What are your thoughts on the film: Exodus Gods and Kings?

edited December 2014 in General Chat

After having saw the Noah film, and how poorly and bizarre it was done, so much so that I was offended by it, I was reluctant to go see this film, until I heard more about it.
I still haven't gone to see it, and from everything I've headrest and read about it, including Christian Bale's comments; that Moses was schizophrenic and barbaric, I never will.
From everything I know about the film, this movie; like it's predecessor Noah, denigrates God, the Bible, and the main character within the story.

The Noah film portrayed Noah as an anti-social sociopath.
And from everything I know about the film Exodus, it portrays Moses as barbaric schizophrenic.
Both films disrespect God, and his prophets, by making them out to be madmen.
And you would think, given the poor response to it's predecessor, that Ridley Scott would have taken a hint and have had the movie follow more closely the story that is told in the Bible.
He could've done that, told the story the way it appears in the Bible, and still have made the film look terrific, especially given all the things they can do with graphics these days.

I personally feel, that it would be good if both the cast and directors of both films, all came forward and apologize for any offense they may have caused, so that way they do not alienate any of their audience, particularly Russel Crowe and Christian Bale; as both men made some very brazen statements about the Biblical characters they played.
Of course none of them would ever do that obviously, as atheist are just as passionate about telling their own "versions" of these stories, just as Christians are.

And honestly, I feel that Christian Bale, and Aaron Paul, were miscast for the roles they played.
You have Batman as Moses, and Breaking Bad's Jesse Pinkman, as Joshua.

Personally, I think Russel Crowe would've been a much better actor to play Moses, as like Charlton Heston, Crowe as more of an old-school dignity about him.
Plus he's more of an appropriate age, I think, to play the part of Moses.

And I think Christian Bale would've been more appropriate for the role of Joshua.
Joshua, became the military commander in Israel during shortly after the Exodus, and eventually became Moses successor.
So Joshua was a man of war, and given Christian Bale has done some good action flicks, and plus he's at more of an appropriate age, I think that Bale would've been more suited for the role of Joshua.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this new film?


  • Horrible movie, unneeded characters, not historically correct, etc. You should not waste money seeing this movie. No relationship between characters.

    1 out of 5

  • "atheist are just as passionate about telling their own "versions" of these stories, just as Christians are."

    I'm was going hold my tongue here, but this ticked me off. Lets not pretend something historically documented through multiple sources with corresponding archeological evidence has the same level of rationality as religion; it's the same way that creationism and evolution are not valid alternatives.

    That said, I have no interest in seeing Exodus. Not because I'm not Christian, but because it looks like a terrible movie, all style and no substance (and I say no substance not as a slight against religion, but that I doubt it will deal with religious or theological issues, just "oh, look at the CGI plagues! Look at the CGI water!")

  • So, it denigrates the Bible? The same book that says that it's fine to leave virgin women and girls for yourselves while killing non-virgin women and all males, little boys included? The same book that says that wearing mixed fabrics is an offense towards God? The same book that holds passages like Matthew 10:34 - 10:37: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me."

    Yeah, that movie definitely denigrates the BIble.

    Also, as of Ridley Scott's films, they are always inaccurate and often unfaithful to their source material. I liked his movies before, but then I realized that his movies were on par with "300" on levels of historicity and realism, but the latter movie didn't claim to be either, unlike his movies. It's like "Braveheart" - they are good movies, with interesting plot and characters, actions and visuals, but when it comes to being true/real/anything like the original it was taken from, hell no, we don't need historicity in our movies, historicity won't bring us cash.

  • I've never heard of it.

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