A Pentition Against This Game

Link to pentition here: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/stopminecraftttg

Hi guys, before i start off id just like to say in a huge fan of Telltale and i also like Minecraft.

Ive been with Telltale since 2012, The Walking Dead stole my heart.. it made be sad for days, the same happened with Wolf Among Us.. thats when i knew i was in love with telltale. They were different from other game companies and made hard hitting games that made you think about life and how to value it. I even looked at some of the other games, i liked Sam and Max but i was more into the serious ones.. then The Walking Dead Season 2 came around and i became obessed with Telltale, i couldnt stop thinking about what theyd do next. By then there was lots of hate spewing at them, ive defended telltale as 3 different users over a year and a half many said they were milking twd. Some called them the next Ubisoft or EA.. then GOT and TFTB were annonced then was TWD: Season 3. Which created more hate..

I was really pushing for Season two of Wolf as many of us were, i expected it to come but then today i found out about this. This will sound stupid and over dramatic but in all honesty i lost almost all faith in telltale: faith that they arent millking series like other game companies, that they are just like all the other big name companies out there. This game.. just doesnt feel like Telltale work, Minecraft is a adventure sandbox game.. not a hard hitting story adventure game that makes you attached to the characters around you. Lots of Minecraft players dont want to have minecraft turn into a hard hitting story game.. because thats not what it is. So i made this pentiton not because i think the game will go away or telltale will stop making this. To tell them not to do this again.. that the fans dont want a "Rust: The Story" game, that we will band together and express displeasure when they dont do what is requested. it kind of feels like being slapped it the face by your friend. You try to support them when others give them shit and accuse them of "milking, or becoming a cash grab company" and then they go and do exactly what the supporters of Telltale asked not for them to do. Most supporters like me wanted the next annocenment to Wolf Among Us, Lost or other games with a solid story we could only dream of.

Telltale theres so many other opportunites out there for you... so why this.

From, A big fan.


  • I'm ok with any of you against this game - hating it even. But spamming thread over thread yelling "WHY?!?!?" at telltale (and oh god, those atrocious gifs.....) and this PETITION is stupid. I'm for this idea, so are a lot of other people.

    I doubt this petition will somehow make telltale cancel the game; they already started it and plan to finish it, I doubt they're gonna stop just because of this.

  • read what i said

    So i made this pentiton not because i think the game will go away or telltale will stop making this. To tell them not to do this again.. that the fans dont want a "Rust: The Story" game, that we will band together and express displeasure when they dont do what is requested.

    Cridone posted: »

    I'm ok with any of you against this game - hating it even. But spamming thread over thread yelling "WHY?!?!?" at telltale (and oh god, those

  • Damn, beat me right to it.

    thesporkman posted: »

    You might be interested in seeing this other petition from a Telltale fan: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/22918/a-petition-and-protest-against-this-game

  • trust me ive seen it, the only difference is the low amount of support this guy got.. i mean seriously look through it.. nobody ever agreed with him. This is a little different theres a LOT of fans not please by this release annoucment.

    thesporkman posted: »

    You might be interested in seeing this other petition from a Telltale fan: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/22918/a-petition-and-protest-against-this-game

  • edited December 2014

    You're acting just like this character


  • edited December 2014

    Telltale fans accuse Minecraft's audience of being immature when Telltale fans are just as immature as they are :P

    BTW there probably won't be a seqeul to The Wolf Among Us. The Fables comics are ending next year so it doesn't make sense for Telltale to continue to invest in a dying franchise when they can invest in popular franchises that are still on-going (such as Minecraft :P).

  • I dont think im demanding anything..

    I also dont think id be yelling "I want it now!" Since i dont want it.. xD

    TommyW posted: »

    You're acting just like this character https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TRTkCHE1sS4

  • A lot of people were upset about the new direction Telltale had been taking since the days of Back to the Future and Jurassic Park. There was a huge sense of hurt and betrayal among old-school adventure game fans when it became clear that Telltale was moving away from puzzle-based games. People were creating entire threads dedicated to analyzing just how painfully easy and non-interactive they felt Telltale's games had become. The sentiment behind that petition and the general attitude and conviction that Telltale had "sold out" and was "wasting its time" making terrible games for mainstream audiences when it could be making awesome games for fans was very widespread in the community.

    Carley123 posted: »

    trust me ive seen it, the only difference is the low amount of support this guy got.. i mean seriously look through it.. nobody ever agreed with him. This is a little different theres a LOT of fans not please by this release annoucment.

  • Amen! Mine Craft should be given a chance I say. Should it become a flop then TTG will learn their lesson and think twice before making future games. Wolf Among Us doesn't really need a sequel anyhow, and if there were to be one.. Tell-Tale most likely would have been and announced plans for its development by now (5 months later since the Cry Wolf finale). Now a single episode Wolf DLC follow-up might be justified.

    JetLee posted: »

    Telltale fans accuse Minecraft's audience of being immature when Telltale fans are just as immature as they are :P BTW there probably won

  • I'm really glad to see this on here! This announcement makes me wonder if Telltale even checks their own community pages. The amount of people asking for Season 2 of TWAU was overwhelming. But alas, MORE Minecraft.

    Carley123 posted: »

    read what i said So i made this pentiton not because i think the game will go away or telltale will stop making this. To tell them not

  • People have been asking for new seasons of S&M, ToMI, SBCG4AP, W&G, BttF, and even JP since those games came out too.

    I'm really glad to see this on here! This announcement makes me wonder if Telltale even checks their own community pages. The amount of people asking for Season 2 of TWAU was overwhelming. But alas, MORE Minecraft.

  • Thread: A petition agains MC Story Mode wining

    As inevitable as it is slightly witty.
    Come and sign!

  • edited December 2014

    You cannot 'tell' creative people/companies what they should and shouldn't create. End of.

    Because that is the message this petition is really sending, as you're trying to force their hand, whether you intended for it to come across that way or not.

    Basically, just don't buy the game if you're that set against it.

    (Sorry for being blunt as well, but this really needs to stop and people need to realise it's not on. It reeks of entitlement, like companies only exist to provide what specific individuals want. It's not how it works, because as Neil Gaiman once said, they're not your bitch.)

  • This petition is pointless. I'm sure they've already been in production for some time & only decided to announce it after they were sure there was no backing out. The paperwork has been made, the contracts are signed, money has changed hands. Your petition will be ignored even if you had an astounding amount of signatures.

    Telltale will continue to expand, hire more employees, & be able to produce more games per year.

  • How pathetic. One thing is expressing your opinion about this game (good or bad), but actually trying to get them to stop working on a game just because you don't like it is disgusting.

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    You are welcome to state your disagreement with this project but i don't think a petition will make Telltale change their minds with this project or with future projects.

    Like with the classic petition against The Walking Dead thread i am going to close this thread as i don't think there will be much to discuss other than people saying things like "the petition is pointless" and uncivil conversations could start once the forum becomes more active.

This discussion has been closed.