Autohotkey script for mouse movement in W&G
I wrote an AutoHotkey script that will help users control the movement in W&G with the mouse instead of the keyboard.
There are 2 methods of movement when using this script. Both are accessed by pressing either the left or right mouse button. You may find that when you use the left button for moving, you may accidentally click and trigger a selectable object. That is why I also allow for using the right button to move. It will not trigger the items, so I highly recommend using it instead of the left button.
Method 1:
When you click on the edge of the screen, it will simulate the arrow key for as long as you hold the mouse button down. The corners of the screen will press 2 arrows for diagonal movement.
Method 2:
When the cursor is not at the edges of the screen, you can press and hold the mouse button for movement. After a short user specified delay, the mouse movement will be limited to a small box. Moving to the edges and diagonals of this box will cause the corresponding arrow keys to be pressed. You can use this method anywhere on the screen as long as it is 1 movement box in size from the edge of the screen. The box defaults to 100 pixels, but you can change that.
When the game is running in a window instead of fullscreen, the movement works the same. When you click the mouse in the window it will lock itself into the window so you can easily use Movement Method 1. The mouse will free itself to the full window by pressing the 'F' key or by [Alt][Tab]ing to another running program.
To get this running you will need to install AutoHotkey available here:
Then download the attached script. Unzip the file some where. When you run it, it will launch the game and you are good to go. When you quit the game, the script will quit so mouse clicks are no longer remapped as arrow keys.
You can also right click on the script file and compile it if you like. Then it can be run on other computers without installing AutoHotkey.
You can edit settings in the script file by right clicking on it and picking Edit Script. Then at the start of the file, look for the following lines to change as you like:
How to change the game:
set episode to 0 for the demo. 1, 2, 3, 4 for the corresponding episode. Other values will give you an error and quit the script.
As of writing this, episodes 3&4 have not been released so I can not test them. I believe it should work fine.
How to change the button functions:
* Remember using the left button for movement can cause triggerable items to be selected.
set the following values to 0 to disable and 1 to enable.
useEdgesL - enables Movement Method 1 for the left mouse button.
useCenterL - enables Movement Method 2 for the left mouse button.
useEdgesR - enables Movement Method 1 for the right mouse button.
useCenterR - enables Movement Method 2 for the right mouse button.
How to change the delay before Movement Method 2 is activated:
buttonDelayL - time in milliseconds to press the left mouse button.
buttonDelayR - time in milliseconds to press the right mouse button.
How to change the Movement Method 2 box size:
boxSize - height and width in pixels of the restricted mouse movement for Movement Method 2
How to change how wide of a selection area at the edge of the game view window that can be pressed for Movement Method 1:
borderPixels - number of pixels in from the edge
Have fun. Hopefully TTG does not delete this. If they feel the need to, then please p-mail me with the reason for removing this thread/info.
If for some reason the download is corrupt, you can just copy and paste the following code into a new script file called wg.ahk
There are 2 methods of movement when using this script. Both are accessed by pressing either the left or right mouse button. You may find that when you use the left button for moving, you may accidentally click and trigger a selectable object. That is why I also allow for using the right button to move. It will not trigger the items, so I highly recommend using it instead of the left button.
Method 1:
When you click on the edge of the screen, it will simulate the arrow key for as long as you hold the mouse button down. The corners of the screen will press 2 arrows for diagonal movement.
Method 2:
When the cursor is not at the edges of the screen, you can press and hold the mouse button for movement. After a short user specified delay, the mouse movement will be limited to a small box. Moving to the edges and diagonals of this box will cause the corresponding arrow keys to be pressed. You can use this method anywhere on the screen as long as it is 1 movement box in size from the edge of the screen. The box defaults to 100 pixels, but you can change that.
When the game is running in a window instead of fullscreen, the movement works the same. When you click the mouse in the window it will lock itself into the window so you can easily use Movement Method 1. The mouse will free itself to the full window by pressing the 'F' key or by [Alt][Tab]ing to another running program.
To get this running you will need to install AutoHotkey available here:
Then download the attached script. Unzip the file some where. When you run it, it will launch the game and you are good to go. When you quit the game, the script will quit so mouse clicks are no longer remapped as arrow keys.
You can also right click on the script file and compile it if you like. Then it can be run on other computers without installing AutoHotkey.
You can edit settings in the script file by right clicking on it and picking Edit Script. Then at the start of the file, look for the following lines to change as you like:
How to change the game:
set episode to 0 for the demo. 1, 2, 3, 4 for the corresponding episode. Other values will give you an error and quit the script.
As of writing this, episodes 3&4 have not been released so I can not test them. I believe it should work fine.
; Set this to the W&G episode you want to run with this script
; 0 = Demo
episode := 1
How to change the button functions:
* Remember using the left button for movement can cause triggerable items to be selected.
set the following values to 0 to disable and 1 to enable.
useEdgesL - enables Movement Method 1 for the left mouse button.
useCenterL - enables Movement Method 2 for the left mouse button.
useEdgesR - enables Movement Method 1 for the right mouse button.
useCenterR - enables Movement Method 2 for the right mouse button.
; set options to 0=disable 1=enable
; Left Button options
useEdgesL := 1
useCenterL := 1
; Right Button options
useEdgesR := 1
useCenterR := 1
How to change the delay before Movement Method 2 is activated:
buttonDelayL - time in milliseconds to press the left mouse button.
buttonDelayR - time in milliseconds to press the right mouse button.
; how long in milliseconds to press mouse button in center screen before movement is controlled by mouse dragging
; left move delay
buttonDelayL := 150
; right move delay
buttonDelayR := 50
How to change the Movement Method 2 box size:
boxSize - height and width in pixels of the restricted mouse movement for Movement Method 2
; movement box size in pixels
boxSize := 100
How to change how wide of a selection area at the edge of the game view window that can be pressed for Movement Method 1:
borderPixels - number of pixels in from the edge
; pixels at edge used to select movement
; must be 1 to 25
borderPixels := 5
Have fun. Hopefully TTG does not delete this. If they feel the need to, then please p-mail me with the reason for removing this thread/info.
If for some reason the download is corrupt, you can just copy and paste the following code into a new script file called wg.ahk
; Script Function:
; Map mouse clicks at the edges of the screen as arrow keys
; You can also move by holding down the button and dragging the mouse
; The script will time out after 2 minutes if game is not launched
; Press 'F' in windowed mode to free the cursor
; Set this to the W&G episode you want to run with this script
; 0 = Demo
episode := 1
; set options to 0=disable 1=enable
; Left Button options
useEdgesL := 1
useCenterL := 1
; Right Button options
useEdgesR := 1
useCenterR := 1
; how long in milliseconds to press mouse button in center screen before movement is controlled by mouse dragging
; left move delay
buttonDelayL := 150
; right move delay
buttonDelayR := 50
; movement box size in pixels
boxSize := 100
; pixels at edge used to select movement
; must be 1 to 25
borderPixels := 5
; ==================================
; only change values above this line
; ==================================
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
#SingleInstance ignore ; only allow 1 running script
SetTitleMatchMode, 3 ; Names must be exact
; check values
if (borderPixels < 1 OR borderPixels > 25)
MsgBox, borderPixels value out of range
timeDelayL := buttonDelayL // 10
timeDelayR := buttonDelayR // 10
movePixels := boxSize // 2
edgeMargin := movePixels * 2 + borderPixels
border := borderPixels
mouseLocked := 0
; setup paths and file
if (episode = 0)
gameFile = WallaceGromitDemo.exe
launcherName = Wallace & Gromit Demo
else if (episode = 1)
gameFile = WallaceGromit101.exe
launcherName = Fright of the Bumblebees
else if (episode = 2)
gameFile = WallaceGromit102.exe
launcherName = The Last Resort
else if (episode = 3)
gameFile = WallaceGromit103.exe
launcherName = Muzzled!
else if (episode = 4)
gameFile = WallaceGromit104.exe
launcherName = The Bogey Man
MsgBox, Invalid Episode #
gameReg = SOFTWARE\Telltale Games\%gameFile%
RegRead, gameDir, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, %gameReg% , Install Location
; this is the name of the game as shown on the task bar
; Demo, Ep1 and Ep2 all use the same name, so I assume all episodes will
gameName = Telltale Games
; launch game
Run, %gameFile%, %gameDir%, UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel = ERROR
MsgBox, Episode %episode% could not be found
winwait, %gameName%, , 120
if ErrorLevel
gameID := WinExist(gameName)
WinActivate, ahk_id %gameID%
SetTimer, gameCheck ; check every 250ms
; setup rect variable for DLL call
VarSetCapacity(rect, 16)
; quit script on game exit
if ((mouseLocked AND isFullScreen()) OR !WinActive("ahk_id" . gameID))
; free the mouse if we switched modes or window no longer active
mouseLocked := 0
IfWinNotExist, ahk_id %gameID%
; free the mouse just in case
useEdges := useEdgesL
useCenter := useCenterL
timeDelay := timeDelayL
testButton = LButton
Gosub, mouseToArrows
useEdges := useEdgesR
useCenter := useCenterR
timeDelay := timeDelayR
testButton = RButton
Gosub, mouseToArrows
; process mouse movement
usingCenterMove := 0
if (isFullScreen())
; fullscreen
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
width := A_ScreenWidth
height := A_ScreenHeight
winXpos := 0
winYpos := 0
winXoffset := 0
winYoffset := 0
; only do mouse to key conversion in game window
IfWinNotActive, ahk_id %gameID%
; get window information
CoordMode, Mouse, Relative
WinGetPos, winXpos, winYpos, winWidth, winHeight, ahk_id %gameID%
; calculate border info from client window
; we do it at every mouse press because the size could change
DllCall("GetClientRect", "UInt", gameID, "UInt", &rect)
width := NumGet(rect, 8, "int")
height := NumGet(rect, 12, "int")
winBorderPixels := (winWidth - width) // 2
winBarPixels := winHeight - height - winBorderPixels
; free up mouse if on top bar
MouseGetPos, , curY
if (curY < winBarPixels)
winXoffset := winBorderPixels
winYoffset := winBarPixels
; set top left of game window
; keep locking the window so the mouse does not get free
mouseLocked := 1
Gosub, lockWindow
; check aspect ratio and adjust
if (width * 9 // height < 16)
; top and bottom letterboxed
newHeight := width * 9 // 16
edgeLeft := 0
edgeRight := width
edgeUp := (height - newHeight) // 2
edgeDown := edgeUp + newHeight
; sides letterboxed
newWidth := height * 16 // 9
edgeLeft := (width - newWidth) // 2
edgeRight := edgeLeft + newWidth
edgeUp := 0
edgeDown := height
; bottom corner is one pixel in
if (useCenter = 1)
timePressed := 0
; the valid center movement area
centerLeft := edgeLeft + edgeMargin
centerRight := edgeRight - edgeMargin
centerUp := edgeUp + edgeMargin
centerDown := edgeDown - edgeMargin
While GetKeyState(testButton)
MouseGetPos, curX, curY
if (!usingCenterMove)
; adjust for window border
curX -= winXoffset
curY -= winYoffset
; remap mouse to arrow keys
; only press the down key once
if (useEdges = 1 OR usingCenterMove = 1)
if (curX < edgeLeft + border)
if (!downL)
Send {Left Down}
downL := 1
if (downL)
Send {Left Up}
downL := 0
if (curX > edgeRight - border)
if (!downR)
Send {Right Down}
downR := 1
if (downR)
Send {Right Up}
downR := 0
if (curY < edgeUp + border)
if (!downU)
Send {Up Down}
downU := 1
if (downU)
Send {Up Up}
downU := 0
if (curY > edgeDown - border)
if (!downD)
Send {Down Down}
downD := 1
if (downD)
Send {Down Up}
downD := 0
if (useCenter AND !usingCenterMove)
; start counting if in center of screen
if (curX > centerLeft AND curX < centerRight AND curY > centerUp AND curY < centerDown)
if (timePressed > timeDelay)
; button down long enough, start using center move
; readjust mousepos to real and setup movement box
curX += winXoffset
curY += winYoffset
edgeLeft := curX - movePixels
edgeUp := curY - movePixels
edgeRight := curX + movePixels
edgeDown := curY + movePixels
; fill the RECT structure with UInt values
NumPut(winXpos + edgeLeft , &rect + 0)
NumPut(winYpos + edgeUp , &rect + 4)
NumPut(winXpos + edgeRight + 1, &rect + 8)
NumPut(winYpos + edgeDown + 1, &rect + 12)
DllCall("ClipCursor", UInt, &rect)
usingCenterMove := 1
border := 1
; reset count when not in center
timePressed := 0
Sleep, 10
if (usingCenterMove)
; free the cursor
if (mouseLocked)
Gosub, lockWindow
; reset to view border
border := borderPixels
; unpress any keys that are down
if (downL)
Send {Left Up}
downL := 0
if (downR)
Send {Right Up}
downR := 0
if (downU)
Send {Up Up}
downU := 0
if (downD)
Send {Down Up}
downD := 0
; check to see if fullscreen
Global gameID
WinGet, style, Style, ahk_id %gameID%
; 0x800000 is WS_BORDER.
; 0x20000000 is WS_MINIMIZE.
; no border and not minimized
Return, (style & 0x20800000) ? 0 : 1
; free mouse from window
if (mouseLocked)
IfWinActive, ahk_id %gameID%
; free the cursor
mouseLocked := 0
; lock mouse to window
; fill the RECT structure with UInt values
NumPut(winXpos + winBorderPixels, &rect + 0)
NumPut(winYpos + winBarPixels, &rect + 4)
NumPut(winXpos + winBorderPixels + width, &rect + 8)
NumPut(winYpos + winBarPixels + height, &rect + 12)
DllCall("ClipCursor", UInt, &rect)
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There should be no difference in speed from using the keyboard. If you hold the right mouse button down at the edge of the screen it holds the corresponding arrow key down. Or 2 keys at the corners of the screen.
Of course if you want to move left, then right, you do have to move the mouse from one side of the screen to the other.
Myself, I just can't get used to using WASD. I do all my gaming from the couch on my HTPC. So it is too much of a pain to use the keyboard on my lap. I remapped my joystick to what I liked, but did not like selecting on-screen items by toggling through them. Which means I still needed a mouse/joystick combo. With this script I can now use only the mouse. I click on selectable items to move, but if I get to a spot when I need to use WASD, now I can just press and hold the right mouse button at the edge of the screen.
My other thought is to make a script so that if you hold the right mouse button down for a half a second, then it limits the mouse movement to 20 pixels or so, then as you move the mouse around while holding the right button down, the corresponding arrow keys are pressed. I'll probably try that on a rainy day this week.
Yes, I understand that. Which was my POINT, in a way...because the move speed was set for the keyboard, and not for this kind of movement, and so I think the speed feels "off" even though it's exactly the same.
If I'm making any sense.
Yep. One of the reasons I consider it unwieldy, though interesting.
And I do need to try it in that capacity sometime. So far I've only used it in small areas full of objects the real point of it would be for places like the hallway. I haven't exactly fully tested it, just made sure it worked. Then I proceeded to dick around for a bit and assess it within a few minutes.
That's another interesting solution. I'd like to see what comes of that.
I was about to replay FotBB before the next episode, so your script came right on time. I played through the game with no major problems - hats off!
Two things to note:
- I tried the original script, but I went for the left mouse button after a few minutes, and that worked out much better for me
- It often happened that the Y-edge of the screen wasn't detected. I had to start moving to either side, and then up or down, and then it worked. It wasn't too bad, just a bit inconvenient at times.
So, definitely an interesting idea for p&c die-hards, and though not perfect, it works much better thank one would initially expect. Kudos!
Ah, well...
Let's not diss TTG too much in this thread please. They will just end up banning the thread like some of my previous threads. cough..S&M-S1@1920x1080..cough...
TTG are correct in that there is a problem when using the mouse and the screen changes it's view. With my mouse movement script, if you move off the the screen rightclicking at the edge, if the character if facing a different direction in the next view, he will keep moving relative to him and not neccessarily the position still pressed on the screen.
The new version with that feature has been added. Wallace seems to walk like a bit of a drunkard in the new mode, but he still gets around.
You can easily turn on/off right mouse button presses on the edge of screen for movement or the new pressing the right mouse button for 300ms in the center of the screen for movement. Or change how long it takes for a right mouse press in the center of the screen to remap to the arrows.
When I say center of the screen, I just mean anywhere far enough from the edge of the screen to allow for the movement box size specified.
The delay in the script is set to 300ms before a right click starts working as move. Myself I set the right click delay to 50ms so you can start moving right away. Seems to work fine.
Update: I changed the script to default to 50mS.
With this, I disagree. This is an interim solution that works for people who want the mouse based controls so bad that they're willing to put up with some inconveniences. However, it's not a solution I'd put in the retail version of my game.
Just curious if you have tried my newer version of the script that lets you hold down the right mouse button to move.
The combination of the 2 modes has finally made me want to try the game for more then 5 minutes. But the batteries in the mouse died, so I have not completed the game yet. :rolleyes:
I do have thoughts on how TTG could do the mouse control, but I don't beleive they care. They have made up their minds and will not change.
So I added the script text to the initial post. Just create a blank text file. Copy and paste the script text into it. Then rename the file to: wg1.ahk
I'll try it this or next evening, but I'm quite sure what the result will be - it won't feel natural to me. The exact reason why I liked your original script (modded to the left button) is that it's very close to the point-and-click method - keeping the button pressed is intuitive enough, and the game has a rich environment which means it's always easy to find objects to interact with when I'm not moving towards the edge of the screen. I did have minor navigation problems (most notably, it was a bit painful to reach the front door from the outside), but on the other hand, I was able to assume my usual ultra-comfortable adventure gaming position, and it is more than worth a few minor troubles
To be honest, I quite understand them. They had to come up with a control scheme that fits both the XBox and the PC, and the way the scenes are shot, a direct control approach certainly seems more obvious.
As for not offering a secondary, mouse based control scheme: I'd do the same in their place, and would undertake the extra fuss for maintaining a secondary scheme only if the market response would force me to.
I just updated the script, hopefully for the last time.
You can now select to use the left/right mouse button for either of the 2 movement types.
You can now also easily change the episode number. Or even use the demo. It will find the game path from the registry.
The first post in this thread has been updated with all the info.
Also... Could someone tell me if the script downloads corrupted for them? Ever since I modified the first post, it now seems to pad the file with a few extra bytes at the beginning, corrupting the file.
I'll try it - now with The Last Resort
The file download works fine for me, there's no corruption!
So atm no solution is 100%, i would still prefer the mouse, i must say, im not gonna buy another season if the control scheme doesnt change. Just ruins the game for me.
Atleast this script will make Season 1 work for me.
I've never used AutoHotKey before. How does the "screen edge" stuff cope with the game in windowed mode, or with multiple monitors?
OK, I tried the mouse movement solution - it works pretty well, but as I predicted, it's not my automatic choice for movement. It's nice however when the edge detection has difficulties.
Good stuff!
Thanks for trying it out. I found myself using Movement Method 2 mostly.
I just started playing with AutoHotkey myself. I've used it for a few keystroke macros in the past, but this is the first fancy thing I've used it for.
First let me mention my goal is not to diss TTG's design decision. You guys have been playing with the new controls longer then us and have probably got used to them. For me I could not get past the issue long enough to play. Even after re-mapping my joystick. It worked great with a joystick, but then I missed how easy it is to select on-screen items with the mouse.
The only way I could play the game long enough to enjoy it was to write this script. And for better or worse, I thought I would share it.
I did not attempt, or even thought about making this script compatible with either Windowed mode or Multi-Monitors. But as I am really just hacking into the mouse movement, anything other then full screen would be a pain to do. While I'm trying to work out something, here are some thoughts:
Windowed Mode:
Currently you have the mouse get sticky when you move to the top of the window. You have to move the mouse harder to get it out of the view window. Very nice and that makes it easy to click for movement on the top edge. Unfortunately the same is not true for the other 3 sides. Actually the bottom is sticky in game but not when the menu panel is on-screen.
I could probably force the mouse to be a bit sticky myself. But for the sake of argument, here is how I would handle it if it was coded in the game.
First, when in windowed mode, I would get rid of the resolution selection and just make the window resizeable. It would be a fixed 16:9 resize, that way there is no black area like when you use 800x600 windowed. Now the edges of the view are defined by the program window. Then we make the mouse sticky when it is in the window on all four edges. Probably even a bit stickier then you have it set at the top now. This would make it so you can easily click at the edge of the window for movement.
Of course if it was programed in game, you could easily use the left mouse button. If the edges are clicked and pressed, it would ignore any selectable item. But with the script, all I can do is recommend to use the right button so items are not triggered.
From a script POV based on the current game workings, I would have to calculate the aspect ratio, fudge up some data and do a best guess where the game view window is. Then make it sticky to that.
Multi-Monitor Mode: would probably be easier to do. But I have no way of testing it. To be honest, I have never even tried the script in a mode other then 16:9. So I will have to try that after dinner and a trip to the last resort.
Movement Mode 1. Just some thoughts how this would work if used in a future game. The cursor would change to the arrow of the direction at the edge of the screen acknowledging you will be pressing the button for movement. Obviously in game code it would be easy to ignore selecting on-screen items while moving with the left mouse button pressed.
Movement Mode 2. Just like mode 1, but you could draw an arrow in the movement box that follows the 8 directions. The neat thing about this movement mode is that if you drag left for instance, and W/G moves left in the current view, then the screen changes and he is moving down the screen, as long as you don't move the mouse, W&G will keep moving in the original direction. At that point any future game code can change the direction of the on-screen arrow, move the the mouse position in the movement box to compensate and things will remain smooth.
Well, enough rambling for now.
Thanks for trying and giving feedback.
FWIW, I have not had any selection problems with the edge movement. I know in Ep1 when you are in the front yard trying to go to the front door, it can be tricky to get to. But I had the same problems with the keyboard and joystick. Remember, you can always click on the corners for diagonals. Also like I mentioned, there can be problems with using the left button for moving due to it activating any selectable items during movement. Which is why I use the right button. I do tend to use the left for edge movement because that seems more natural after years playing adventure games. But my brain is surprisingly happy with the right button for the new Movement Mode 2.
Just out of curiosity, what video resolution are you using? I have only tried 16:9 modes. I imagine you are not trying a windowed mode. I never even thought about that until [TTG] Yare mentioned it.
EDIT: I think I see what you mean. I tried 1024x768 and it seemed harder to select at the bottom. I'll look into adding a border size option to give more selection area.
Try this test version. It compensates for aspect ratios that are not exactly 16x9. Also it seems that even though the mouse looks like it stops at any letter-boxing, it really goes into it. So you can push past the border making the mouse slow to come out of it. I now select the whole area as the movement click.
There is also a new borderPixels setting that be changed so the mouse does not have to be exactly at the edge.
EDIT: The top post has been updated to the newest version.
Here is the script in case the download is corrupt:
Hmmm, interesting. You got the problem right - I was playing at 1280x1024. The aspect ratio problem did cross my mind, but I thought then I wouldn't be able to move towards the Y-edges at all, and dissed the idea
I'll try the new version after work.
Yes, it works now! Great!
Here is a test version with windowed support. Because I don't have good direct access to the mouse in a DX game from outside it, the best I can do is this.
If you click in the game window, the mouse will lock to the window. The movement modes will then behave exactly like full screen. To move the mouse out of the window you must first press the 'F' key to Free the mouse.
Depending on you system, you may have to change theses values:
This version also incudes a fix where I keep sending down keystrokes when the mouse is pressed. You won't notice the difference in game, but it technically cleans up and speeds up the code.
I'm not sure about multi-monitor, but I think it should work just like W&G.
I can't imagine W&G supports spanning a game across multiple monitors in fullscreen without using Dual/TripleHead. At that point my script would work fine. In windowed mode it should also work fine if the window spans multiple monitors.
I can't test either setup though.
If you use a HTPC do yourself a favor and play the game with a gamepad...
The control scheme is clearly designed for a gamepad. I played it also that way and it works out well!
I hope this will work for Monkey Island episodes as well.
I saw your post over there and I am sure that they will make a script for ToMI if this one should not work.
From what I am told I can use AutoHotKey to force it to ignore the original joystick commands.
Can anyone help me with that? Never used AHK before. Thanks
You could start with this as the basis for the script and modify it for the second analog stick. I have never tried that script, so I really can't help you any more with that. Autohotkey does have great forums that offer plenty of help and you can search it for ideas.
Edit... just noticed people are complaining about W&G default mapping still working while they are using the 2nd analog stick as a mouse. I think Autohotkey only allows blocking and remapping of buttons. The axes are not blocked, so autohotkey will be of no help for this issue. I could be wrong, but that is the way it looks from the documentation.
You could always try Pinnacle Game Profiler.