exotic to her. It is true that Blacks are attracted to Red heads due to their

  • The 2014 BigBlindMax on page one is a liar and doesn't yet realize how much he likes Latina girls.

  • Why is this stupid lol

    fancies posted: » anyone actually stupid enough to answer this question?

  • edited November 2016

    You: mentions chocolate


    enter image description here

    MegaXD posted: »

    Lol me too!

  • My preference is bigger dudes. Are they tall? Chubby? Muscular? Yes to any of those and any combination of those.

    ...wait, this was about racial preference? Oh, then no, I've no preference.

  • edited November 2016


    My thing for red hair speaks for itself.

  • ohh yes, red hair! Kreygasm

    Hm. My thing for red hair speaks for itself.

  • really doesnt matter, as long as shes beautiful, skin color doesnt matter. ive seen beautiful from all colors and i love them all. as to what do i prefer? well it depends, some day i wake and if a see a beautiful asian chick, im like "damn i need to marry an asian girl" sometimes i see a white and im like "white girls are the best. sometimes i see a beautiful black girl and im just "pls marry me". and, since im mexican and where i live its mostly mexicans or some other latinas, im like "hay que mejodar la raza". as to right now? im really girls with red hair. idk, ever since i saw Emma Stone ive just fell in love with all pretty girls with even a slight hint of red hair.

    Rose Leslie <3.<3

  • edited November 2016

    I'm glad to see that there is a variety of answers. Personally I wouldn't ever date a woman of Middle Eastern ethnicity, I'm not attracted to them at all. I'm OK with everyone else, though I've always tried looking for a lady and not just someone that is easy to bed. I'm happy that I found her.

  • I am a White male, and i prefer Asian (east) and Latina women

  • No.

    Personally, beauty is not about one certain thing for me, it's about a combo of many factors.

    Of course, because i'm painfully white, and because i was raised in a society with white people being a majority, i will always have a positive factor towards white people, no matter how hard i try to be unbiased.

    But overall - no. I like to find beauty in many things, especially in places where others dont see it. For example, i like furry porn, and i'm open-minded to gay porn (even though i surely prefer women).

  • edited January 2017

    I don't really have a preference then again I'm not picky being that I am still a virgin at 21 lol. I mean I guess I kind of gravitate towards Caucasians and Hispanics/Latina women. I'm usually not into Asian women, but I have had a crush on a couple before. So honestly not to sound cliché I usually care more for a personality than anything.

  • No, not really. I've met women of all races that have been beautiful.

    I don't think it's bad to have a racial preference. I've seen people who think having a racial preference means you're racist, and that's just stupid.

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