W&G Ep. 2 - minor sound issue

There's one thing I noticed while playing The Last Resort - in some cases (seemingly independent of the location), there are random pops in the speech. It doesn't seem to affect the music or the sound, only the speech.

I know these problems are usually remedied by lowering the graphics settings - I couldn't really try that as the pops are not reproduceable. Is it possible that my desktop VGA (9600GT) isn't strong enough to handle level 9? There was no such problem with Fright of the Bumblebees, not once.


  • edited May 2009
    Now that you mention it, I have made the same experience. My graphics card is older, so I have set the game to graphics level 4, but while the speech had been perfect for this setting in the first episode (and even when set to level 6), there are some glitches during second episode now. - For example in the second act, when Wallace examines some of the objects which are not on the table in the living room, like the water slide or the picture on the wall.
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