Xbox Live update problems.
hey I have an xbox 360 and I did the update quite a while ago and yesterday I bought the wireless adaptor so again I updated it in hope that problem would change or didn't need to do that. so here's the thing. when I 1st did it I logged into the profile for my xbox live It asked me to enter my email and password that I used to make the xbox live account, problem is I don't even know it anymore. I made the thing years ago when I first got an xbox and first got free xbox live gold shit to play online, and when that finished I just used it to download free shit and hardly played online. never once it ever asked me to put the email and the password, and I never really connected to the internet I just played online, and again when I did it never asked me that until the last few updates. so know I have the adapter and I cant even use that profile that I have a bunch of fucking things saved in that profile. does anyone know how I can change it?? I looked online to change the email and everything but again you have to be logged in to the account online to change it and I cant do nothing and im pissed as fuck. can anyone help??
contact microsoft personally either by support or email. And yeah in every update it requires you to put your email/pass for security reasons.
my friend had a problem like this. they're shit so don't expect anything.