Season 2 should be a narration!
Ok this idea has been in my head for ages now: I would like to have Season 2 be told as a sort of narration, like the Season begins during the events of Fables with Snow and Bigby married and living in Wolf Valley with the Cubs and one night the Cubs ask Bigby or Snow for a story so they decide to tell them the events of Season 2, we play through the Season much like with the first one but at some odd point the cubs may interupt to point out something etc.
The reason I want it be like this is beacuse the whole Wolf Family is so lovingly written in the comics and we probably aren't going to get ANY Bigby/Snow love moments in TWAU as it's a prequel series, so does anyone like this idea?
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Seriously, It's a very good idea.
Aw thnx dude!
Awesome idea! It will also be cool for non-comic readers to see how awesome Bigby and Snow's relationship is when they actually get together.
Wow that is a really cool idea. But I think id rather have it as a Dlc though. But yeah that sounds really cool and Id love to see TellTale do something like that
I love it. Plus, I love storytime too, so it's a win-win situation!
I vouch for this.
HazzatheMan, that is an awesome idea. Kudos to you mate. Telltale Devs should definitely apply this into the story structure of Season 2.
Season 2 should be about how Bigby won the Far Far Away Idol
Hey HazzatheMan, now that I thought about it, this idea might not work well as I've previously thought. TWAU shows pretty graphic/violent and mature details/scenes in it. The player can choose to play Bigby as being a nice guy (e.g. avoid fights etc), or play Bigby as being mean, cold and being bully to everyone (e.g. punch people often, pick fight with everbody).
I mean there's even a scene where Bigby rips Gren's arm off and kill one bad guy (either Twiddle Dee ot Twiddle Dum). I don't know about other people, but one of the reasons TWAU was so fun was that player is given the choice to be good or bad.
Also, there's a scene where Nerissa does the topless pole dance in Puddin' and Pie.
Now, while I still do think putting narration style into storyline is a cool idea, I can imagine that it may conflict/hamper with the tone of game Telltale is going for:
So, I don't know. While I would love to see Snow and cubs in narrative style, I'm not so sure whether it can be pulled off (who knows, maybe Telltale can find a workaround this issue).....
Its not like Bigby is gonna go "then there was smoking hot bitch pole dancing naked." Future Bigby will just be explaining the main story without going into a lot of details, because the details are for us to explore and choose what path to take: ruthless or nice? Ugh, I can't really explain what I'm trying to say here, but I hope you get the message
But you see, there within lies the problem. Every Thursday in my local library, they have "story-time" for kids aged between 5 ~8 who get told stories/tales. Now, children are the most curious lot (especially those that are younger), and they want details. If you just give them:
e.g. "Bigby defeated the 2 henchmen of Crooked man," and did not go into much details of how he did it then, they'd keep pressuring (and begging) the story teller of how it happened. Less details and they would get bored , fall asleep.
This does not mean the narrator (Snow or future Bigby) should say "Bigby sliced Twiddle Dee's throat." or "Bigby ripped off Gren's arm." , (or Narissa example that you mentioned), sure those parts may be omitted, but what about killing of Crooked Man (whether killing him in Steel Plant or throwing him down Witching Well)?
That one action impacts how the entire (well most of) Fabletown views Bigby as, a hero who saved them, or ruthless bully who can kill them anytime he wants to (like Aunty Greenleaf says if you throw Crooked Man down Witching Well).
And it would be also seriously difficult for Snow or (future) Bigby to explain what happened, if they decide to leave those details out (obviously, they'll need to make something up), and having such a choice like that in Season 2 (which has its consequences) would not work well.
A good story-teller (from what I've seen on TV and in real-life) does everything he/she possibly can (by words/action) to present vivid images to the audience (and children are no exception), and that generally is very difficult to do when a lot of details are left out.
Now, I'm not saying I'm totally against this idea. In fact, I'm very happy that it was mentioned (since I'd love to see the Cubs in TWAU game in some way), but at the moment the 'narrative' structure feels like a double-edged-sword to me.
That is a good idea but the problem is that since they would be talking to the cubs that would mean that they would have to leave out all the intresting moments of the game, ike swearing, violence, something they might ask about in the future or something like that. And since Tales from the Borderlands is going to be a naration then I don 't think that TT would agree to copy themselves.
Exactly, You've pulled the words right out of my mouth blueneon (What I've been trying to say in the above thread, but was doing a poor job at it). Couldn't have said it better myself.
Right ok; first of all I have actually played TWAU in it's entirety so I know all the good stuff and the bad stuff.
Secondly, the cubs know their parents well enough to know that say if Bigby ripped off Grendel's arm then he could say to them something like "I taught him a lesson" and they probably wouldn't ponder any further, also the cubs have had their share of violence and horror in the comics (like Mr North's castle is a perfect example). The narration doesn't have to describe the story's more graphic details like nudity either: Nerissa poledancing topless ("I go to the dance club and there was a woman dancing on stage") beating up Tweedle Dee/ The Woodsman ("Daddy made him talk eventually") the cubs can easily put two and two together so even though we the audience are watching the real events the cubs will probably be imagining their own events...
I didn't expect Bigby and Snow to be doing a full recital of the events; just scene setting and generalisation really...
Yeah, but one of the reasons we loved the game was the fact that it was not afraid to pull of really violent and gory moments, that left you saying "ouch". And what if there is a scene similar to the one at the stipclub? Making a naration that was adressed to the children would give them so many limitations. I wouldn 't like being forced behind a particular line because of the game itself if I were them.
ok I see what u mean... I still say a narration is possible, but I'm just a fanboy, TellTale are the masters and I'm sure they'll do fine.
I love TT as well. I know that whatever they do it is going to be awesome, not just talking about the wolf. They know what they are doing.