Help please season 2 episode 2,3 on xbox 360 won't load black screen on 2 separate disc

I rented now two season two of the walking dead and both freeze up and won't let me play. I even spent the 14.99 for Eason pass in case that was it but nope it still won't let me play it . can't purchase the game where I bought the season pass either so I need 1 of these disc to work. Tried 2 different disc so far and neither let me play on pass episode 1 season 2. My console plays my other games and these two I rented are brand new nothing on them no scratches or dust. I turned off console 10 times hoping it would work but it isn't it freeze and the screen is all black. The load on screen stops and every time nothing comes on. Even wasting now 15 bucks for the season pass I'm really pissed off and just want to play the whole season two. Some one needs to help me get this working my console xbox 360 is new used it only like 30 times and bought it brand new at target. Why is this freezing and not letting me play???


  • Hmm I'm having problems with the game as well except I downloaded season 2 from the play store and bought the season pass for my iPad and when I download episode 3 it loads to 100% and it tells me to go back to the menu and I do thinking I can play the episode but I can't because it tells me to download the episode again. This really sucks especially since I spent money. For not only season 2 but for season 1 as well. This needs to be fixed. I just want to play the game!

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    @Blonde2326 I apologize for the inconvenience, if you have purchased the Season Two Season Pass on your Xbox 360, and you no longer have the rented disc version, you will need to purchase Episode 1 separately, and you should then be able to continue your save file. (The Season Two Season Pass on Xbox 360 only includes Episodes 2-5)

    @Fairyhill After you have successfully downloaded Episode 3, please try closing the game application, and restarting your device, before attempting to play Episode 3, and see if you are then able to successfully play the episode.

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