Anyone else found the game menu confusing?

It took me a minute to figure out how to exit the game, was I the only one who had this "issue"?


  • Me too. I guess we are just used to the options being lined up.

  • the menu wasn't confusing at all for me it is pretty much the same as all of their other games except it goes sideways instead of up/down

  • I felt pretty retarded once I finally figured it out. It's not that easy to figure it out, though.

  • It's an awful menu design. The main menu looks like the episode select menu from Telltale's other games, which is initially confusing. It's not at all obvious that the little brackets around the centered option are arrows you can click on to scroll, and the fact that you can select non-centered options anyway makes it worse. There's no reason why all the options shouldn't be visible onscreen at once.

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