This is one of the only problems I had with the casting in the show... they made Sansa feel so out of place. In the books they got their red hair from their mother and her Tully roots... but in the show Sansa is the only redhead and she feels so out of place imo.
I think it's an extension of Priam complex from the Iliad.
Homer wrote that Priam had 50 sons and 12 daughters - the odds of this happening are astronomically low, but in fiction people tend to write more male characters than female characters, and so when designing families they write more sons than daughters.
It sucks, but it's starting to change. Telltale have gone from having twice as many men as women, in TWD, to having around equal numbers, in TftB, which is awesome, because, y'know, there are just as many women as men on the planet.
Incoming comments calling me a fascist feminazi in 3, 2, 1...
Yep, all the Stark children do except for Jon and Arya.
I'm not as experienced in making environments as I am with characters, that's for sure. The mapping was super weird.
I'm not sure but it may be from AireensColor
Thanks, I'll fix the post.
Found myself making 'modern' versions of characters:
What have I got myself into?
Modern Talia design looks good :^)
Hope fully you don't mind if I made a fan-art?
I thought Slyvi had an iphone for a second XD.
Does nobody have anything kinkier? Both guys and girls will do it for me. Thanks
Google is your friend, friend
Man, that'd be awesome
Any Ethan?
Following my modern Talia & Sylvi (further up the page), I did Rodrik & Elaena:

dat OTP tho
just made these wallpapers for everyone to use :P
You're too awesome to be awesome, you'll marry me?
Wow! You are really talented!
You didn't fail. She picture doesn't look exactly like the actress (there are some similarities tough) but you still have great talent!
(。・ω・。)ノ♡ Thanks. That means a lot to me.
No problem. Just keep up the good work!
Some awesome illustration of ASOIAF presented on Comic Con.
I wish there was a cool picture with all five characters
In a family portrait?
I got some work done on Asher and Rodrik, and a little on Talia.
I'm just gonna put that here
We need moarrr
Arthur's family burn his body.
(The characters in the bottom panel are my own headcanon of House Glenmore)
did you have a full body of the Forrester family?
I really like your headcanon of House Glenmore. Great fanart btw.
I'd really like to see fanart of Rodrik and Asher holding the wheel in Episode 5.
This is one of the only problems I had with the casting in the show... they made Sansa feel so out of place. In the books they got their red hair from their mother and her Tully roots... but in the show Sansa is the only redhead and she feels so out of place imo.
Love your headcanon. Finally, a large Northern family where the majority of the kids aren't boys!
Yeah, always found it weird that houses usually have like 4 sons and 2 daughters. Thought I'd flip that on its head and switch things round.
Sad Asher is sad.
How about you marry me instead?
what the hell
I think it's an extension of Priam complex from the Iliad.
Homer wrote that Priam had 50 sons and 12 daughters - the odds of this happening are astronomically low, but in fiction people tend to write more male characters than female characters, and so when designing families they write more sons than daughters.
It sucks, but it's starting to change. Telltale have gone from having twice as many men as women, in TWD, to having around equal numbers, in TftB, which is awesome, because, y'know, there are just as many women as men on the planet.
Incoming comments calling me a fascist feminazi in 3, 2, 1...
5 hours of drawing. Probably should rest but I won't... hope you like it.
The last playable forresters in my game
Awesome job!
What the fuck