Maybe we aren't supposed to, but I didn't get that line... *SPOILER*
"I've feel like we've met before" - Bigby to Faith in Episode 1
But then it's one of the lines Bigby remembers as he begins to question who Nerissa really is at the game's very end.
Now, I have a strong feeling that that was an intentionally-cryptic reference that no one (not even fans of the comic of which I'm not one of) was meant to understand. But really, that line used in the ending's context, implies that Bigby and Faith (or actually is it Bigby and Nerissa.......) who've met before...
Since my summary confused you potentially, let me restate the question in simple terms: What is the significance of the line "I've feel like we've met before" in regards to how it was remembered at the end of Episode 5?
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I think it was just an offhand comment that they may of met before, fables live for a long time and they may of met in the past and just of forgotten about it. Such as in the Homelands or during the exodus and founding of Fabletown.
Bigby also works in public service, there's a chance that she's just seen him around before.
As for the ending, there is this big thing that Faith was Nerissa- or that Nerissa was Faith or something. That part is more confusing, but its more of the shared dialogue that Faith/Nerissa had to point to that; not to the fact that they may of met before the events of the game.
Not sure but I think I saw a post here a long time ago from someone who had read the comics ad they said Bigby's father (Mr. North) once gave someone a magic donkey (?) or something like that...
Like I said I'm not sure :S