Playing the game on different platforms?
I'm sure this has been asked, but I didn't see it within the first 5 pages.
Over the past few years I have bought several TellTaleGames games on steam. I found out today that they are playable on android/ios. Is there any way to use my steam key to activate the product on android, or is that only playable with a copy that was purchased on the telltale games website? Or is the android version exclusive to the google play store?
It would be nice to be able to play this game on my tablet, but I don't want to have to buy something I already own to do so.
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I apologize for the inconvenience, unfortunately the only distributor of our games on Android is the Google Play Store. If you wish to play the game on an Android device, you will need to purchase it directly through the Google Play Store. Apologies for any difficulties this may cause you.
Thanks for the info mike. Take it easy.
Is there anyway of linking the google play store purchases with Telltales website?
At this time, you cannot link your Google Play purchases with this website. The only purchases that will show under your account on this website, are the purchases made here using your Telltale account. (PC/Mac only).