My ideas for Season 2
Bear in mind that these are just things I dreamed up for Season 2.
I wouldn't mind another murder mysetery, but this time have it set up so that Bigby is the number 1 suspect because ALL of the evidence points to him.
Have the Crooked Man's surviving crew return for a bit of revenge and other plot related stuff (Bloody Mary especially)
Introduce another urban legend or myth (I REALLY want the Nuckelavee to appear in Season 2, I recommend looking it up: It's a Scottish myth from back in the 19th century, it's depicted/described as a giant skinless horse with a rider's torso attached to it's back with arms that reach to the ground; most tales associate it with the Devil himself because of it's evil powers.)
Continue and hopefully conclude the Faith/Nerissa thing from Season 1, maybe even throw in some things we didn't know about it to make things more interesting.
Lastly make the episodes longer, Episode 5 took me just over an hour at the most to finish, while Episode 1 took me over 2 hours to finish. Longer episodes will keep me happy while I wait for the next ones to be released.
So ppl, what do u think??
Sounds Good, They REALLY need to make season 2 or at least a DLC...
I like the idea of Bigby being framed for either a murder or a string of murders; hopefully Telltale will do something different instead of the Fable prostitutes.
I would also like it if they added more characters from the comics, like Boy Blue, Cinderella, Pinocchio, and King Cole. I think it would be awesome if they added in Snow's ex-husband Charming, and her sister Rose just to add some tension.
If they do a DLC they should do one on The Farm to give us an experience what it's like there since Bigby isn't allowed there, maybe play as TJ or another Fable. We would also get a glimpse of Goldilocks and the revolution to come in the comics.
I like all of your ideas. They need to make a season 2 or at the very least a DLC.
Murder mysteries are amazing. I also really want Faith/Nerissa to be in it; Lawrence too. I love those characters too much!
Lawrence is a bro.
Bloody Mary.
I love the idea of everything pointing to Bigby, actually. It´d motivate us to work extra hard to find the real killer and prove our innocence.
Damn straight.
In Adam Harrington's interview with the TellTale bosses they comment that Bloody Mary was a very unexpected fan favourite and she is actually one of their favourite characters besides Bigby, high hopes for Season 2!!
Yeah, that coming from Telltalers was so awesome to hear. Bloody Mary being mentioned in a Season 2 interview is definitely a good sign.
It would make sense to have Bigby as the protag versus a returning Bloody Mary, especially given the lack of assurance over her "death". A murder mystery where Bigby is the main suspect might work, especially if they tailored it around choices made in Season 1, but I think I'd like a different kind of story-line, one where Bigby would definitely be out of depth (since Fables readers pointed out TWAU Bigby's detective-work-flaws in comparison to comics Bigby.)
I like the idea of Bigby being framed, but they shouldnt make it point to him right away because then it would just be Bigby in hiding for 4 episodes. headless horseman would be interesting if he was in season 2 aswell
What about the evil army who forced Fables to go to New-York in the comic.Did everyone forget them?
There is a huge war that happens in the comics between the Adversary (thats what they are called) and the Fables.
Yeah.But my point is maybe they gonna appear in season 2.
Okay, she had being mentioned, but how the fuck can she be still alive.
There's plenty of circumstances proving it, pal. She will return, no matter how much you want her to stay dead and how much hate you'll give.
K, but HOW.
Okay, here's my point.
I'll start off by saying that the first thing I felt really suspicious about is that in the last fight the supposed 'real' Mary just broke into glass shards exactly the same way as her clones, and this kind of makes me doubt whether she's truly dead or not. Even if it really was the real one, there's absolutely no guarantees she can't recreate herself back somehow. Besides! After I've done some analysis of her dialogues and actions, I really do question Mary's true motivation. I can tell she wasn't really intending to kill Bigby, that was something different... E.g. why didn't she just use her cheater silver bullet gun then? I'll tell you, that's because she knew that this would most likely kill the Big Bad Wolf. Also, she's got the ability to use ANY reflective surface as a portal after all, and there were a lot of these in the factory. There's hardly even a way she could die in that battle.
Let's continue. If you remember, right after the trial, when Bigby was in the elevator, he rubbed his eye (there's even a special and unique animation for it, that was never used before). And guess what. That's the very eye Mary was close to stabbing him in! A coincidence?
And another thing:
Need I say anything?
If all this is not a one big hint that this lovely lady is as alive as ever, then what is this?
Mmmm, good point.
Okay I wasn't convinced until the picture of the girl, which is very interesting. However, I've never been a fan of reoccurring villains, so I think I'm part a tiny minority that doesn't want to see hear back. But the possibility is there so she might be back.
Tbh I've never been fond of the idea of bringing back defeated villains either, but this case... is a special one. Very, very special.
she'll get lucky. real lucky.
your avatar dude, his middle name is lucky.
I just read to the Bloody Mary being in it. Don't worry, I will read the rest. Once I get my heart rate down that is
Gave a thumb up too
Looks nice! Looking forward to news on season 2.
i love the #1 thing. also i wanted it to be a serial killer story at the beginning. maybe someone flipped and they hate bigby and bam, they start framing bigby. like snow white said that she feels like bigby sometimes enjoys chaos.