How much money do you spend on yourself every day?

On average how much money spend on whatever. Where you go, what you do in a typical day. Don't get too technical.
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On average how much money spend on whatever. Where you go, what you do in a typical day. Don't get too technical.
10-20. I don't know, I don't spend it too much, just the necessary.
I try to save money as much as possible, so most days I don't spend any money, only on rare occasions.
I'm terrible with money, luckily i was blessed. I go to Tim Horton's every day and get a cup of coffee, and a everything bagel toasted. I could just go to the grocery store and get those things and cook it myself, but i don't. I don't like to have food at my house to prevent from over eating, i typically just buy something out.
I remember when a million dollars was a lot of money.
In general, eating out is more costly than cooking at home. I'm guilty of doing that as well (overeating I mean). On a weekly avg. I probably spend around $4-5 a day. Mostly on lunch and bus fare, the rest goes to bills.
About $0 unless I happen to buy a game that day. I still live at home with my parents for now so I don't really have to spend alot.
I'm 15 year's old, man. I don't have money to spend.
I just bought a pony made of DIAMONDS you know... because I'm rich so yeah
Well, 0 most days but at the weekends when we do our weekly grocery shopping it can be around 120 pounds give or take. So...I guess whatever 120 divided by 7 is.
That's something like 17 point...something pounds a day.
One dollar every day.
You live on seven dollars a week?
Jesus, that must be incredibly difficult.
Nah, that's personal items. Other things cost more lol. I thought this thread was just things we (personally) bought at are own expense. (Not bills, rent etc.)
Well, not a lot. I'm only 15, so during the school day I often buy a bottle of Coke or Pepsi and some fruit snacks or something to get me through the day. Overall, it costs me around $4.
I have to buy my own comics, books, and video games/video game accessories so I can also sometimes spend up to $60 on myself :P
I spent at least 50 dollars a day easy come on guys. Start loosening them purse strings, how are we supposed to endorse trickle down economics, when we don't buy expensive pointless things daily??
I think people aren't including monthly expenses (ie rent), or they're too young to pay rent. I know in Korea $800 a month ($26 a day) puts you in the bottom 20% and sure as hell isn't enough to live on.
When the bills need payin it's a bad day for me.
lmao what money
Like, a 100K?
I was thinking around 200-300K but you might be on to something.
1 billion dollars!
I'm only in high school, and I rarely eat lunch. I refill used water bottles in public water fountains. I rarely every buy anything for myself, sometimes I get a root beer. So yeah. I don't spend a lot. I'm the Federal Reserve's worst nightmare.
I pick up a sandwich and a bottle of water from a grocery store or a 7-Eleven on the way to work. On the days I have school, I always eat lunch from one of the places on campus.
So I spend about 5 bucks everyday.