What do you think about weeaboos, bronies, and furries?
in General Chat
What do you think about them?
(I don't have any problem with them at all and people give them so much crap for harmless things.)
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I think some Bronies are weird. :P
I personally hate bronies, they all think they're clever.
I'm a brony myself so it makes sense that I respect everyone from this fandom.
I think Bronies can be weird at times but I don't discriminate against them or anything.
Not my thing, but whatever floats people's boats I guess.
My little Wu-Tang Clan is pretty tight though.
I don't really think about them period. Don't understand the furry thing, but don't really care. I saw about five-ten minutes of My Little Pony to see what the fuss was about, and I just thought 'really? Adults watch this?' It looks like a well written kids' show, but just that, a kids' show. If people like it that's their business.
Weeaboos, also, don't really care. Depends where they live too. If they live outside of Japan I care even less, and if they live in Japan, I don't care as long as it doesn't prevent them from thinking critically about politics and culture. Every culture has its flaws, and when you become incapable of being critical, especially of the society you live in (a cornerstone of democracy), it's a problem.
I don't really care what people tend to do in their free time (as long as its not hurting anyone), but tbh I find furries to be a bit weird
They want to penetrate an animal, thats their deal.
You want to dress up like an animal, thats their deal.
I don't want to but they can since it makes them happy.
I find it kind of odd and makes me question why they like those kind of thingy in the first place ...but it's not my place to judge them.
I think there real fucking weird but whatever I dont really care, people can d what they want
Weeaboos? I had to google that one.
Anyway I'm a Whoovian so I respect everyone's fandom.
Come on, no bronies here?
Most of the ones I've met tend to be really annoying, but it's their hobby and not my place to judge. I've known some bronies and weeaboos in real life who tend to get on people's nerves because they never ever stop talking about it, but I've met some much more chill ones like my brother's ex. I think people have more of a problem with how much they go on and on about their fandom than the actual fandom itself.
I don't understand a lot about furries, but as long as they don't actually do sexual acts with an animal, I'm fine with it.
I respect everyone's fandoms as long as they aren't hurting anyone and it makes them happy. Maybe some people look at TWD fans like "What the fuck? Why are they so obsessed with zombies?" and I'd be frustrated by that. Just got to see something from someone else's perspective, and you'll understand a lot more
Whatever floats you boat. I have my things, you have your own.
Not any of my business. We all are different and are all into different things.
What in god are you talking about... weeaboos, bronies, and furries?
I have no idea.
Lol, nope.
I'm using snippets from Urban Dictionary to define these, so they ain't my definitions:
Weeaboo: Someone who is obsessed with Japan/Japanese Culture/Anime, etc. and attempts to act as if they were Japanese.
Brony: Fans of the new G4 My Little Pony show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic". Mostly refers to the older male viewers of the show, but female fans use it too.
Furry: (This one is hard to sum up, but it's basically people who are obsessed with animals and being an anthropomorphic animal and wear animal suits and I think there is a sexual component to it, I don't know a lot about them besides the extremists.)
They can do whatever they want, but they're so cringe worthy.
personally i hate bronys sorry but the ones i have met in real life are just a bunch of weird people who are annoying and think that they are smart
I always joke about them and hate on them but deep down I really want each as a friend tbh
I don't hate them butt I don't get why bronies like MLP, I asked a few and they all said that the story was really good so being as open minded as I am I watched an episode and It just seemed kinda stupid, the story was dull and the jokes were clearly intended for children so I really dont get why people like that show when theyre not little kids.
They're all fine in their own way I suppose, just as long as they don't take their fandom too seriously. The ones that do take it seriously are the ones people should be concerned/worried about.
If it's anything like Powerpuff Girls, I think I get the appeal. I was bored one college semester and decided to marathon some cartoons I remembered as a kid and found it to actually be pretty entertaining, with the cutesy nature of the show adding to the charm of it.
Their okay...I guess
I find it a little weird but if that's what makes them happy then sure XD
I had to do a bit of research in regards to weeaboos since this is actually the first time I heard about them. I am somewhat familiar with the brony and furry fandom, though. Aside from finding the whole thing a little bit weird, I can't say I have an opinion, but I do imagine they keep to themselves most of the time considering most people's opinion about them. Still, I'm not really sure there are such fandoms in my country(I most certainly didn't met or seen one). If they are, they really are a minority.
As others already pointed out, I'm not against the idea as long as they don't take their fandom too seriously.
Eh, whatever floats their goat.
I don't have any problem with people being bronies (^o^)/
powerpuff girls isn't like MLP. And same with the fanbase.
We'll pretend I didn't write that...
My friends are bronies, but they don't boast about their fandom as if it's the biggest thing in the world. So there's that.
As a matter of fact, they gave me a pony as my birthday present. -_-
I am concerned for them.
Don't have a problem with any of them. Besides, I'd most likely be considered a weeaboo and a brony myself. It's just a label I don't really pay any attention too.
Who, the "bronies," the "weeaboos," the "furries," or all three. lol
Now I need to know what did you write.
Slightly intoxicated, talked about my childhood... yeah... Nothing insulting, just embarrassing for me.
Oh. Okay then.