In the private Q&A section and all over the forum, I've seen people ask the question and it been ducked over and over again. Understandbly why either way - don't want to offend the new guy, don't have the details ironed out and thinking about ditching the new guy, or have it done but want it as a surprise - so I just find it odd no one has officially come out and said "Earl is not doing our game, our new actor is this guy. We really like him and hope you will all embrace him."
Honestly I really hope they can get him aboard. I'd pay more money on top of my pre-order for him to voice LeChuck, just for his plane trips out of Hawaii.
As would I. But the "i'm really excited at doing this <insert media>" thing is a standard part of contractual bargaining. Chances are, he knew he was the voice of LeChuck and decided to try to extort a nicer pay-packet than Telltale were willing to pay out. They say "nuh-uh" and he thinks they're kidding, and their patience gets worn so they go for a lower budget voice-actor and he's left out in the cold.
He isn't employed for ToMI, but theoretically the fans may put pressure on the developers enough for them to consider raising their budget, or the developers may make a good profit on ToMI and so have a bigger budget for him in the next game. His market price is still up there, as opposed to however-many games being voiced for a lower price. Don't forget, LucasArts probably have a bigger budget and i'd have thought they'll get him in for their (presumably) two games. It's a brave move on his part if i've read this right, but i'd do the same.
A fairly typical way of good voice-actors not being re-employed in a sequel, but I bet the Telltale staff are laughing at me having got it completely wrong now :-)
They didn't want to make Escape from Monkey Island 2 so they put a gap of time there.
If we ever bothered to give Ron his shot, I'm much rather see an alternate universe kind of game - starts off looking just like the Monkey Island Special Edition game but is original and a direct sequel to LeChuck's Revenge.
For me "Tales.." its monkey 5. Every Monkey Island game had "gaps" between each other:
1-What is Guybrushs past? We didnt know and didnt care.
2-How Guybrush and Elaine broke up, and what adventures did Guybrush had to get all those treasures, get so rich, and end in Scabb island? We didnt know and didnt care.
3-How did Guybrush escape the park and end adrift on the sea? We didnt know and didnt care.
4-What places did they visit, and what happened in general during their honeymoon? We didnt know and DEFINITIVELY didnt care.
5-So now Elaine has been captured, and Guybrush is there to save her. How did they get in that situation? I wont know and i wont care.
I think that ,besides the reasons Mark explained, TellTale came with this "monkey island 6" situation just out of modesty, cause they maybe didnt know how the fans were gonna react towards this new game.
But from my perspective they are making a really wonderfull part 5 of the saga.
for me its MI5 as well, and im extremely greatful to telltale for making it:D, but as far as Im concerned they can never make enough monkey island games so it would be interesting to see some of these gaps explained with new games!! I just hope they dont make us wait another 10 years next time:(
I think the reason ppl think that this MI 6 is because of the Tales Interview where they said that the game takes place after a thorized Ml5.
However, this may not really be true in the sense that Grossmen et al may have said that to explain the timeline gap and the on goin' battle against somethin'
A lot of movies and tv shows sometimes start a few years later than the previous source with a battle at the beginning. Now, if we believe that all sequels made suppose to be right after the previous source and with no battles at the beginning, then a lot of films out there would have movies that are non existent.
For instance, Terminator 2 takes place 10 years after the first one with a battle between the humans and robots still occurin in the future. Between the events of the two films, Sarah Conner had her child stripped away and was sent to the nutter where she was sexually abused. So if we go with that idea that a sequel should be after a film in regards to timeline,wouldn't Terminator II be called Terminator 3 instead?
The only reason Leisure Suit Larry 5 was called 5 is because Al Lowe mentioned how he would not make a fourth game. However, he then went to make another larry game and because he realized he did not have to do sequels in chronological order, he named the fourth lsl title lsl5 to not make himself a liar, to crack jokes about the larry four,and wasn't sure how can he take his main character outta retirement.
So yes, tales is mi 5 unless grossman and co makes references to a fake mi5 title by name in the game or somebody cranks out a game called Monkey Island 5.
Just a guess.
Cheery conspiracy? You remind me of a guy whose nick is Bad Asp!
As would I. But the "i'm really excited at doing this <insert media>" thing is a standard part of contractual bargaining. Chances are, he knew he was the voice of LeChuck and decided to try to extort a nicer pay-packet than Telltale were willing to pay out. They say "nuh-uh" and he thinks they're kidding, and their patience gets worn so they go for a lower budget voice-actor and he's left out in the cold.
He isn't employed for ToMI, but theoretically the fans may put pressure on the developers enough for them to consider raising their budget, or the developers may make a good profit on ToMI and so have a bigger budget for him in the next game. His market price is still up there, as opposed to however-many games being voiced for a lower price. Don't forget, LucasArts probably have a bigger budget and i'd have thought they'll get him in for their (presumably) two games. It's a brave move on his part if i've read this right, but i'd do the same.
A fairly typical way of good voice-actors not being re-employed in a sequel, but I bet the Telltale staff are laughing at me having got it completely wrong now :-)
for me its MI5 as well, and im extremely greatful to telltale for making it:D, but as far as Im concerned they can never make enough monkey island games so it would be interesting to see some of these gaps explained with new games!!
You have probably seen the spanish ver of the trailer, which is a link on that link you posted
However, this may not really be true in the sense that Grossmen et al may have said that to explain the timeline gap and the on goin' battle against somethin'
A lot of movies and tv shows sometimes start a few years later than the previous source with a battle at the beginning. Now, if we believe that all sequels made suppose to be right after the previous source and with no battles at the beginning, then a lot of films out there would have movies that are non existent.
For instance, Terminator 2 takes place 10 years after the first one with a battle between the humans and robots still occurin in the future. Between the events of the two films, Sarah Conner had her child stripped away and was sent to the nutter where she was sexually abused. So if we go with that idea that a sequel should be after a film in regards to timeline,wouldn't Terminator II be called Terminator 3 instead?
The only reason Leisure Suit Larry 5 was called 5 is because Al Lowe mentioned how he would not make a fourth game. However, he then went to make another larry game and because he realized he did not have to do sequels in chronological order, he named the fourth lsl title lsl5 to not make himself a liar, to crack jokes about the larry four,and wasn't sure how can he take his main character outta retirement.
So yes, tales is mi 5 unless grossman and co makes references to a fake mi5 title by name in the game or somebody cranks out a game called Monkey Island 5.