As an italian, I apologize
I wanted to say "sorry" for what that leonard9090 guy did.
I'm not involved in that project, also if I knew about its existence and I thought it was coming very good as a fangame.
Anyway, I feel ashamed for what he said: "we italians hate french people" or stuff like that, not to consider his rude behavior.
That kind of ideas are HIS ideas, and I want you guys to know those aren't mine, as they aren't ideas of the biggest part of the italians.
Sorry TTG, sorry french people, sorry everybody.
I'm not involved in that project, also if I knew about its existence and I thought it was coming very good as a fangame.
Anyway, I feel ashamed for what he said: "we italians hate french people" or stuff like that, not to consider his rude behavior.
That kind of ideas are HIS ideas, and I want you guys to know those aren't mine, as they aren't ideas of the biggest part of the italians.
Sorry TTG, sorry french people, sorry everybody.
This discussion has been closed.
leonard9090 was just being an arse. let's not speak of him any more
(Well, there's this other well-known Austrian, but I'd rather not Godwin this thread...
np: Amorphous Androgynous - Meadows
Thank you
P.s. Monkey Island rocks
There are people everywhere, who'll make insults and slurs against races/minorities, there are those who do it hatefully and even some who're able to do it with a smile.
I've encountered Brits who'll quite happily put down other countries (America especially) without really having a damned clue what they're talking about, and that irritates me no end, so I feel your pain.
I wish I could ship 'em off to a re-education centre somewhere, along with apologise to every non-British person they've likely insulted.
It gets one down after a while, but regardless of nation, race, or creed, you'll always find people like that, and they're nigh on irredeemable. But what you have to remember is that you're not responsible for them, you may share the same landmass and nationality, but that's all the relation you'll ever have to them.
However guys what my "friend" wants to say is a kind of way to re direct the attenction on myself rather than on the italian project. ok it is good don't mind.
But the realist thing is that i never had the intenction to offend anybody. My words have been badly intended and written let's say.When i said italians historically hate french etc.. was a simple way to express an ancient campanilism. do you remember fifa world cup 2006? Is this campanilism real or not? it is a genuine campanilism like germans have at the same time with french.
I think that my excuse are more than sufficient if any body was offended by me, but i was joking. Am i stupid or is the other italian stupid? The answer is that the other italian is scared by talltale.. long history...
however I have ever said that italian project is one project made by fan... the fact that i called it the real monkey island was only ideologically. nobody can't say that the fifth official edition of MI is the english one of TellTale, that is a good one
But the realist thing is that i never had the intenction to offend anybody. My words have been badly intended and written let's say.When i said italians historically hate french etc.. was a simple way to express an ancient campanilism. do you remember fifa world cup 2006? Is this campanilism real or not? it is a genuine campanilism like germans have at the same time with french.
I think that my excuse are more than sufficient if any body was offended by me, but i was joking. Am i stupid or is the other italian stupid? The answer is that the other italian is scared by talltale.. long history...
however I have ever said that italian project is one project made by fan... the fact that i called it the real monkey island was only ideologically. nobody can't say that the fifth official edition of MI is the english one of TellTale, that is a good one
Vi ho pure fatto pubblicità qui, cretino. Spaventato dalla Telltale? Tu farnetichi.
Levati di torno.
Kick away this nutcase.
Yes, everybody can. It is OFFICIAL.
The Darkness of Monkey Island looks really good, but it remains a fangame.
Period, end of the story.
(p.s. sono sempre stato orgoglioso del vostro progetto, ma stai iniziando a farmelo odiare coi tuoi modi di merda e le tue provocazioni farneticanti)