Can't play TWD:Season 2, bought season pass.

Hello, I just purchased TWD: Season 2 pass for the Xbox 360 since it is on sale right now, and downloaded the demo hoping I could just download episodes 1-5 this way, but no luck,when I click on unlock episode 1 it goes to the download and says I have to pay for it. So please just let me know how I can download my Episodes 1-5, thank you.


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the inconvenience. As stated on the Season Pass description on the Xbox Marketplace "The Walking Dead: Season 2, Ep. 1 – All That Remains game required; sold separately." If you have purchased the Season Pass, you will also need to purchase Episode 1 which is the Base Game, and then the remaining episodes (2-5) will become available to download from inside the game since you have already purchased the Season Pass.

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