Sam and Max, new series?

edited June 2009 in Sam & Max
Is Sam and Max shelved?

If so - that's a shame - think it will reduce your subscriber base drastically.


  • edited June 2009
    no, season 3 will be out towards the end of this year/start of next.
  • edited June 2009
    We were definitely spoiled with Season Two.

    I have to say though, Monkey Island of the few announcements that can excite me more than a new Sam and Max.
  • edited June 2009
    i gotta agree on the whole spoiled thing, Telltale truely spoiled us sam and max fans rotten.

    We got:
    -two seasons of sam and max within 2 years
    -a release of animated series (not sure of telltales involement but they at least offer it in their store)
    -a reprint of surfing the highway (something we've been begging for almost as much as the sequel)
    -loads and loads of cool clothes and stuff such as hats and t-shirts etc
    -summer of sam and max
    -machina shorts
    -sketchbooks of sam and max
    -sam and max prints

    and yet we've all been bitching about the delay in a new series.

    Telltale staff, please please please forgive my nagging for a new series, i've truely been a ungrateful git. Really sorry. Thanks so much for all you've done for us sam and max fans. We sometimes don't show it well but deep down we are all grateful for ending the dark ages of sam and max and giving light at the end of tunnel. :cool:
  • edited June 2009
    It's true we have been complaining a whole lot even though we received a lot of Sam and Max stuff in that 2 year run.

    I'm one to say that finally I can have a distraction with Monkey Island. I've started playing all the old games to get ready for the new series.

    That being said...I'm still on the edge of my seat waiting for a series I thought was coming out this spring :(
  • edited June 2009
    I don't think we were that spoiled. If we were, we would've gotten a rerelease of Hit the Road as well. What's up with that?
  • edited June 2009
    lattsam wrote: »
    I don't think we were that spoiled. If we were, we would've gotten a rerelease of Hit the Road as well. What's up with that?

    That game belongs to lucas arts so it can't be rereleased..... although after this monkey island thing who knows, maybe in the future........ HOPE CAN BE RESTORED!
  • edited June 2009
    A Hit the Road remake would be an interesting clusterfuck of rights management.

    LucasArts and Steve Purcell would have to be on-board, and then there's the matter of voices. And of all the adventure games, Sam and Max's cartoon style has easily aged the most gracefully.
  • edited June 2009
    That game belongs to lucas arts so it can't be rereleased..... although after this monkey island thing who knows, maybe in the future........ HOPE CAN BE RESTORED!


    Let's make it happen, people!!!
  • edited June 2009
    I don't know, but I think rather than putting effort into a remake they should just pump out the next season.

    Let HTR stand in history as a great game.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Never fear! Sam & Max will be back!

    We would have been working on new Sam & Max games sooner, if the opportunity to do Tales of Monkey Island hadn't landed in our laps. We figured the fans would forgive us for the delay when you found out what we were working on instead. :D

    We're in early design stages now for new Sam & Max games, though! No concrete release timeframe to announce right now, but when we have a good idea of when they'll be coming, we'll let you guys know.
  • edited June 2009
    Emily wrote: »
    Never fear! Sam & Max will be back!

    We would have been working on new Sam & Max games sooner, if the opportunity to do Tales of Monkey Island hadn't landed in our laps. We figured the fans would forgive us for the delay when you found out what we were working on instead. :D

    We're in early design stages now for new Sam & Max games, though! No concrete release timeframe to announce right now, but when we have a good idea of when they'll be coming, we'll let you guys know.

    Gotta love how "official" happens here. Usually, information is either official or not. With Telltale, information is getting gradually more and more official as we move along :)

    Now let's see. We're in the middle of a Wallace & Gromit season, it won't even finish when ToMI arrives, and then we have Sam&Max S3. I feel in adventure gaming heaven! :)
  • edited June 2009
    I think Emily and the other TTGers don't want to say "it'll probably be out at the end of the year" only to have people take that as the OFFICIAL release date and people trying to pin it down, when there may be production issues behind the scenes that we don't know about that may end up delaying a release for a month or two.

    Much better to be vague about it and then announce more accurate dates (first the season{summer/winter/autumn/spring}, then month, then exact date) when they know they can meet them :)
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited June 2009
    Molokov wrote: »
    I think Emily and the other TTGers don't want to say "it'll probably be out at the end of the year" only to have people take that as the OFFICIAL release date and people trying to pin it down


    I learned my lesson when we vaguely referred to "early 2009" and had people clamoring about Sam & Max on January 1. And of course, at that point, we couldn't say "We had to delay it because we're working on a Monkey Island game instead." ;)
  • edited June 2009
    Emily wrote: »

    I learned my lesson when we vaguely referred to "early 2009" and had people clamoring about Sam & Max on January 1. And of course, at that point, we couldn't say "We had to delay it because we're working on a Monkey Island game instead." ;)

    I'm not sure if Molokov's post was in response to mine, but anyway, I wasn't talking about gradual due to the lack of a release date, but because in the past week, it was the fourth Sam & Max related snippet of information I read by various TTG-ers, and they were more and more substantial as we went along.

    Actually, I very much liked the timing of the Monkey Island announcement - it's like I have to wait the same amount of time for the first episode that I wait between episodes when the series is running.
  • TeaTea
    edited June 2009

    Telltale staff, please please please forgive my nagging for a new series, i've truely been a ungrateful git. Really sorry. Thanks so much for all you've done for us sam and max fans. We sometimes don't show it well but deep down we are all grateful for ending the dark ages of sam and max and giving light at the end of tunnel. :cool:

    Nagging them lets them know what we'll empty our pockets for.
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