Is anybody watching this TV show other than me?
I think it's amazing, good story, looking forward to each new episode.
What's your opinions?
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Is anybody watching this TV show other than me?
I think it's amazing, good story, looking forward to each new episode.
What's your opinions?
(my opinion, of course)
I think it's a waste of time, and an insult to what Batman is. It's Fox trying to milk a series by showing an origin that we already know, and changing the source material beyond holy hell.
My biggest problems with the show:
1.) How in-your-face Edward Nigma was in the pilot. Why was he busting riddles here and there, and being a complete jack-off? Isn't this supposed to be an origin story of how The Riddler and other Batman villains came to be? You're supposed to build up to that, not blatantly shove it in the face of the viewer.
2.) Young Bruce Wayne already "training" to be Batman.
3.) Alfred was a dick. I know he's supposed to be concerned for Bruce's well-being, but it just seemed really out of character.
4.) Jada Pinkett-Smith's character.
5.) Harvey Bullock should never be Jim Gordon's superior. Not even in an origin story.
But by far, my BIGGEST problem with the show:
Jim Gordon in the comics:
Jim Gordon in Batman: The Animated Series:
Jim Gordon in The Dark Knight trilogy (portrayed by the great Gary Oldman):
Jim Gordon in Gotham:
Something's missing from that last one... Hmm... Do you know what's missing? I'll give you a hint:
No 'stache, no cash.
I like Ben McKenzie's acting though. I just don't like him as Jim Gordon.
Read Frank Miller's Batman: Year One if you want an origin story.
Well one thing can explain many of those things...Different stories.
Many of the comics have different origins of these characters and this story is again origins for a different future.
Different future Riddler, different Penguin. Penguin in the comics was already a fat aristocrat and in the TV show he is a skinny poor guy. That was the first clue that this is a different past and different future than most Batman stories.
Different past and future Batman.
Batman as a child, Gordon as a young adult, the Stache hasn't grown yet.
We already have enough origin stories for the many great Batman villains.
Want to know Two-Face's origin? Batman: The Long Halloween.
What about The Joker's origin? The Killing Joke.
The Riddler's origin? Batman: Zero Year.
Penguin's origin? Batman: Dark Victory.
There's no need for Gotham. You can keep saying "different past, different future", but there's no need for an entire television series depicting a different past and a different future. That's why DC creates Crises and reality warping events in the comics, so you can get a taste of a Batman with a different past and different future.
If you truly crave a different past and a different future of Batman and his villains, that's why we have Batman: Earth One, The World of Flashpoint featuring Batman, Anything comic from the Golden Age Earth Two Batman, Superman: Red Sun, Batman: In Darkest Knight, Batman: Castle of the Bat, Batman: Year 100, Batman: Dark Knight Dynasty, Batman Beyond 2.0, and Batman Beyond Universe.
I think it's a great show and another origins story isn't hurting anything.
But fine, you don't like it.
I really liked the one episode I saw, I thought it was really good, everything was kind off like a regular cop show but it had over-the-top comic book villains and a ridiculously corrupt police department, I really liked it but I only caught it on TV once, I'll probably watch it when they add it on Netflix or buy the DVD when that comes out.
I think I saw episode 2, it was the one about the homeless kids abductions.
Haven't seen it but I've heard mixed things. I'll probably get into it when it gets on Netflix. As for DC shows, Arrow and Flash do it for me.
Wait a second, when did they clone Edward Norton?
That's not The Hulk.