Gaming crossovers!

edited June 2009 in General Chat
So after watching my cousin play Globs of Doom for several hours, I had an idea. What if Telltale Games made a crossover of all of their games? I could just imagine all the characters fighting side-by-side. Sam and Max, Bone, Strong Bad, Guybrush, and maybe even the CSI characters! It would be fantastic!
What are your opinions on this, or what other games would you like to see crossed over?


  • edited June 2009
    That would be amazing, and I'd buy it on the first day...


    I'd buy that.
  • edited June 2009
    I'd like to see Banjo in a Smash Bros. game...

    He was going to be in SSB64 originally (From what I heard)
  • edited June 2009
    Something TV networks do occasionally when they have one popular series and one not-so-popular series is make a story cross over from one show into the other, with special guest appearances by the characters from the other show. That might be interesting, but right now, Telltale's series are so different it would be difficult to come up with a storyline that would believably involve more than one of them!

    Meanwhile, take the anniversary special image Telltale had on their front page a couple of weeks ago, with everybody in it, and come up with a storyline. :)

    (They're probably hiding a cow....)
  • edited June 2009
    That would be hard to do. But amazing.
  • edited June 2009
    Sam and Max, season one bloopers has a sorta cross-over moment from Bone in it. I enjoyed that.
  • edited June 2009
    The season two DVD also features a "alternate ending" where Homestar's the villain of the season. It's just Homestar rambling a little, but it's funny rambling. "Ebola raygun? You must be crazy!"
  • edited June 2009
    Shwoo wrote: »
    The season two DVD also features a "alternate ending" where Homestar's the villain of the season. It's just Homestar rambling a little, but it's funny rambling. "Ebola raygun? You must be crazy!"

    Really? There's something I'd like to see. I have the DVD. Can you tell me where to find that?
  • edited June 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Really? There's something I'd like to see. I have the DVD. Can you tell me where to find that?

    On the disc's main menu (when watching it on a DVD player), you'll find a "hidden" hotspot just to the left of the door to Stinky's Diner. If you press the right arrow on your remote to cycle through the normal menu selections, the hidden one will be highlighted right after passing the last visible selection. You can see a bunch of neat bonus videos this way. The catch is that you can't choose what you're going to see -- the video that plays after selecting the hotspot is chosen randomly. It might take you a few tries before the Homestar ending shows up. Worth it alone just to see the other stuff that pops up, though you may run across a few repeats in the process. :)

    (... Ooooor you can skip that and watch the video on IGN. But try watching the other bonus videos too, of course! ^^; )
  • edited June 2009
    Getting back on subject, how about a game where you can make the characters fight each other. Sorta like a Mortal Combat* deal.

    *I'm not sure if "Combat" is spelled with a K in that game.
  • edited June 2009
    Maxilyah wrote: »
    Getting back on subject, how about a game where you can make the characters fight each other. Sorta like a Mortal Combat* deal.

    *I'm not sure if "Combat" is spelled with a K in that game.

    Fight eatchother, like Smash Bros.
    Oh an idea. Strong Bad seaspn 1 ended with
    trogdor coming back to life and attacking everyone there
    so Sam and Max could be called to help them out. That would be a good crossover.
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