who's story was you favorite in episode 1?

Mira, Ethan, or Gared's?

And who do you most look forward to playing in future episodes?

My favorite story was probably Mira's just because it had Tyrion. All the stories were awesome though :)

The person I most look forward to playing as is probably Asher. Which I think is almost all, but confirmed to be playable in episode 2. His story seems really interesting and I think it would be cool to see the story of an exile. Plus he looks badass.


  • Ethan, by far. I was so Fucking shocked when Ramsey just literally stabbed his throat..

    I just screamed and slammed my table like a crazy animal who mated for the first time.

  • All stories are interesting, but Ethan's story is the most intense. You get all these choices thrown at your face and you feel what Ethan feel. You genuinely feel the burden of leadership and you are just as unprepared as Ethan.

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