The Walking Dead 2 Not Working After Update

edited September 2014 in Game Support

The Walking Dead Season 2 had stop working after update appx. 40 mb. I took the update today 17/09/2014
First show me Telltale validation failed. I restarted the phone and tried again but stuck at this screen. How to fix it ?

The device is Samsung Galaxy S5. WiFi and 4G are on.

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  • Hi dude ive just had the same problem with my note 3 ive got download booster on wifi and data and now the game wont even lauch. Well pissed off.

  • Same. TT f'ed this one up bad.

    Hi dude ive just had the same problem with my note 3 ive got download booster on wifi and data and now the game wont even lauch. Well pissed off.

  • I've got a different problem, but I'm sure it is from the same cause.

    I can't buy episode 5
    Alt text
    Currently on a Sony Xperia Z1

  • edited September 2014

    EDITED - UPDATE: Just received an update and now, I've managed to download the new episode and it's working just fine.

    Got the update of the new episode (5) yesterday and it doesn't download it at all :(

    If I try to press the button "pause download" the app crashes.

    Now I'm afraid to uninstall the app and lose all my progress.

    Can someone please fix/help?

    Nexus 5 user.

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff
    edited September 2014

    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We believe to have resolved the issue with the latest update. If you are currently running v1.24, and are unable to start the game application successfully, please update the game application to v1.25, and the issue will be resolved, and you will be able to download and play Episode 5.

  • Thank you so much mike.

    I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We believe to have resolved the issue with the latest update. If you are currently running v1.2

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