Differences between the game and the comic
I apologize if this thread has been made before, but as someone who loved the game but did not read the comics, I was wondering how much the game differs from the comics?
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I haven't read the comics too yet, but from what I've gathered it's quite different. They're telling the different storyline, many new character are in comics which aren't in game and vice versa. Nevertheless, both creations are great
They are very different aside from the characters they use. different story, different focus, told and presented differently- its all different but still has the same subject matter at its core. Fables living in the mundane world.
You should read them.They are better than twau.The game is taking a peacefull fables town and concetrate on bigby job.In comics we see more wars,deaths and ia based on tge maj. of fables not bigby.And when it,s based on bigby,they care about his personal life.Also tge game is like 10 years away from the comics.In the comics you can see Bluebeard ,Beast ,Bigby history,in the game is only bigby with a little bit of crane.Also there are around 1000 more characthers.
I enjoyed this game very much (considering it as my favourite one), but after reading comics I am truly in love with Fables

As it was said before, TWAU shows only one case, only one story which is taking place in a time of few days or months. Comics are telling the story of Fabletown and shows what happend to the Fables during 12 years. A lot of big events happend there in that time. Bigby, Snow and Rose Red (Snow's sister) are the very main characters, but there is also a lot of very important Fables which was never introduced in the game (and I hope they will appear in the next season(s)). I am really satisfied how comics dealt with Bigby - Snow relationship, and like Alex28 said, there is also focus on their personal life.
I very much like the fact, that game is a canon with comics. Bigby and Snow's characters differ from the comics, but because there is few years time gap between game and comics, I would consider it as character development
Really comics are worth reading them.
Fot me the rose red case is appropiate with the faith one.Hopefully ttg will consider that,and countinue the course like the books with a war or something .Also it would be ok if we will see aother ch. like boy blue etc or even the lady of the desert( if you know what i mean
Yeah, these cases are simillar to each other, but this one from the game affects more people than only Rose Red. Crocked Man had big influence on a lot of Fables in Fabletown.
I agree, that it would be definitely great to see something bigger than this Crooked Man thing in the next season, maybe something what will have more to do with Homelands. Boy Blue, Frau Totenkinder, Cindy - it would be great to see them all.
It is very important for me that next season should stick to the canon (and I need Bigby as a protagonist
) There is a lot of time between the game and first issue of the comics and even between comics there are time gaps big enough to be filed up wihth some good story. I really hope second season will get announced.
TWAU is only one piece in a vast universe with many characters and locations. Its very different because its a prequel and new to anything we've seen in the comic.
I assume that bigby will be the protagonist if the name of the series is WOLF among us not fables among us or i don't know colin in the dreams among us
The most basic difference is that TWAU revolves around Bigby whereas the comics don't really focus on him only (He wasn't seen in 12 consecutive issues on one occasion) although he is one of the main character (kinda like Jules in Pulp Fiction, the story isn't all about him but he is a main character).
You can expect some of the characters to differ in appearance most of the time when compared to the comics from the game. (they are drawn in all sorts of art styles as well) Plus, TWAU is supposed to take place 20-ish years before the events of the comics!
Bigby Wolf
TWAU version:
Fables version:
Snow White
TWAU version:
Fables version:
TWAU version:
Fables version:
Snow is pretty much the same and for Bigby's appearance i think hes just more detailed in the game.
I guess I considered Snow's hairstyle to be the turning point that made her different in both versions. As for Bigby, he looks younger in the game when compared to his grumpy middle-aged version that's present in the comics, if you get what I'm sayin'.
Yeah Bigby definetly looks younger which is weird considering fables are forever (If you know what i mean!).
What i hate in the game is that they keep their clothes 4e.If gta vc (2001) can change your outfit , why they can't do tata in a 2014 game?
Bigby must have been using a magical hair and skin conditioner! One of which that makes his hair lusciously soft and his skin silky-smooth!
That's Telltale being lazy for ya, as if cutting a lot of scenes out from the game wasn't bad enough.
Love how Bigby has his hair neatly done and ready for the day. In the comics, its a hot mess and he be like 'F this, man!' XD
BTW, Beauty is better looking in the comics than the game.
Do the personalities in the game match with the comics? I just read issue 1 of Fables and have noticed that Snow is more colder than she was in the game, particularly to Bigby.
Snow's personality is pretty different and Bigby's is chosen by us but in comics hes the gruffy type so the rest is pretty much same.
Yes, Snow is acting differently in the comics, but I think, that we can assume that 20 years of being the deputy major is the cause of her colder attitude (even during the game she starts acting differently, when she gets the promotion to deputy major). It is worth to mention, that in the comics her character is developing too, especially after the start of their relationship with Bigby. You need to read all the issues to get to know how fabulous characters Bigby and Snow are in the comics
Oh yeah, Beauty is definitely more appealing to the eye in the comics. Although, I do admit loving that 80's hairstyle she had in TWAU.
i tried reading comics but no, there's just no parallel to great voice acting and beautiful animations of TWAU. I read first 2 issues and it felt weird that i wasnt able to choose bigby's dialogues.
I don't know about you but Snow and Beauty look better in the comics. Bigby on the other hand looks like Jack Black from Tenacious D in the comics.
I like both versions actually. It's interesting to see the 'changes' they've gone through since the eighties!
Same here.
The game is less humorous than the comics for sure, the comics have LOADS more charcters, Bigby and Snow aren't together (damn it) and that's about it I think....
I'm only up to issue #55 but so far, I've seen tons of differences, especially with Bigby. Bigby feels like a completely different character in the comics. So far, I've never actually seen him lose his cool and rage out like he does at certain points in the game. He generally seems like a more competent character in the comic, always knowing what's going on. His senses and detective skills are way better than in the game. Seriously, comic Bigby would've known right away that the head left at the Woodlands at the end of episode 1 was not the real Snow. He always knows where the real Snow is at all times because of her scent. Generally, the video game Bigby seems less intelligent than the comic version. Also, the game makes Bigby's transformations out to be a really big deal. Like his secret weapon that he only uses as his last resort. In the comic, Bigby's alot more casual with his wolf and werewolf forms. He doesn't hesitate to wolf out when under attack. Still , regardless of all this, I actually prefer the video game Bigby. He looks more badass, his voice is amazing and I really like the whole idea of Fabletown being terrified of Bigby. In the comics, people aren't really afraid of him. Everyone accepts him and no one calls him a monster. Or atleast, I haven't seen anything like that in all the issues I've read.