Interesting interview, video panel about Telltale - "We have franchises coming to us now"
“I think we’re in a position now where we’re having IP come to us, and we’re saying we can’t actually accommodate you”
I was on Google news and came across an interesting article about Telltale. Some of it is information that will appeal more to people who care about the business end of things than it will to us, but it also has some insights I figured we might like. They mention the fact that whereas Telltale previously sought out the franchises they worked with, they now not only have people coming to them but even have to deny people wanting to make games with Telltale. They seem to hint at having another game lined up that they don't currently have announced (although keep in mind that something being planned is not equal to being in development before you complain). For those curious about Telltale's future, I think this is a worthy read/watch.