Xbox One - can Telltale games be played offline?

I'm trying to play some games offline but it seems Telltale games don't work without the internet. It's a shame because these story driven games are perfect when offline.

I'm trying to determine if it's game DRM related or if my Xbox isn't set up to play games offline properly (as far as I can tell its set up fine, FIFA works but nothing else works!)

I've tried game of thrones, borderlands, walking dead. They don't even boot up, I just get an Xbox message saying this game needs to be online and I should set my console to be my home console even though it already is!


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    Can you please clarify if you have ever started any of your Telltale Games while connected to the internet at least once, to make sure you have received the latest updates/patches for the games?

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