If a woman hits a man, does he have the right to hit back?

in General Chat
I was talking to some of my IRL friends about this matter, and we seemed pretty divided, some said that a woman should never be hit, no matter what, others said that we have a right to defend ourselves.
So now i ask you, fellow forum people. If a woman hits a man, does the man have the right to hit her back in self defence?
In my opinion, yes. If she has the balls to hit someone, then she has the balls to get hit back.
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Yup, but same goes for the other sex. As long as someone is hitting you you should have the right to act back in self defense, regardless of sex.
of course he should have the RIGHT to do it, but that that doesn't mean he HAVE to act as childish as the person who hit him and hit back
LOL what? No. If a woman hits you just restrain her. Simple as that. Never hit a woman, unless in extreme situations.
What if the woman is stronger than you?
I don't think it's THAT extremely unlikely, sure their bodies are built differently, but woman can be stronger than men a lot of the time.
Then that is a extreme circumstance that gives you the right to hit back. I'm just saying that is extremely unlikely to happen. Men and Women's bodies are built differently. Men are generally physically stronger than women.
No-one should hit anyone; sex and gender are irrelevant to that.
If the hypothetical woman hitting you actually poses a danger to your life/wellbeing, fighting back in self defence may be justified. Otherwise, it's just two wrongs and no rights. That would be the case if it was a man hitting a woman too.
Morals never change depending on the gender, race or sexuality of x person in y situation. Morals apply to humans, not specific sections of humans.
You shouldn't hit anyone at all.
But in theory yes. Women have equal rights, and should have equal punishments.
I guess, but I wouldn't hit back. I'd just put her arm in a joint lock until she either stops trying to hit me or has a broken wrist. I'm such a gentleman.
It really comes down to how much of a threat the attacker poses. If someone hits you and walks away, it's completely unjustified to smack her in return. If she attacks you and poses a serious threat to herself or others, you have every right to defend yourself, woman or man.
no, unless she is completely fucking him up.
well if she is stronger she's fuckin you up lolol
No, go with defensive instead of offensive and just restrain her. If you are weaker than her or if she actually is a danger to yourself or others, than hitting her might be your only option.
A real man wouldn't hit a girl unless it was absolutely necessary. If a girl gets angry and slaps a man, he shouldn't respond by hitting her back. I know that sounds unfair, but men shouldn't hurt those weaker than them (if that is the case with the person who hit them). The girl would of course be wrong for slapping him, but an actual gentleman would defend himself/restrain her instead of resorting to that level.
No but if she goes crazy and starts using weapons and stuff than yes you can hit her.
Gary No,
If a woman hits you, just leave the situation. Be the better person man. When a relationship gets to the point of physical violence, the relationship was over a long time ago.
Neither sex has the right to hit aother. But you have to able to defend yourself. If Lara Croft were to hit, just in self defence, wouldn 't you hit back?
No because if i hit Laura in the face, she would probably be either dead or unconscious.
There is a unbalance of force between men/women.
Women should be loved not terrorized. I once had a girl that i liked break up with me because we started getting serious, we fooled around so I was thinking i didn't want to lose this girl, i should ask her to be my GF. Well that was a big mistake, she told me that her Ex Boyfriend put a gun to her head and said if i can't have you no one will and shot himself in the head. She told me she didn't want to see me again.
Think about her life, how messed up she is going to be.
I would never hit a girl under any circumstances I think only a complete coward would tbh but I would restrain if I needed to tho
I gave a random example in order to tell you that if it is for your own health you should not just let her use you as a punching bag. But if you want to take it to that, then fine, I will just walk out and never bother you again.
Unless you're legitimately fighting for your life or protecting someone else's, you shouldn't do it under any circumstances. What are you trying to prove otherwise? Females are typically physically weaker than males. Be the better person and control yourself.
If a woman slapped a guy, and that guy responded by throwing punches/hits/whatever, I would take the woman's side 100% of the time even though she was initially the one in the wrong.
Not Really unless she's trying to kill him after that, Same goes the other way around
Yes. Strength difference aside no one has the right to hit someone without expecting to get hit back. If women can't take the punishment they shouldn't do the crime. I've seen men beaten near to death because of this BS double standard. Unless the person is a child or mentally handicapped they know better than to hit another person. People expect men to always be the bigger person and walk away and then complain how women are never treated with the same respect as men. If a woman slaps, kicks, or punches a man he has the right to do the exact same thing to her. Equality comes with responsibility, if women can't keep their hands to themselves the same as men then they haven't earned it. I'm not saying just ignore someone being attacked, but don't just assume the man is the aggressor and the woman is the victim. The are women who initiate fights and conflict solely because they know they have this advantage of protection. Just look at how screwed up the domestic violence laws are in some states.
It's not just women. It's very tricky dealing with any aggressive person who's generally seen as weaker than you, whether that's due to age, gender, or disability. If a guy comes up to me and punches me in the gut and laughs, most people would probably think it'd be pretty alright of me to throw a punch of my own in retaliation. But if that same guy happens to be in a wheelchair, my retaliation to that would certainly make me look like the biggest asshole in the world.
Strangely, though, if a 150 pound guy came up to a 250 pound guy, started harassing him, and got a punch thrown his way, I feel like more people would side with the 250 pound guy for "teaching that little punk a lesson" and say that the 150 pound guy was just asking to get hit by behaving like that. Anyone else have this same intuition?
Personally, I haven't had any problems with women or men, but if I were fighting someone weaker than me I might go easy on them depending on the situation. If it was a straight up fight I'll probably pull a few punches, but if they were really trying to hurt me I'd just kick their ass. There are some fights you just can't walk away from and the best course of action is to end the conflict with one punch. If a woman attacked me with the intent to kill or do serious harm I'd rather lay her out with one punch than let the fight carry on trying to restrain her. A bloody nose or a bruised cheek is better than two people with cracked ribs, broken fingers, or internal bleeding.
Yes, but it all depends on the circumstances. but it depends how hard the woman hit him, where she hit him, why she hit him to begin with etc. Generally, I don't think it's ok.
A man has the right to defend himself but he can do it without having to result to violence himself. Violence doesn't solve Violence.
Well yeah, its bad if a man just hits a woman for no reason or disproportionately, but if she hits him that's assault, a crime, and he is well within his rights to hit back. Having a vagina doesn't put you above the law.
True enough, but faulting the man when the woman was the one who initiated the violence is wrong. Expecting men not to defend themselves because of their attacker being smaller, weaker or whatever else is wrong. Too wrongs don't make a right, but neither does one wrong. It's sexist to say women can hit men all they want because they're weaker just as much as its sexist to say women are sluts for sleeping with a lot of men. Double standards make the problem worse, not solve it. If he can keep his hands to himself she can as well.
I agree, I know women can abuse men just as much as men abuse women. I'm thinking more in terms of a one time occurrence. If a woman hits a man for no rational reason, and is legitimately trying to hurt him, lets say she tries to hit him in the groin, then I think shoving her/smacking her back is warranted.
True that. Still, I just wouldn't feel right hitting a woman despite what the woman did to me. Defending myself though is a given. Its a shame though how many men get in trouble for these situations.
Yeah, if you don't want to hit back that's fine, but once someone is violence towards you, man or woman, you should be allowed to hit them back. I'm fine the idea that just because someone else resorted to violence you don't have to as well, I just don't like the double standard that hitting men is always okay but hitting a woman makes you some kind of monster. It's sad that in some states domestic violence laws make it so that when the police get a call its always the man who gets put in jail, even if he's the one injured and bleeding. A lot of people won't admit it, but there are just as many violent women as men out there, though most people are nothing like that and are good people.
Personally, I wouldn't feel bad about hitting anyone who was attacking me. I agree that most people will let a woman get away with a lot more than they would a man but I don't ready care. When it comes to violence I wouldn't play favorites, though most of the violence I commit is in video games, not real life.
Hey man, that's you're opinion and I respect it. But I just couldn't bring my self to it. Maybe if she was like trying to stab me I would have to resort to a Wombo Combo but other than that, don't think I can.
No one should hurt anyone else. Do men have the right to hit back? Yes. But be the better person and walk away.
I try not to get into situations where I'd get hit by anybody.
But say you see two women hitting each other, and you want to break them up and diffuse the situation. What's the best way to do that?
If a woman wants to be put in the same place as a man, then she needs to be put back where she belongs.
Same here, if you don't want to hit anyone thats cool. Actually, I've got such a short temper I'd probably skip any punching and just straight up shank someone that got me really mad. Luckily, all the people I've met have been nice enough that I've never gotten in a fight before.
That doesn't sound entirely fair. Women can hit, but men should be the better person and walk away? I say anyone who hits another person throws away any right to protection they had. If a man can be the better person and walk away a woman can surely be a good enough person not to hit in the first place.
Let them fight it out, if things turn ugly you can step in and defend the woman getting beaten up. If one or both of them have a deadly weapon maybe you should just taze them or something. A fight is one thing, but if someone's getting beat down you definitely need to step in.
Dude, that sounds kinda sexist. I'm cool with dudes defending themselves, but it sounds like you'd instigate a fight just to be able to hit her. I'd definitely try to talk things down first and only resort to a physical confrontation if that failed.
It's just genetics, woman want to have a man in their life, like a leader. That's how relationships have always been, the man the provider, the woman the follower, You know what I mean, no sexist. Do What? I doubt I would ever hit a woman either, in that situation, I would most likely just try and stop the argument. But if she hits me really hard, and I tell her to calm down, and she does it again with intent to hurt me, I'm hitting her and asserting my male dominance. But luckily for me I won't ever be in that situation, hopefully at least.