Fables newest issue #144 SPOILERS
Really sad watching Beast and Ozma die so inconsequentially like that. Is Bill Willingham the George RR Martin of the comic book world or what?
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Really sad watching Beast and Ozma die so inconsequentially like that. Is Bill Willingham the George RR Martin of the comic book world or what?
I think Kirkman would hold that title.
They died? how?
Wow umm shit was it brutal?
I haven't read the comics but why would Bigby kill beast
Killed very, very easily by feral Bigby.
Wha-? I thought Bigby died in some of the most recent issues. Even if he hadn't. will they kill him now that he's killed Beast and Ozma?
He's kind of a zombie like creature now
He was killed but came back to life with the reassembling of his frozen "pieces" and is now being controlled by the new Miss Dark, formerly Nurse Spratt. Ozma and Beast were on a mission to stop him after he had already been wreaking a lot of death and destruction. You have some catching up to do
So did bigby kill them brutally?
Well... he killed them quickly, anyway.
Could you maybe describe it? lol i can't control my self when it comes to spoilers
Actually we don't know who Spratt really is, but we'll find that out soon. Also Bigby ain't being controlled by Spratt since he openly disobeyed her every order (one of the reasons to doubt Spratt's identity).
Beast charges him wearing the superhero gold armor that had been created to fight Mr Dark. An overconfident Beast appears to have the upper hand as Bigby struggles to restrain himself, telling Beast "shouldn't... have... come... too... late... now." Bigby launches Beast to the ground and rips through his armor, causing an explosion of blood and golden shards. A surprised Beast manages a few last fragmented words, "tell Beauty... Bliss..."
An intimidated Ozma, wearing her superhero outfit, takes a step back and stammers something about being more powerful than Bigby can imagine. Bigby leaps on her and rips her throat out as Ozma pleads for her life, saying she's not ready to die. Bigby responds: "who ever is?" The next panel reveals Miss Dark watching over the scene, pleased with her "killing machine."
Wait bigby can talk again?
Also "I'm more powerful than you can imagine"
Yeah, he can talk, sort of. It seems to be more grunted words than fluid speech.
Oh ok hehe I'm on issue 120. I haven't had time to read recently so I do have some catching up to do. Thanks for the spoilers (jk I asked for it)
It's heavily implied that Spratt is the successor to Mr Dark. Spratt is controlling Bigby through secret possession of a "Bigby shard" and replacing it with one of her own, in spite of his apparent attempts at resistance. At the end of the issue it is implied that Bigby is heading to the Farm per Spratt's command (Snow says in the midst of a fierce wind gust: "My husband's come home to find me").
Actually Spratt is neither pleased nor disappointed. "Gods below, but what a perfect killing machine you are!" She's angry that Bigby is disobeying her, but she's proud of his strength. Spratt is ordering Bigby to go to the Farm, while Bigby is heading straight for Fabletown Castle. The last page of the main storyline Frau Totenkinder says "The Wolf is already at our door." Hence we'll know Spratt's true identity from Bigby. And after that Snow will kill Spratt, and the sister fight unfolds from there.
The last page reveals Bigby's whereabouts. "The Wolf is already at our door."
Spratt's exclamation and facial expression certainly indicates that she is pleased with Bigby's actions: she remarks on Bigby being a "perfect killing machine" with a smile on her face. It is not clear that Spratt is on anyone's radar at this point, although it seems likely that Totenkinder knows something about her schemes. At the end of the issue, Snow dons armor with the intention of stopping her husband, not Spratt, saying she must be ready to "receive" Bigby.
There is a but in the line. She likes the second half, yet doesn't know Bigby's intentions because Bigby is using his natural instincts of survival. Snow figured out that Bigby is headed her way, though she doesn't know the reason and is preparing to defend herself if she has to. One thing about Bigby is he never follows orders, if that means he'll experience pain he'll eat to remove the pain as it is in his nature of survival.
The "but" is connected to the expression "Gods above" not in a way that suggests ambivalence on the part of Spratt, but rather pleasant surprise. A similar sentence might be: "My God, but how tall you've gotten!"
Although Bigby may not be conforming exactly to Spratt's orders, his "resurrection" was undeniably influenced by Spratt during the reassembling of the shards, and she is therefore exerting an amount of influence over Bigby. It remains to be seen, however, whether it is solely her actions that caused Bigby to be reborn as a feral monster or whether there are greater forces at play (e.g. those who intended for Bigby's fate to consist of death and destruction, which would have happened had he not met Snow).
I kept saying FUCK until the very end.
I wish it wasn't them who died.
Also, fuckin' I think fuckin' either Snow or Rose is going to be dead by the end, and that will utterly send me into a depression that only time will heal (And a very large gallon of ice cream. Or, maybe multiple large gallons of icecream. Just give me an entire Dairy Queen, I think I'll be good.)
I literally wanted to cry so hard at Beast's demise, and then when Ozma died I lost it.
The only part of Bigby Spratt controls is one of his arms, which if you recall the time when Bigby was revived he only was missing a piece of his front legs, which in human form would be an arm. If the arm were to be cut Spratt would have no control of Bigby. The reason Bigby disobeys Spratt is she can't control him in human/werewolf form because she only controls an arm, the same exact arm that killed Thrushbeard and Beast. Compare Spratt's smiles, the one in issue 144 should be considered a smirk.
Also do you know the title for issue 145?
So why is bigby heading to the castle? Is he after snow?
Oh, what? Damn it, I like Beast.
This comic should be end at #50 or#100, that is perfect :-(
He's going there to help Snow and himself (he is still too far away for anyone to know his intentions). Spratt doesn't want him getting near Fabletown Castle because she will be exposed to every witch and wizard. However Snow will be the first to know thanks to Bigby's killing spree, Rose Red recreating Camelot, and the fact that Snow's mom was a witch. Spratt however doesn't know what is going on with Snow or Rose which is what will kill her.
Beast isn't guaranteed dead, and neither is Ozma. Beast's body might probably be casted down the Witching Well and his soul might eventually find its way back to Haven. The witches were saying that Ozma's body has not yet gone cold, so there might still be a chance. Though I hate how easily Ozma goes down, while she was supposed to be second in power (at least in Fabletown) to Totenkinder.
Speaking of Totenkinder... I'd bet she's going to be rekt next issue along with the rest of the 13th Floor, which expose Fabletown and the Farm to "Mrs Dark"'s full wrath; just like Winter foretell about the "Horrors that commences".
But I have a feeling everything is going to turn out just fine. Wouldn't want "Happily Ever After" Arc to end on a sour note, would you?
so he still loves and remembers her? Why is he killing then?
so he still loves and remembers her? Why is he killing then?
But obviously it took more than the one arm to commit those killings-- the whole body would necessarily be involved.
Not sure about the title, other than what can be viewed here: http://www.vertigocomics.com/comics/fables-2002/fables-145
Totenkinder versus Bigby
Willingham did promise he wouldn't kill everyone
One of my fears turns out to be true....I have suspected that since Beast lost his beastly powers, he could not stand a chance against Bigby. This is really sad...
But since Fables is such a magical setting and some fables has returned from the dead before, it is not entirely impossible that we might see Beast and Ozma again. One can always hope.
Edit: Just saw the pics for Beast's death...He is literally ripped to shreds INSIDE the golden armor.
Because for some reason it is making Snow more powerful than all the witches on the 13th floor combined.
Oh and what did that site say? Snow and Rose are beginning to prepare for battle, meaning Spratt was killed and considering the current title for the issue is Totenkinder versus Bigby, and Snow's magical brain sensed Bigby first Snow will kill her. And didn't I already say that earlier?
It was one arm. Take a look at the details. The same arm that always gets injured is the one that lunges, and a lunge controlled by an arm is also possible which is what happens. The arm that always gets injured.
I'm excited about the next issue. I expected Bigby to kill Ozma and Beast, though not as easily. I thought he would take the initial beating and have to wolf out to kill them, but I guess they are saving it for Totenkinder, which for me was an amazing twist.
I expected the witch to be really out of the game after her last appearance. Now I fear that my favorite character will die gruesomely (again) and maybe permanently this time. I don't think she's ready for Bigby and she just like before will sacrifice herself to buy the fables time.
My bet is that it will be up to Snow to save/stop Bigby and her sister Rose will come to her rescue, probably with the turn of events (Rose doing herself what Snow can't bring herself to do with her husband) ensuring the conflict that's been built between the sisters.
Just 6 more issues for the EPIC conclusion!!!
No need to get snippy, my friend.
Bigby was quite clearly using more than his one arm to attack Beast and Ozma. We see him lunging (with his legs and torso), diving, gorging and biting. It's not a case of one rogue homicidal limb. Unless you are arguing that the arm controls the rest of his body- in which case he would be following Spratt's orders more faithfully.