It's about time Telltale Releases an Official Youtube Monetization Statement.
In 2012, a "statement" was posted in this thread regarding monetization of Let's Plays:
Here is the "statement" that many reference today, and it is just a forum post from someone that, according to his flair, doesn't even work appear to work at Telltale anymore: "Hey guys, I want to make everyone aware that while we don't mind fan-made or Let's Play videos, we do not approve of monetizing copywritten material. Alan may not have fully understood exactly what was being asked, but I have asked this question of his and my superiors, and they have confirmed that we don't allow this."
That message was released over 2 years ago back when The Walking Dead Season 1 was just finishing up. Telltale was fortunate enough to receive support from what are now enormous Youtube personalities such as PewDiePie, UberHaxorNova, Cryaotic, TheRadBrad...just to name a few.
It has been proven that let's plays sell games in this day and age, and a solid argument could be made that the support from the LP community has immensely benefited Telltale games.
The thing with that support, is that those Youtubers, and hundreds of other let's players, put themselves at risk in an attempt to support a game that they believe is good for the gaming community. The reason why it is a risk is because of the automatic (and often inaccurate) Content ID flagging system that youtube has in place. It allows for bogus content claims and many youtubers have suffered false claims on games from Telltale games. These claims have come from companies such as IGN, MLG TV, Omnia Media, just to name a few.
Currently a youtuber has to either just allow that company to take claim on the video, and allow those companies to make money off of a video that the content creator made, or the content creator can appeal the claim. In order to appeal the claim, the content creator currently has to select the "Fair Use" option in Youtube's appeal system. Reason being that Telltale has not released a statement allowing monetization of lets plays on youtube.
A two year old forum post, from a former employee, should not be the way a company releases their statement, especially in light of the monetary benefit the LP community has brought to Telltale.
I ask that Telltale releases an official statement regarding their stance on Youtube Let's Play monetization. I'm not demanding that they allow it. I just know that many youtubers would greatly appreciate an official statement.
If Telltale were decide to announce that they still do not permit the monetization of let's plays, then the youtubers that rely on youtube monetization as their source of livelihood can know going forward not to release videos of games from Telltale. And if Telltale chooses to release a statement recognizing support for monetized let's play videos, then Telltale and the LP community can continue to build upon their symbiotic relationship and youtubers can breathe peacefully.
If there has already been a more up to date, and official statement from Telltale, someone please post it!
Considering how much the LP community on youtube has done for a company such as Telltale Games, the least Telltale could do for them is announce their stance, that way youtubers do not have to feel a sense of nervousness every time they support a Telltale game via YouTube.
Is it even Telltale's legal right to say 'no, you can't make money off of youtube videos of our products'?
Because what makes money is not telltale's game, but the video of the let's play itself, which is not their work.
I agree we should have documented yes or no about lets plays and not some forum post from a former employee. I know that is a legal grey zone because it has never been brought to court but it would nice to get a statement about it. Let's play are the reason i even know some games were released like the Game of Thrones a week after Tales of The Borderlands if i didn't see a video i would not have bought it to play. Telltale is technically a big indie studio maybe not so much anymore they should have a official response.
If it's a playthrough with full commentary then i agree, but if just a walkthrough with little to no commentary then i don't think the YouTuber should make money from the videos.
It's about time let's players get a real job
Yeah, this is a stupid idea, no offense. Do you know how much advertizing these lets plays give TWDG, how many people found out about this game because of LPS. Look at where Nintendo is, they don't let anyone use their content for LPS, and look how popular the WII U is , because of it. I personally do not watch them, but i know people that do to get a idea of how the game plays/works, to see if they would be interested.
Nintendo's situation with the Wii U is because of the lack of good games not because of Let's Plays lol.
The 3DS is still dominating the market and will remain like that for a loooooong time.
Nintendo has some good games, They have Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Smash Brothers whatever however they need to open up to 3rd party developers, hopefully next gen, they don't release another Wii, Stop releasing shovel-ware. They bought the license to Fatal Frame, the problem with Nintendo is Marketing, and their garbage gimmick controllers. They need to remake the console to be on par with the PS5/XBOX 2, when that comes out.
3DS is a baby toy. Christmas is coming!
Honestly couldn't agree more.
But its still their video, not the actual game.
If it makes money, makes them happy, and provides for them, how is it not a real job? What defines a 'real job'?
I think people who are doing those LPS, really put themselves out there, i don't think the majority of people are making any money on them. I don't see all the hate, people like doing it, people like watching them, why can't people just let others enjoy it. Is it Jelly?
Yeah, but all they did was film the game and slapped it up on YouTube. Little to no effort went into it.
Some of them, yes. But honestly, they are considered entertainers. I love watching some Let's Players like theRadBrad or Jackspeticeye, they make a game a lot more enjoyable while watching them play it.
I agree. Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us gained lots of their popularity because of Let's Players. Telltale should be paying some of them too so some of their newer games and any of their future series' gain more popularity.
Lack of good games? Smash bros Wii U, Mario Kart 8. These 2 alone are huge console sellers. Not to mention we're going to be seeing a lot more new games from Nintendo in 2015. I think it's safe to say the games the Wii U has isn't really a problem right now.
i never took you as a nintendo fan, Hopefully they can get their head out of their butt. I would love to go back, the only reason why i haven't bought a WII U is embarrassment.
The only consoles I've ever owned were Nintendo actually :P I'm not a huge fan, but I do certainly get the "must plays" like Smash and Mario Kart.
I think Nintendo should just give up the console role and just become like Sega. They're obviously dominating in the hand held department, but for how long... Will they be able to keep up with Cell phone games?
I loved Mario Kart as a kid. The Snes one was my favorite.
Eh I dunno, I think they're doing fine right now, the Wii U just had a slow start since it had practically no games during it's early times. And they'll probably be able to keep up with phones since phones they aren't as powerful as nintendo handhelds, also they aren't really meant for gaming either :P Also I liked Mario Kart Wii the best, N64 one would probably be second.
Regardless of how much work we think has been put in, that has no bearing on the legal status.
i'm not saying it should be illegal, but they shouldn't be allowed to profit from it.
I never played the WII one by then i was over seas sweating my balls off.
That contradicts itself.
If they shouldn't be allowed to do it, then you're saying it shouldn't be legal.
I believe they should be allowed to put the video up, yes. But, they should not be allowed to make any money off of it unless they actually have commentary over the video and make it entertaining. If they put the video up with Little to No commentary then they shouldn't make a dime off the video because all that is, is just slapping a video up and making money doing nothing.
Note that I don't work for the company, so this is just my observation and not an official stance, but I wouldn't worry about making Lets Plays and such of Telltale games. Telltale has never made a copyright claim against anyone for posting things for their games on YouTube. I myself have released a few myself over the years with no problems on different YouTube channels (everything from a fan blooper video to just straight up posting a video of an ending of a game for the finale song), and have had no problems at all. Telltale has historically actually been pretty supportive of fans enjoying and sharing their creations.
So, there's no chance of an official "Youtube monetization policy"? Would be so easy to manage the issue >.>
I mean they could do what Sega did in regards to (Shining Force), and Flag everyone's videos, placing copyright strikes on their account, but then if they did that i'm sure they would get SUED, by somebody, and could you imagine the Toilet Tornado of hate that would flood these boards for years to come.
I think its a bad bad idea, don't fuck with people's Youtube accounts.
They have so many contracts with different license holders that they have to juggle, it's likely it's tough for them to make an official policy that will please every one of their contract holders, since each contract likely entails different conditions. Though, like I said Telltale doesn't ever make copyright claims against anyone for putting up any videos with Telltale game content in it, so I wouldn't worry about it.
The problem may occur if YOU ask about a link of the Telltale policy. Well, the stated link does not exist...