
edited June 2009 in Sam & Max
We went to Barnes and Noble today and we saw Sam & Max Surfin' the Highway (the new paperback edition) for just $2.99! After paying $20 online (almost 30 after shipping), this was sort of a downer. I saved for a long time for that comic book. =/
I'm not trying to advertise Barnes and Noble or anything, but I wanted to express my disappointment about this.


  • KevinKevin Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2009
    That's certainly strange since we don't distribute the book through Barnes and Noble. Perhaps they have a used book section? What Barnes and Noble did you see this at?
  • edited May 2009
    That is strange. I live in Arizona. It was one by the mall. As far as I know, all their books are new. The comic certainly appeared to be new.
  • I have never seen a Sam & Max book EVER in Barnes & Noble.
    I just did a search of their site which displays store inventory and no listing for Salmonax or whatever they are.
    You shoulda bought it for $2.99!

    Its always good to have an extra copy to hand out when the Jehovas witnesses come to your door at dinnertime...now its my turn to enlighten them!
  • ShauntronShauntron Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2009
    Sounds like a mistake. Buy it and then flip it on eBay! Or at least snag a picture...
  • edited May 2009
    Or maybe I could buy another, so that I have one to cut up and ruin. Oh, the magic of activity pages and some scissors. :D
    I'm not sure if I could bring myself to actually cut it up, though. This book is sacred to me.
  • edited June 2009
    I didn't think that retail carried Surfin' the Highway anymore. :confused:
    But why would they be selling it for $2.99? Oh well.

    I just checked their website: no books new, but three used....
  • edited June 2009
    Either it was a mistake or it was a used one. It just can't be that cheap. o.o Wow.

    I agree with Shauntron. Buy it and then sell it again with a higher price! :D

    (if I lived in the US, I'd definitely pick it up for a friend of mine. She has been envious of my copy of StH, and well.. it would be a nice surprise for her. :) )
  • edited June 2009
    As far as I know, Barnes and Noble don't sell used books, only new ones. At least, not the Barnes and Nobles in Arizona. Then again, I could be wrong, since I've only been to a couple of the ones in Arizona.
  • edited June 2009
    I live in Arizona but I wouldn't know because I'm a Borders man. :p
  • edited June 2009
    Having worked at B&N, if a cashier accepts a return of a book we don't normally stock, it will be sit on the shelf at the cover price until clearance rolls around where it will get severely reduced ($2.99 sounds about right for a book between 15 and 20 dollars).
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