Eight Things More Deserving Of A Story Based Game Than Minecraft
Half Life & Portal: Both have a very interesting science fiction element to it. Telltale would have a lot to work with.
Fallout: As I mentioned before Fallout has more to be elaborated story wise. The landscape is a very interesting aspect.
Mass Effect: Not my first choice but could make for a compelling story
Far Cry: A first person shooter that can make for a hell of a story. Who wants to play a game with characters like Vaas and Clementine.
Assassin's Creed: A game more in depth about Ezio's life in the Italian Renaisscance would be amazing
Uncharted: The adventure aspect combined with Telltale would be exciting
GTA: True GTA has never been amazing on story but Telltale can make it a crime style story oriented game.
Halo: Halo has shown it has amazing potential story wise, looking at Halo 4
Skyrim: A wide adventure aspect similar to GOT but it can be done.
Not saying the game will suck but these ideas would evolve better as a story and sound more appealing
Minecraft is a big series and Telltale probably wants to make a game more Kid Friendly than something like TWD or TWAU, There are things I would prefer way more to Minecraft but I trust Telltale to do a good job with it.
I agree 100%.
Metal Gear Solid.
Half Life would have been great.
Alyx: Hey Gordon, how do you think we should proceed?
Claude Speed:...
Jack Ryan:...
I dont particulally like the idea of minecraft either but im sure any idea would work in theory in a gaming world
Hell, I'm not saying it won't. I'm just saying these would work far better
There's no such thing as 'deserving' a story.
We already have several threads about game requests for Telltale and I'm not really fond of how several people complain that one series "deserves" a game over another.
Yes, Minecraft is certainly an odd choice for a Telltale Game no doubt (odd is not equal to bad), but this thread just seems to subtly perpetuate more complaining without constructive discussion.