Do you like the Ideology of the movie: The Giver?

Anyone who watched the movie The Giver? Do you like the ideology of how their community live, like there's no person better than the other, no envy, no war.

i somewhat feel like it is better to live that way than what we are living in now, where everyone is equal. yes, there are some who may abuse their power but if there was no receiver and they just lived without knowing war, death, etc. then i think it would work out. And yes, they killed babies who were unfit to live. and people may think it's immoral, but then we're all going to die anyway, right? it's like they've given the child a favor, not having to struggle in life, it's true he has the right to live but then what, he grows old, or maybe get's sick, or dies from an accident sooner or later. more painful and sorrowful than being lethally injected.


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