Telltale Voice Actor Adam Harrington (that's me!) Asks Telltale Prez & Head of PR Fans' Questions

This took a little longer than I originally announced, but here are Telltale Co-founder/Prez. Kevin Bruner and Head of PR Job Stauffer's answers to my FB/Twitter followers' questions. Many of you asked about a possible second season for "The Wolf Among Us", but there's a lot of other cool/interesting stuff here too. I included some exclusive footage from my final "WAU Season #1" Bigby VO session as well.
I'll come back to this post from time to time to answer any questions you guys might have for me.
-Adam Harrington
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Thanks for the update, Bigby, uhrm...I mean Sheriff!
That seems the best answer we'll get about a second season for now, but it seemed positive! Thanks for the vid
and for being an epic Bigby Wolf!
Well, lets hope season 2 is announced soon, and that you will be back! Adam, you are awesome man. You would have to be one of my favourite voice actors, along with Melissa and Dave.
Yess, finally! Thanks for the great interview.
BTW, how you ended previous video... That was evil.
lol I bet that got people really pissed off
They keep saying "nothing announced", "we are really proud of the final product", "response from the community is great". If they would be confident about lack of Season 2, they would already say something like "We're sorry guys, but we don't feel like TWAU is gonna be continued."
So my conclusion of all topics related to S2 and this video:
Season 2 is surely possible. I think they might have already made a decision to start the development or do something else and make S2 later on. Obviously it might take a few weeks / months to create basic stuff for next Season, like the story, dialogues, choices, they need to make models for potential new characters, new textures, props, sounds ETC. So all I can say: let's just be patient and hope that Season 2 of TWAU won't be like Half-Life 3. I'm nearly sure we're going to hear an official announcement confirming S2 in Q4 2014, or Q1/Q2 2015.
In case Adam is gonna read this, here's my question: what was your favorite character besides Bigby? And why are you so awesome?
Alright, I'm satisfied, Mr. Harrington.
But, if this goes on for too long without no release date, bodies will pile.
Cool video! Can't wait to see what you're in next.
Thank you so much Adam!!! You're awesome as voice of Bigby, and I really hope you and the rest of the cast return for a Season 2!!
I absolutely agree with you. The biggest hints are everywhere. The cliffhanger at the end was an obvious one, and now this video, i mean if they weren't considering one in the first place then I don't think they'd even bother doing this video tbh. It's just that they've got two games on the go right now, so might have to wait
and I love how through out the video they addressed it as "this season" and even adam himself mentioned about "Season #1" so if that doesn't give it away, then i don't know what does. I'll just be optimistic and i'm ready to wait as long as we get another season 
If no Season 2
You're awesome Adam. I gotta say it would have been tough for them to find a better VA for Bigby and I must say you are one of the coolest people I "know". Keep pressing them on season 2 because we all want it!
You're awesome Adam and I couldn't think of anyone else capable of playing The Big Bad Wolf. Now, if we don't get wind of a 2nd season, I'll be like this with the results.
Here is to a 2nd season.
Good Job Sherrif, uhhh... [Says Hi] [Offers Cigarette] [Runs Away] [Glass]
Ohh, sounds cool! I'll have to check this out shortly when I can.
The video you made to promote this beforehand was such a tease. :P
Hopefully it's not that "shitty Huff N Puff brand".
[Sorry] [Don't have one then!] [Shows Box] [...]
Well, I just watched the interview, and I'm feeling pretty hopeful about a second season. Even if the chances of waiting quite some time for it are pretty high, it's good to see Telltale are at least considering of continuing this series one way or another making the wait so much easier:).
I also got to say that you made an incredible job as Bigby, Adam. I hope we get to hear your voice as a protagonist again very soon! Also, if the interviews that I watched with you are any indication, you really are an all-around great guy. I wish you the best of luck in your future projects.
Firefly TT game is an amazing idea!
Tnx for the video and you where awsome as Bigby.Hope there is season 2.Keep up the great work.
Bumping it in case someone still haven't seen the vid. The more people are aware the better!