If Pewdiepie didn't swear or curse...?
Here's a comment from a video of Pewdiepie:
"Yay, back when Pewds seemed like a nice kind hearted guy. Sorry to sound like I'm hating, but I don't like what PewDiePie has become. He just curses, makes jokes about genitals, periods, Justin Bieber, etc. He's target audience now are people between the ages of 10 and 14, but back here he was just making videos for the fun of it. He has even disabled his comments section now! He's nothing like the PewDiePie of 2011, and I think that if this (2011) PewDiePie saw what he had become today he would be ashamed."
1) If Pewdiepie remained as he was in 2011, do you think he would have had the same number of subscribers as he has now?
2) Would you have still subscribed to his channel even if he stopped cursing or swearing or making green jokes?
Im not subscribed to him now so...
Also its likely he was always like that but he just became more confident with everything as his channel grew that or many youtubers are sort of a persona etc, that or he just changed over time, its a weird career to have.
I have to admit him disabling comments seems odd, Even if he doesn't read them surely his fans still want to talk about the content.
Honestly I dont watch him or really care, I find him annoying but if thats how he wants to be he isnt hurting anyone, however i hate his irritating fanbase who trash everyone else.
Plus that quote sounds like an old fan who wants things to stay the same, its not.
I have no problem with swearing or cursing. It's replacing humor/engagement with innanely screaming into the microphone that irks me.
I used to like Pewdipie when he actually gave a shit about the games he was playing, his first Amnesia and Penumbra Overture playthroughs are pretty funny in how he gets freaked out at some parts, now all he really does is just make a lot of lame and annoying gay jokes and screams into the microphone 24:7 and only seems to want to put on a fake show for the kiddies rather than actually getting engaged in the game.
To me its a complete turn off. I don't curse. I don't like women who curse.
I don't have a problem with his swearing. I hate how immature he is and how he has no respect for the game. If he goes back to how he was (never watched "how he was" so I'm assuming its better) than he could be better.
His cursing isn't the problem. He's just all-around immature and obnoxiously loud.
You never fail to make me Laugh. Free like for you
Cursing (though I don't do it myself) is not a problem to me. What gets me is the games he plays- he use to do serious stuff, now his most recent videos are these random, stupid games that are utterly rubbish. And his tendency for ending a gaming series randomly (Sunset Overdrive, Evil Within) really annoys me. Plus, he is horrible to Marzia (who I think seems like a nice person) so that irks me as well.
well, fuck.
Don't make me wash out your mouth! My parents actually did that to me with the most cheapest soap you could imagine. I wasn't allowed to do anything bad growing up.
I hate the kind of "I'm going to scream and act stupid while playing games" types of let's plays. When I want to watch an LP, I'm looking for information and humor. Acting like a thirteen year old isn't going to do it for me. It's the same reason why I can't stand the Game Grumps.
I have nothing against cursing. I'm no saint myself, but if it's just shouting profanities then I'm not going to watch your five million 30-minute long videos.
My mum would tell me how if she swore, her dad would put soap in her mouth.
So I swore on purpose and ran to the bathroom and put soap in my mouth.
I was a weird child.
I'd subscribe to him either way, he's one of those things that helped me get through depression, who helped put a smile on my face when nothing else could, I know he's changed and curses allot but he's still putting smiles on people's faces, people seem to think that his audience is just 10-14 year olds but I consistently see fans of all ages consistently watching him. If people can't like him for who he is that's fine, don't watch him, he's allowed to be immature, allot of people are immature but in the end Felix is still Felix, Marzia loves him all the same, his fans love him all the same, he might not take things seriously and he might have a high pitched scream but that's why he keeps getting subscribers each day, he's being who he wants to be on camera, if you think he's all immature and is all about cursing then you haven't seen most of his videos, he's a nice person, he created a charity foundation, he always says how thankful he is, his maturity cannot be measured by what you all see on a screen, I've always been a fan of Pewdiepie and even though he's changed he still continues to put a smile on my face so yes I would still subscribe to him either way.
His cursing is not the problem. I just don't understand why he spends half the video acting childish and annoying.
I wonder if parents still do that, or is that now considered "child abuse"
This ^
he always jokes about genitals since his amnesia games...
like -speaks swedish genital jokes- and he's just being with himself....
so if someone find pewdiepie annoying to the others just go watch markiplier or theradbrad(who doesnt even show his face)
I can stand some of the cursing and stuff but I'm off put by all the young jokes he pulls. Ie. his ass jokes. It seems to us like he doesn't put as much care into his videos anymore and just screams into the mic which is probably not true. I think he cares to some degree but we're just not seeing it as much in his later videos than we did in his earlier ones. I miss the funny commenting he does on his playthrough series and stuff like that, Now he plays a few more unknown games (of course to help advertise them) but I'd love to see him okay a few more playthroughs.
This ^
As long as the soap isn't toxic and can kill your kid, then I think it's alright.
In our country, children obeyed and respected their parents, they were disciplined. With just a stare from the parent, they stop being noisy. but when the Child Protection Law came out, everything went chaos. children make fun of their teachers while they're teaching. and when they scold them, they just smirk as though their teachers and parents are pets.
i would sooooo love to see these children in a Battle Royale.
i think jacksfilms is meaner to his GFs:)
i liked radbrad more than marki. i think nukemdukem would be good too since he makes live videos. does anyone know more youtube gaming channels that make live feeds? the main gaming channel has been struggling with lives the past days?
Shilling Time
Apparently he disabled comments because there was so much spam that he decided that using Facebook and Reddit would be a more effective way of communicating with fans.
It was stupid...His decision was stupid...
lmao, that's everywhere around the world. My parents are like that and so were their parents.
I love battle royale's, omg.
He did appear one South Park. That's... good? I think? Celebrities are often the butt of a joke so good for him.