Season 2 IS happening here's why.
Let me start off by saying that The Wolf Among Us was a personal favorite of mine. It gave us the hard decisions and detective gameplay that most gamers wanted overall. However I think it's safe to say that Telltale had some major issues with some of the episodes after 1: faith wich unfournatly did show in the game. From my understanding the creator of the fables comics and the telltale staff had some creative story line issues resulting in the game getting severely edited and also was the cause for the 4 month delay from episode 1 to 2. This has lead some fellow gamers to belive that season 2 just won't happen. Here's why they are wrong.
- THE ENDING(OR LACK OF): With episode 5 being left pretty open it makes sense that the only reason telltale would do that is to hint at a season 2 as they have done with both TWD seasons. Another thing to point out is with telltale changing a bunch of things in the rest of the episodes if they really wanted to conclude the story they could have done so easily, but they didn't.
- HUH??: A lot of things don't add up in the end. There's a lot that comes to mind but the main one for me is Prince Lawrence. I know you can actually let him die in this game but even if you save him does anyone ever mention him again? Telltale gives answers, even if they take along time in the end but there are still things that need explaining and they might tie into season 2.
- WHO??: The fables comic is rich with great characters, but only a small handful appear in season1. Telltale had a lot of new characters which is fine but fans might have been disappointed with not being able to argue with there favorites. Season 2 is a great opportunity to deliver the characters that season 1 teased about.
- GAYSTATION POOR & XBONE: The Wolf Among Us season 1 is officially coming to next gen(as well as twds2). If season 1 was that bad that they won't even continue the story with another season then why bother converting to next gen? Because season 2 is coming.
What else? Did I miss something? Do you have any ideas? Please talk about it, we're all in this together.
Yeah,I'd like a season two.It's kinda annoying to see TWD get 3 seasons when TWAU gets only one.It's a great game that still has a lot of potential.
I'm going to share some of my arguments aswell:
Adam Harrington was teased us about Telltale CEO answering the question related to S2, and the full interview is still unavailable, which might mean a couple of things, one of them being Telltale not approving it, because they don't want to confirm it just yet. I mean come on, if the answer would be negative, the video would be uploaded 100 times already.
Other argument, is what one of devs said during the interview back in August 2013 (If I'm not mistaking). He said that TWAU might get more seasons, but it really depends on how strong the demand for it will be. Obviously TWAU might not be as popular as TWD - that's mostly because TWD has a TV show, which attracts more people. Still, I think A LOT of people would appreciate Season 2, so this is something fairly obvious to me.
Like Mark said, there are a lot of topics in the story which never were explained. For instance, what was Bluebeard going after in The Crooked Mile? I felt like he really wanted to find something, maybe it could evolve into a whole new case in the Season 2? The game events take place 30 years before the comics, so Telltale can design a lot more seasons. My wallet is waiting, and so does the body!
Good point about Bluebeard, I totally forgot about that.
I agree about everything you said. But I think the ending and everything would be better for a DLC rather than a whole season because I don't see how they would be able to take it out for a full season. But whether it is a full season or just a DLC, I'll take it
I'm not saying next season has to be entirely connected to the first. I'm just saying maybe season 2 gives an opportunity to tell us some answers while still creating a new story. If they do a DLC it most likely won't have much to do with season 2. It would probably be like twd400days, but in this case it focuses on different fables and stories. Telltale does this because they know that not everybody plays the DLC therefore they make sure that there special episode doesn't effect season 2 in a major way. But then again this is all just speculation on what they've done before.
What the hell? Did you just come from Youtube?
Apart from that, you bring up good points of course. We need season 2 as bad as Bufkin needs his wine.
Yeah I guess you are right. I would still rather have the DLC connected to the main storyline because it would be far better imo. Either way I'd still buy it.
You are absolutely right. I can't even find the words to describe how much I desire to see this marvelous story continue. The Wolf Among Us is a bloody masterpiece and certainly my Telltale's personal favorite. Very, VERY few games have ever managed to give me so much wonderful emotions and bring out my feels like that. I enjoyed every second of it and I really think TTG should make another season, since Fables universe, imo, has way more potential for further development than TWD series. Also, like you said, there are still a lot of questions and mysteries left waiting to be resolved, for example the outcome of Bigby's fight with Bloody Mary. It's still not clear, but I'm really hoping she's alive and I would love to see her returning in Season 2 with vengeance.
Actually, if Lawrence is alive, you see him pretty often.
You see him again in Episode 3 at Lilly's funeral, and he's at the Crooked Man's trial in episode 5.
Really? Does he ever talk about faith or does he ever talk in Genral? I honestly never knew what happened when you save him.
Heheheh. Just a joke, I actulay own a GAYSTATION POOR and enjoy it quite a bit.
Yeah, he doesn't talk too much tho (except dialogue with Bigby during the funeral). He mentions Faith here and there, but I feel like Telltale could have added more interaction with him.
That even opens more questions that need answering.
Here's some videos with Lawrence alive.
You have a brief conversation with him at the funeral, and he gets a line to the Crooked Man if you bring him alive.
Still this doesn't explain Bluebeard and other things. I still think there are a ton of questions and unresolved stories.
Also, Det Brannigan was supposed to play larger role in the story, but she was cut out of episodes following Smoke and Mirrors. They could easily do something like Bluebeard acting suspicious, and eventually risking whole Fabletown to be discovered by Mundane world, so Bigby have to keep the community hidden or something. Well, Telltale are the masters of storytelling so whatever they're gonna do, I'm going to buy Season 2 even without seeing the god damn trailer or anything.
Just gonna say I almost guarantee a season 2. Adam Harrington wouldn't have made that video teaser if there wasn't some sort of good news :P
It will most likely happen.
Or at least a DLC.
Proofs from Adam:
I have a feeling a season 2 or at the very least dlc is in the works, but telltale doesn't want to spoil it yet for some reason. Maybe they want to wait till they can make sure they can make a story out of season 2.
Im an indie game developer so I can tell you what I think: they are either writing the story for Season 2, or - if they already have it written - they are probably working on game assets like models for new characters and places, textures and such. Anyway, like Eugene and I said before - Adam is not uploading this video for a reason - maketing in video games is very important, so I can tell that Telltale don't want anybody to confirm S2 before they do. And they probably won't confirm it, until at least 50% of S2E1 is going to be playable. So, I'm 99% sure Season 2 is going to happen, and I think it will be announced either in Nov/Dec 2014 or Jan/Feb/Mar 2015.
We really need a season 2. This series is fantastic, I don't want to see it get abandon.
There there Clem, it's gonna be alright.
Did Telltale not get along with Vertiago? I think there could be a DLC but i doubt theyre be a Season two and if there is a Season two that will be amazing.
Telltale got along fine with Vertigo. Its Bill Willingham (writer of the comics) who is the problem. Unlike Robert Kirkman, he has a 0% tolerance of going off-canon from his comics. I mean, I kinda get it because it is his story, but The Wolf Among Us could/can be a lot better if they go off-canon a bit, because it opens up a lot of space for more stories (and this is coming from a huge fan of the comics). And whether it will be a dlc or s2 I don't care, as long theres more Wolf
Bill Willingham seems like he wants a season 2 also.
Oh I worded it wrong. Bill Willingham isn't the person standing in the way of season 2. I think he was a big fan of Wolf and would be open to a season 2 (I hope), but he doesn't like going off canon which makes it harder to write a story. But with 20 years to work with I'm sure they could cook up something.
honestly, as an avid Fables reader, I would hate it as well if they went off the canon and lore. Especially with the already established characters. But, Telltale did a great job of avoiding this by creating new characters or (like in Crane's case) taking a very minor character from the comics and providing some backstory to how they arrived at their present situation. TWAU should be like supplementary material to Fables but with the time gap they have room to still be creative.
And I really do hope they continue the series, since the Fables arch will end once and for all by early 2015 and I'm gonna need my Fables fix.
Yeah but the only reason I wouldn't mind it going off canon a bit is if it gives us the chance to meet Cindy, Rose Red, Prince Charming, or some other favorite Fables from the comics. If they want to keep introducing new characters (which I have no problems with), then them staying with canon would be ideal.
And its sad Fables is ending so soon
Wolf Among Us season 2 needs to happen to help keep the Fables world going for a while longer
If Fables #150 is going to be the last issue, it means The Wolf Among Us needs at least 149 more seasons. But to be serious, the game takes place 30 years before the comics, so Telltale could easily keep making more TWAU seasons for the next 10 years... at least in my opinion.