Fables: What really happened in the mountains between Bigby and Snow?

edited November 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

I keep trying to imagine how it went from them being simple colleagues to sleeping with each other. Was Snow forced into it? Did she confess her feelings to Bigby? What do you think guys. Should Mr Willingham reveal what REALLY happened in the mountains of Seattle that changed their lives forever?

Ok I clearly need to elaborate: I already know that Bluebeard is the reason WHY they go to the mountains in the first place. My question is WHAT HAPPENED that made Bigby and Snow sleep together, hence the 'was she forced into it' comment. That is what I want your opinion on ppl!


  • edited November 2014

    They were under a spell, i don't think they tought much before doing it.

  • Bluebeard put them under a spell. They couldn't control each other. Maybe he will revisit some time for the whole Cub fate thing and there is more to it.

  • What really happened in the mountains between Bigby and Snow?

    Raep tiem

  • You mean: doggy style?

    werewolf7 posted: »

    What really happened in the mountains between Bigby and Snow? Raep tiem

  • edited November 2014

    From TWAU (since it's canon to Fables universe), I'd say they were more than just colleagues haha.... (actually can't wait to see on TWAU comic the touching interaction between Snow and Bigby in Bigby's apartment at Episode 4, and lol at Colin for spoiling the good mood...)

    I'd say Snow already had an attraction towards Bigby (even though she makes it look like she's not into him in Legends in Exile arc), and Bluebeard's spell just strengthened that feeling, encouraging her to take action (into sleeping with Bigby) .

    It's a bit hard to explain, but I'd guess the best example would be when someone gets really drunk/intoxicated, sometimes that person's true feelings comes out, and he or she may act on this impulse. Same would apply to Snow and Bigby (although they were under the spell, not intoxicated, so they'd look a bit different from someone drunk haha).
    So I definitely don't think she was forced into it (even though she gets angry at Bigby afterwords), but in regarding which one of them confessed, who knows? It could have have been Snow confessing to Bigby or vice versa. That would be up to readers' imagination.

    Should Mr. Willingham reveal what happened during this time? Well, it would be great if he does (since they are my 2 favourite characters), but will he? I'd imagine some parts of the series, he'd like to leave to readers' imagination. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

  • edited November 2014

    She definitely wasnt "forced into it" except through the power of that spell. Maybe it completely removed their inhibitions and they just did what felt natural. I dont feel like they need to reveal what happened. I think we all get the picture, lol.

  • That's a great reply (spell removing inhibitions), much better than my "Drunk/Intoxicated" analogy.

    KCohere posted: »

    She definitely wasnt "forced into it" except through the power of that spell. Maybe it completely removed their inhibitions and they just did what felt natural. I dont feel like they need to reveal what happened. I think we all get the picture, lol.

  • edited November 2014

    You're analogy was good too :P

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    That's a great reply (spell removing inhibitions), much better than my "Drunk/Intoxicated" analogy.

  • This sounds plausable; I've always said that when Snow turns Bigby down in Volume 1, she isn't really telling him to leave her alone, I always assumed that she was being feisty and hard to get (we know she is already) and was waiting to guage Bigby's response. He obviously didn't back down so it went from there...

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    From TWAU (since it's canon to Fables universe), I'd say they were more than just colleagues haha.... (actually can't wait to see on TWAU co

  • Thanks, but like Shubba says, its essentially the same thing you were saying. :)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    That's a great reply (spell removing inhibitions), much better than my "Drunk/Intoxicated" analogy.

  • Hahaha.....probably the reason why Mr. Willingham might not reveal what happened.

  • What if it was... both of them!?!?!?

    Alt text

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    From TWAU (since it's canon to Fables universe), I'd say they were more than just colleagues haha.... (actually can't wait to see on TWAU co

  • edited November 2014

    That also is possible, when they meet in the mountains, they could both say simultaneously "I love you.." to each other, and well, the rest is history (unless someone wants to go into more graphical/censored parts hahaha).....

    Poogers555 posted: »

    What if it was... both of them!?!?!?

  • Fables has had graphic moments in it since the beginning! (though they ended that around Volume 7 I think)

    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Hahaha.....probably the reason why Mr. Willingham might not reveal what happened.

  • Spoiler

    Well even after Volume 7 I think they still showed a lot of (adult) moments implying sex, though not really graphic such as:

    • Snow and Bigby's night together by sacred grove in Super team Volume
    • Beauty and Beast's night together at the farm, which resulted in Bliss being born (can't remember which volume)
    • Rapunzel and Joel Crow in the Fairest
    • Cindy and Ivan Durak in the Cinderella in Fables are forever (personally was a bit disgusted with this - since it means Cindy had sex with a woman......Although technically Dorothy was Ivan during that time)
    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Fables has had graphic moments in it since the beginning! (though they ended that around Volume 7 I think)

  • edited December 2014

    Whoa dude! U accuse me of spoiling the Unwritten/Fables crossover and now you've spoiled Fairest and Cinderella for me!!! (lol I don't really care)

  • edited December 2014

    Lol mate, (no offense,) But in my defense, I did put spoiler warning tag on this comment whereas you didn't on the other thread (and that's okay, since I did say, I just read the part before reading your comment), and I did state on that Unwritten crossover thread please no spoilers specifically

    Though you are partly right in my case, I should have typed Fairest and Cinderella volumes on the Spoiler warning tag,, but then I would have had to type out the volume names for all 4 moments, and I couldn't remember Beauty and Beast moment volume.........(sorry, I got lazy, and just typed various Fables comics....).

    I thought you have read all the Fairest and Cinderella volumes already, sorry if you got spoiled.

    HazzatheMan posted: »

    Whoa dude! U accuse me of spoiling the Unwritten/Fables crossover and now you've spoiled Fairest and Cinderella for me!!! (lol I don't really care)

  • edited December 2014

    It's fine mate; I kinda skimmed thorugh the Volumes when I got them (I still haven't properly read them yet) In future I PROMISE to Bloody Mary that I will put spoiler tags when appropriate (I have in the past...)


    • Beast and Beauty moment is Volume 13 or 15
    CoolGuyJ posted: »

    Lol mate, (no offense,) But in my defense, I did put spoiler warning tag on this comment whereas you didn't on the other thread (and that's

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