The Evil Within Or Alien Isolation?
Hello good people of the Telltale forum. I'm looking for a good horror game to get me into the Halloween vibe. I'm torn between two : Alien Isolation and The Evil Within. However I'm leaning towards Evil Within as i wasn't a big fan of the Alien movies but I don't know if the game is any good. Anyways, what are your thoughts?
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I'd say The Evil Within. Alien Isolation seems like it's just jump scares.
Evil within is more fun than Alien Isolation.
From what ive seen Evil Within looks like shit, but I haven't played so my opinion isn't that good.
well i haven't played the evil within so i can't tell you about that but i can tell you about alien
the game is great and despite what some say the scares aren't from the jump scares, they are from the tension and the feeling that you are not safe at all even when the alien isn't in the room you still don't feel safe and you are always fearing that something will get you, only being able to save at certain points (there are like log in stations) makes it even more troubling that you may not make it since if you die you start where you last saved which if you are not so smart could be a good 2 hours before that point you died at and you have very limited supplies to help you and the fact that you can't kill the alien adds to the fear factor overall it is a great game just please don't listen to ign their review is complete bullshit gave the game a negative because the ai was too smart
i played both,
One plays like a boring Amnesia game, the other has game play.
Not really a hard choice.
Exactly . Alien isolation just looks like a copy outlast with alien painted on it . Definitely going with Evil.
I'm going to guess The Evil Within is the Amnesia copy...Hell the first 10 minutes copied every horror movie and game ever, hell,in the second chapter I have no idea whats going on in the story.
Well I have to disagree then but you did play so you have a better opinion on these.
Just watching the playthoughs (I don't have the stomach to actually play either), I like Alien better, but probably because I grew up watching Alien and Terminator when I was a little little kid.
Alien is more stealth and tension-based. If you want to be disturbed or creeped out to a certain extent (it's not really scary IMO), go with The Evil Within. Also note that TEW has a lot of action in it, much like Resident Evil.
Evil looks like an Outlast copy to me.
Wait did I say Outlast? I meant generic linear first person survival horror 2559. They all look the same to me. Just jumpscare after jumpscare after jumpscare. What ever happened to games like Deadly Premonition. Now that was a horror. Hopefully Evil brings something new to the table for me. The premise is pretty interesting and gameplay looks very good. Hopefully it lives up to my expectations. Maybe I'll give Alien a try. The tension of something that can get you at any waking moment does sound pretty terrifying and I've always liked aliens.
Do you know who made The Evil Within? Shinji Mikami.
This is the man who is responsible for the classic resident evil games, this man knows horror like it was his own child. The Evil Within while suffering from a convoluted and very hard to follow story has some of the finest elements of his past work incorporated into it. I mean the enemies you face are genuinly shit you pants scary.with a four armed bloody red lady that chases you constantly throughout the game as well as that you have a safe creature that never stops hunting you down, it will always persist to get you where ever there is a barbed wire safe. Trust me, Evil Within is a true testament to what Shinji Mikami has been doing over his entire career as a developer.
Well to be honest I hated Outlast too.
Nice bit of trivia.
Evil within ftw.
I think most people know this. That knows about this game.
Well I didn't so I think its a nice piece of trivia.
I think he made re4.
I'm playing Evil Within right now and it's like a gory, harder version of Resident Evil 4. It's not scary, just hard, the controls make it hard to fight and run away from enemies, which is where the real scare factor comes in. I love Resident Evil so I was super excited to play this game, but it's not that great. At most a 6 out of 10.
Alien Isolation looks okay, I think it's good if you really like the Alien universe, but just a normal game if you don't really know the history of the series.
Deadly Premonition? Wasn't that game known to be the best worst game ever?
Evil Within defenatly has great visuals and I absulutly love all those gory parts and everything. I haven 't finished it yet, but so far it is really cool. And difficult. About Alien I would say it is way scarier than Evil Within. So if you are looking for a scare then go with it. But I personaly think that Evil within is better, mostly cause I really love fucked up situations and imagies.
Alien Isolation perfectly captures the Alien´s movies, that sense of helpless and that the Alien can get you in any moment. Until the last part of the game, that is basically just 'escape the ship', the game is a master piece. And I only saying that for plot related reasons-even at that last part, Alien Isolation remains a great horror game. Honestly, is the best horror game that has come up in a long, long time.
The Evil Within is basically Resident Evil, so is not a good horror game. Too many jump scares, too little substance. You may have made your decision already, but just keep in mind that The Evil Within is one of these types of games that shouldn´t not even qualify as horror games, so, even if you don´t like the Alien franchise-and I don´t like the franchise either, just the first movie- I suggest buying Alien Isolation.
I'm playing the alien isolation game right now; it has its moments and other times, i want to drop kick it like a football. I'm looking forward to Evil Within; the graphics look spectaculair and I'm a sucker for pretty pictures.
The Evil Within, absolutely.
It's scary as fuck, brutal, cool protagonist, great story... I see no reason to not buy it.
The Evil Within. Possibly the best game of 2014 for me. Scary as hell, got extremely paranoid as I played, and it delves into my favorite type of horror. Psychological horror!
Although I do have to admit, the game got a little too action packed by the end for my taste. Still, I can let it go since it was fun.
It was considered to be a cult classic.
The game looks hilarious to me. I really want to purchase it now.
Well, I haven't played Alien, but, I have seen it being played, and I am currently playing The Evil Within, and I think the latter is the better game. TEW is pretty damn scary (and HARD!), with little in the way of supplies and the enemies are quite challenging. The graphics are top notch too. Not the best horror game I've played, but, its certainly a great game.