Dreamcatcher Edition of Season One?

edited May 2009 in Sam & Max
I remember seeing this at Best Buy or someplace. It's what I suppose you could call the "retail edition" of Season One. I was wondering, as I'm trying to collect at least one of each of all things Sam & Max, what is the poster included? Is it the cover image (of this box, not the Collector's DVD), or something else? Also, is there anything else this release includes that the Collector's DVD doesn't?

Your help is much appreciated. I'm gettin' close to owning ALL things Sam & Max! :eek: :D


  • edited May 2009
    The poster Isn't the cover image, it is the Highway Surfing image. Someone might be able to link an image. But I can't find one.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited May 2009
    It's this artwork, but with the words Sam & Max Season One and some logos and a graphic of Steve's signature on it.
  • edited May 2009
    Ah, prodigious gratitude to you both. :) That helps a lot. I'll definitely be picking it up, if only out of curiosity (I already have the Highway Surfin' print, signed :p ).
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